Blank Pages of Life…
Dementia is a persistent neurological disorder that can be described in terms of a cluster of symptoms such as loss of memory, difficulty with thinking, impairment in language and problem solving. Dementia could become extremely severe which would diminish an individual’s ability to complete daily activities; it can cause mood swing as well as changes in behavior (Canadian Alzheimer’s Society). Dementia is a progressive disease, which means that the symptoms would slowly become worse resulting in increased damage to the brain cells, which can ultimately result in death. (Alzheimer Society Canada) Dementia is not a particular disease rather many diseases can cause dementia and the most common types are as follow: Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, head trauma, fronto-temporal dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. The symptoms of the above mentioned conditions are similar and they overlap. (Alzheimer…show more content… It means that an ill person is telling his story through someone else’s perspective and observation. (Charise, 2015) Winakur’s love in the time of dementia determines the chaos narrative, which is a type of illness narrative that is used to explain and understand the ill person’s story from his perspective. Additionally, Winakur used figurative language to explain how a person with dementia feels and experiences as well as how his family suffer from his illness that has no cure. Likewise, diseases and the experiences of illness are frequently explained using metaphor. Winakur used a metaphor to describe Leonard’s journey, “the story of his life unfolds page by page. Her voice (his wife and caregiver), his story, spills into the tangled interstices of his mind” (Jones et al., 2014, p. 307). This metaphor demonstrates direct comparison of lived experiences of Leonard’s illness and that is how the readers can understand his disability and