Premium Essay

Biol Lab Relationship Between Salivary Amylase & Phosphorylase


Submitted By puregreen2
Words 817
Pages 4
The purpose of this experiment is to examine the effect that enzyme concentration has on reaction time and the effect that substrate concentration has on enzyme reaction.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that catalyze different chemical reactions. In general, enzymes are proteins and they are each specific to specific chemical reaction. In order for enzymes to process properly, they should maintain a specific three dimensional structure. When enzymes function, they combine with their substrates (reactant) to form susbtrate-enzyme complex. Then this complex converts into a product and unaltered enzyme.

Substrate + Enzyme  Substrate-Enzyme Complex  Product + Enzyme
Substrate –Enzyme Product

(From this equation, in general, the reaction of enzyme is irreversible.)
Some of the factors that affect the rate of reaction are temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, product concentration, etc. The rate of reaction is affected by the level of pH. The extreme level of pH can denature enzyme and result loss of its action. The optimum pH is 14 and this is the level of pH where the rate of reaction is the highest. Temperature also affects the rate of reaction. As temperature increases, the rate of reaction increases as well; however, it increases until the optimum temperature. After optimum temperature, the enzyme denatured. The concentration of enzyme and substrate affect the rate of reaction. In theory, the higher the concentration of substrate, the faster the reaction rate processes. This is because when the concentration of substrate increases, the higher the chance of substrates attaching with the enzymes; however, when the concentration reaches the optimum value, the reaction rate will not increase anymore. For enzyme concentration, as enzyme concentration increases, the faster the reaction rate. This is because, when the concentration

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