Premium Essay

Bill French


Submitted By liiwiz
Words 2015
Pages 9
DATE OF SUBMISSION: 22/10/ 2014.

Teddy Banks Boutique is a start-up retail establishment that will sell fashionable clothing to men of the young generation. The name Teddy Banks was derived from the first name of the owner of the business i.e. Teddy .The main reason for selecting a cloth retail business is identifying a gap that needs to be filled in the fasion industry for men attire which is constantly evolving with time
The need that these business wishes to meet in the society is to provide fasionable designs for men at affordable prices and conveniently delivering to busy customers who cant make it to pass by the boutique due to their busy schedules since most of my customers are either students, job seekers and newly employed graduates.
* To create a shoping environment that caters to appeal the needs of the digital age youthfull age. * To be an active and vocal member in the community by supporting fasion events. * To receive an annual profit margin of 50% in the first year.
To offer quality, name brand wear in different sizes and styles tio accommodate all the varying body sizes amd shapes.
Keys to success
Provide customers with a top notch personalized customer service in a hospitable environment.
Advertise and promote the boutique in areas that our target customer base will learn about the store eg.the social media, in universities, colleges and in public spaces
2.0Description of business
The fashion and retail industry tends to be overly youth focused. However, by closely following generational fashion trends as well as our own customers' purchasing preferences, we will tailor our inventory to meet the specific needs of our

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