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Brand Building Case Study


Submitted By vgmarchese
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Case Study 2
MGT 545
By: Vincenzo Marchese


Over the past three years I have been building a branding and developing agency. The goal of my company is to help those who want to achieve a certain level of success in fashion and entertainment. I started this company with one singer, who is now signed to sony records. When beginning the journey of executed one’s dream many times we are side tracked as was I. Over the years I have been able to build my company, though it is still in the growth process I am working on perfecting my agency so my Service stands out from the rest, and my execution is perfection. Both Chapter 4 on Cost Leadership, and Chapter 5 on Product Differentiation it close to home for me. I this case study I am analyzing my own business, and going thru the processes I went thru to make my service both innovative, and yet similar.

The second I walked into my first public relations class at St. John’s University I knew what I wanted to do, and what I wanted to create for myself. Did I know how to do it? Not really, did I know where to start? Absolutely not, did I even know who my customer was? The answer is no to any questions that would make sense for any young entrepreneur. In all fairness I was 19, and overwhelmed with excitement. Thru the years of interning for fortune 500 companies, and working at them after graduation I decided it was time to play with NYC, and see where I could go with my “vision”.

In 2008 only two years after graduation I began my journey. I did what I needed to do taking on clients who did not know themselves what they wanted to do with their product. It was literally was a learning process for all participating parties. My first client, a now well known dating website, was the start of my vision coming together.
The owner of this site was completely lost. Living in a new generation of dating, she wanted to keep her site new, with a traditional twist. I sat with her scared out of mind
(of course she had no idea) and put together a business plan, a brand building plan, and an event schedule to promote her business. I also went over strategizes that would benefit her and where she can cut costs, and have her service stand out from the rest.
By the third month of our six month contract her site was ready to sore. Setting up events all over NYC, getting press coverage, along with any other media outlets was overwhelming. By the end of the contract she renewed with me for another 6 months which basically was the polishing up of her site, and in 2010 her site was bought over by one of the nation’s top digital publishing companies, her siteis still up and running and considered one of the top dating sites. In 2009 I stumbled upon a celebrity that had been on a reality show on MTV Networks who wanted representation because she was launching her DJ CAREER. a complete opposite direction then the dating site I continued to “wing it “ I worked day and night thinking this could have been my shot to really shine. In the lime light I was at a different event every single night of the week networking, promoting my client, the end result, she wasn’t happy in NYC and I landed a fulltime gig at MTV NETWORKS. 4 years later I stand her getting my masters, Director of Production at a digital agency still working on my dream of owning a fully operating branding and development agency.

Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation are vital to get my company up and running. What is going to make me different? How can I do it cost effectively? What is each client going to cost me? Who is worth investing in? etc. The ultimate goal her is not to come off as a sleezy agent or talent manager trying to make it in the game. The goal here is to start a company that can prep people and their product or service to be pitched to big wigs, and ready for the public.

Standing out from the rest of these competitors is not the easiest. Being in a field where people are so jaded from past failures I have to be prepare for the worst.
Everyone wants to be rich and everyone would love to be RICH and FAMOUS, for the most part. But what most people forget is that this doesn’t happen overnight, and without hard work. My product & service is an agency that will help people build and promote their brand.

How will I stand out?
I intend to provide each client a personal experience, make them feel like their project is the only one being worked on. These ideas and clients both need such nurturing and attention, kind of like a child. That is what I want to provide for them an intimate journey where I share and feel exactly what they do about their vision, which they will never get a big branding agency. In order to have the potential for generating competitive advantage (Chapter 5-product differentiation, pg 139) my goal is to staff freelance branding managers which will work project based and truly devote time, passion, and faith behind each client the represent. If the people managing you are passionate about your vision, then you might as well stay in the position you are because it will just be a waste of time and money.
How much will this cost me?
Money is so important when starting a business. Good thing for Starbucks! Virtual office is the way to go when starting up this business and that is exactly what I’m doing along with setting up a home office. I have converted my basement into an office. Until I have a steady cash flow, there is no need for me to invest in office space in a city that rent alone can wipe you out. My goal is to build my client base. The beginning phases are always rough but I want to set a foundation that is going to be so secure, and that will be the secure platform for me to grow my business. Cost can easily become the ruin of the beginning phases of a company. There is little doubt that cost differences can exist among firms, even when those firms are selling very similar products.
(Chapter 4, Cost Leadership page 113) My goal is to not compete with others but to simply mold and prep myself to compete and stand out from the other more established branding agencies.


Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Jay B. Barney, & William S. Hesterly, Chapters 4-5.(page 102-160)

Caluniversity Study Guide, Chapters 1-3 (pages 28-41)

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