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Submitted By dherrera27
Words 513
Pages 3
Hypothesis: If we test different physical and environmental factors then well identify the setting that are the most efficient and cost effective.
Analysis questions:
1. Define and provide an example for the following types of resources: Nonrenewable- A nonrenewable resource is a resource of economic value that cannot be readily replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption. For example, most fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal are considered nonrenewable resources in that their use is not sustainable because their formation takes billions of years. Renewable- A renewable resource is a resource which is replaced naturally and can be used again. Examples are as follow: oxygen, fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass. Renewable resources may also include goods commodities such as wood, paper and leather. Inexhaustible- These are natural resources which cannot be replenished, re-grown or regenerated. Once used up, they are gone forever. Examples are: coal, natural gas, petroleum.
2. Energy resources other than non-renewable energy sources are generally referred to as alternate energy sources. Why is it important to develop alternate energy sources?
Energy that is not popularly used and is usually environmentally sound, such as solar or wind energy as opposed to fossil fuels. Fuel sources that are other than those derived from fossil fuels. Typically used interchangeably for renewable energy. Examples include: wind, solar, biomass, wave and tidal energy. Therefore, it is very important to develop an alternative energy sources.

3. Based on the results of the experiment, identify the settings that are the most efficient and cost effective for each of the following five alternative energy sources
* Hydroelectric- Rainy, medium gusts, non-moving lake water, magma bodies close to surface, forest and farmland.
* Wind- Cloudy, low gusts, small stream, no magma bodies, forest and farmland.
* Solar- Sunny, low gusts, lake, no magma bodies, forest and farmland.
* Geothermal- Cloudy, high gusts, rivers that can be dammed, magma bodies close to surface, forest and farmland.
* Biomass- Cloudy, low gusts, small stream, no magma bodies, forest and farmland.
4. Given an isolated desert city with little wind and long dry days, throughout the year, what would you consider before recommending an alternative energy source?
I would first recommend a renewable resource to begin with such as timber or wood that can later be reused. What alternative energy source would you recommend and why?
The alternative energy sources that I would recommend would be wind because in an isolated dessert city there seems to be no better alternative energy resource rather than wind.
5. Currently only about 10% of energy in the United States comes from the alternative energy sources. The remaining energy comes from non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil and natural gas. Why do you think this might be?
I believe that it is more difficult to use alternative energy sources and that it is much easier to use non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gases.
Conclusion: After testing different physical and environmental factors we’ve identify the setting that are the most efficient and cost effective.

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