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Bloomberg Businessweek Case in the News


Submitted By anapatty
Words 2010
Pages 9
Costco CEO Craig Jelinek Leads the Cheapest, Happiest Company in the World
Joe Carcello has a great job. The 59-year-old has an annual salary of $52,700, gets five weeks of vacation a year, and is looking forward to retiring on the sizable nest egg in his 401(k), which his employer augments with matching funds. After 26 years at his company, he's not worried about layoffs. In 2009, as the recession deepened, his bosses handed out raises. “I'm just grateful to come here to work every day,” he says.
This wouldn't be remarkable except that Carcello works in retail, one of the stingiest industries in America, with some of the most dissatisfied workers. On May 29, Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) employees in Miami, Boston, and the San Francisco Bay Area began a weeklong strike. (A Walmart spokesman told MSNBC the strike was a “publicity stunt.”) Workers at an (AMZN) fulfillment center in Leipzig, Germany, also recently held strikes to demand higher pay and better benefits. (An Amazon spokesman says its employees earn more than the average warehouse worker.) In its 30-year history, Carcello's employer, Costco, has never had significant labor troubles.
Costco Wholesale (COST), the second-largest retailer in the U.S. behind Walmart, is an anomaly in an age marked by turmoil and downsizing. Known for its $55-a-year membership fee and its massive, austere warehouses stocked floor to ceiling with indulgent portions of everything from tilapia to toilet paper, Costco has thrived over the last five years. While competitors lost customers to the Internet and weathered a wave of investor pessimism, Costco's sales have grown 39 percent and its stock price has doubled since 2009. The hot streak continued through last year's retirement of widely admired co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Jim Sinegal. The share

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