...PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. is a form of PT (perseroan terbatas), which is a legal entity to run a business that has a capital consisting of shares, which is a part owner of the shares they own. PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. has qualified the formation of PT Terbuka (PT. Go Public) under Law No. 40/2007 and Law No. 8/1995 about capital markets. Indofood applied some entry modes .The most common method of buying and selling goods internationally is exporting and importing. Indofood company also do exporting and importing in it’s business. Indofood has ability to expand regionally and globally. Drawing on First Pacific's experience in marketing goods across Asia and Nissin Food's worldwide expertise in the food business, Indofood have more capability to accelerate its expansion into regional markets. Moreover, Indofood’s instant noodles last year, the company exported products to more than 35 countries, which accounted for approximately 15% of revenues and it is expected that there is room to significantly increase this proportion. (Indofood Annual Report, 2005). There are three main reasons why this company begin exporting : 1. Expand sales 2. Diversify sales 3. Gain experience Indofood aply direct exporting, that is by selling the product directly to the end users. Typically, they rely on either local sales representatives or distributors. Sales representatives (wheter an individual or an organization) represent...
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