...I. Introduction 1.1 Significance of the Study The comparison between China and India is a popular topic in social sciences. Since these two very similar countries gained independence around the same time, one democratic in 1947 and another communist in 1949, many world leaders and scholars have come to view the economic, social and political performance of the two Asian giants as the best testimony of which is the better approach to modernity for developing countries (Gilley 21). Current scholarly interest tends to focus more on evaluating the different development models that China and India embrace. It is easy to find works contrasting the two countries’ economic reforms, political systems, social progress and human development, yet direct comparison between China and India’s building of soft power is lacking. However, the understanding of how China and India build their soft power strength is essential as the two Asian giants, both of which have splendid cultures and a long history, are on the rise and eager to shine in the world stage. To address such inadequacy, this paper intends to present an assessment on China and India’s soft power building and find out who has the lead in the race. 1.2 Structure of the Study The paper is divided into several sections. It begins with a literature review that goes over studies on China and India’s soft power strength. Then, it proceeds to explain the key concept “soft power” using Nye’s classic theoretical framework. Concerning...
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...Contemporary China Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713429222 The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization? Suisheng Zhao Online publication date: 28 April 2010 To cite this Article Zhao, Suisheng(2010) 'The China Model: can it replace the Western model of modernization?', Journal of Contemporary China, 19: 65, 419 — 436 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10670561003666061 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10670561003666061 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Journal of Contemporary China (2010), 19(65)...
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...(formal) • Coercive power of governments • Laws, regulations, rules • Normative Pillar (informal) • The values, beliefs and actions of a group (emotions) • Cognitive Pillar (informal) • Internalized values and beliefs that guide behavior • Culture & Ethics (logic) • How do these pillars shape behavior? Understanding Institutions… • What is the KEY ROLE of an institution? • Reduce Uncertainty! • Institutions constrain the range of acceptable actions. • Uncertainty surrounding economic transactions can lead to transaction costs. • Misunderstandings and conflicts. Understanding Institutions… • Institutions are not static • Some countries are in transition from centrally planned economies to market competition (China, Poland, Russia, Vietnam) • The “rules of the game” are constantly in flux in all societies. Institution-Based View of Global Business… • Two Core...
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...Abstract In this paper, we will look into the relationship between democracy and economic development. The paper opens with a brief look into the importance of economic development, and then looks into democracy and its elements and how they factor into the growth of the economy, with some hypotheses from specialists of the field. Cases of economic growth in non-democratic countries are also delved into, namely the case of China. There the paper analyzes what results in economic growth in the absence of democracy. In the end we come to a conclusion on the matter, whether or not democracy is a necessity for economic growth. Economic development is one of the core priorities of any given state, regardless of regime or position in the international...
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...lic office, was based on the premise that powerful states had to be prevented from overstepping their bounds. The press working independently of government, even as its freedoms were guaranteed by the state, was supposed to help ensure that this was so. The 1980s and 1990s saw the revival of this centuries‐old notion and its application especially to “transition societies” then emerging from the ruins of socialist and authoritarian regimes. It had resonance among citizens facing pervasive corruption, weak rule of law, and predatory or incompetent governments unable to deliver basic services. Today even in countries where democracy is a fairly new experiment or even in those, like China, where democracy and a free press have yet to take root, the notion of the press as watchdogs of power is embedded in the self‐definition of journalists1 and in varying degrees, also in public expectations of the media. It is, moreover, a particularly seductive notion to the international donor...
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...Name of the Book: Asian Juggernaut Subtitle: The rise of China, India and Japan Author: Brahma Chellaney Publication: HapperCollins Publishers India Year of publication: 2006 Library ID: 915 CHE NIM LIBRARY The book Asian Juggernaut, The rise of China, India and Japan is a piece of work by Brahma Chellaney, who has been a Member of the Policy Advisory Group headed by the External Affairs Minister of India and is now a Professor of Strategic Studies at the New Delhi-based Centre for Policy Research. The author has very well tried to state and relate various perspectives that have helped China, India and Japan in emerging as the most powerful nations of Asia. The book since was published in 2006 miss some of the most significant economic incidents that have happened in the last four years but nevertheless it very well justifies the conditions and relationships that were prevailing in and before 2006 among nations in Asia as well as the rest of the world. Author has discretely tried to classify and cover different concepts in five different chapters as The Asian Renaissance; Why Asia is Dissimilar to Europe, Asian Geopolitics of Energy, Equations in the Strategic Triangle and Averting Strategic Conflict in Asia. The author starts the book describing the revival of the three nations and Asia altogether in the last quarter of the twentieth century. The centre of gravity of the world affairs is slowly moving towards Asia. Asia has the world’s fastest growing, fragmented and...
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...“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also duffer a defeat...” (Giles, 1910) Ancient Chinese military general, Sun Tzu made this well-known statement. In relation to foreign policy analysis, it is important to consider about the best of one’s strengths and weaknesses. After all, we’re humans and it is in our nature and interest to want the best for ourselves. Humans are greedy and self absorbed. National leaders want to try to maximise national welfare or develop eventual benefits in a system where there are a growing number of states that want to increase control on an international scale, as well as to uphold their own interests. So that when it comes to decision-making, lawmakers are able to take advantage of this knowledge in order to make more effective policy decisions. The aim of the text is to establish the idea that decision making made by national bureaucracies, leaders and individual members of the government body has the capability to influence and impact decision making upon other international decision making systems. Sometimes, decisions are made for the best although it does cause misunderstandings and inconveniences. It is important to understand and accept the cultural and historical reasons of another state as to why they decide to make particular decisions. These decisions can draw meanings and can be used to make sense of other...
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...lic office, was based on the premise that powerful states had to be prevented from overstepping their bounds. The press working independently of government, even as its freedoms were guaranteed by the state, was supposed to help ensure that this was so. The 1980s and 1990s saw the revival of this centuries‐old notion and its application especially to “transition societies” then emerging from the ruins of socialist and authoritarian regimes. It had resonance among citizens facing pervasive corruption, weak rule of law, and predatory or incompetent governments unable to deliver basic services. Today even in countries where democracy is a fairly new experiment or even in those, like China, where democracy and a free press have yet to take root, the notion of the press as watchdogs of power is embedded in the self‐definition of journalists1 and in varying degrees, also in public expectations of the media. It is, moreover, a particularly seductive notion to the international donor...
Words: 11805 - Pages: 48
...Topic "Democracy is far more cumbersome form of government than dictatorship" ---------------------------------------- Since the end of cold war, many countries across the globe have chosen democracy as the form of government. Today, most of the world's powerful countries, international organizations and political science experts see democracy as a natual choice in comparison to dictatorship. Yet democracy remains a far more complicated form of government as compared to dictatorship. Some decisions that for the common good of the entire community might require some group of people to make some sacrifice e.g. farmers might have to leave their family land and go to some other place in order to make space available for some new industry. While this new industry can bring prosperity to the whole area and can offer better jobs and standard of living to the farmer's own children, many farmers would be reluctant to leave the land that has been ploughed by their forefathers, espacially if the land is fertile. Convincing them to accept monetary compensation or another piece of land can be a very difficult task in a democracy as compared to a dictatorship. Displacing millions of people for building a dam, as the the case when constructing the Three Gorges Dam in China, might have been much more cumbersome in a democracy. Democratic system of governments generally have an extensive system of election of government. Dictatorships do not need to spend effort in developing and mainitaining...
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...The collapse of a thousand year old Imperial in 1912 and the dawning of the Nationalist formed Chinese Republic which promised for political and social reform, to rescue Chinese people from decades of humiliation from foreign Imperialism. At the end of the Qing dynasty From 1934 to 1949 intense political violence and war plagued China, with the invasion of Japan and an intense rivalry between the ruling Nationalist party; Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist party. In due course the communists obtained victory under the basis that it was not military cunning alone, but also a stagnant socio-economic and political environment that had existed under Republican rule even after the end of dynastic imperialism. Fundamentally, that even before 1934,...
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...DEMOCRATIZING GLOBALIZATION ZURIN MOHAMAD NOR University of Technology Mara, Institute of Graduate Studies, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia mnzurin3003@gmail.com Abstract Decision making in a country represents an involuntary constraint on the sovereignty of the country in the process of globalization. The democracy system of the country may appear to be negative effects to the sovereign will of the people. The weaknesses of the democratic institutions and dependent economies on external sources will be suffering and vulnerable to the pressures of globalization. The strength of their democratic institutions, capacity to structurally diversify their economies and knowledge advances of their people itself toward development of their country can coping this democratizing issue in globalization. Keywords : Involuntary, globalization, democratizing 1.0 Introduction Globalization has been given many meanings in different contexts. One frequently encountered meaning is that globalization is the homogenization of peoples’ tastes and demand patterns around the world due to increased access to international communication of information about products and services as well as increased access to transportation of products and people across the borders (Carol Hammond and Robert Grosse). Globalization means that events in one part of the world have ripple effects elsewhere, as ideas and knowledge, goods and services and capital and people move more easily across border. Communication...
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...to the Essentials of International Relations by Karen A Mingst, theory is a set of propositions and concepts that seek to explain phenomena by specifying the relationships among the concepts. So theory of international relation is a set of propositions and concepts that seek to explain international relation phenomena by specifying the relationships among the concepts. Therefore the theory of international relationship is important to analyze political events and their background. For example, behind US attack to Iraq, there were issues of terrorism, Saddam Hussein as an individual, democracy, and weapon. Moreover using the theories of international relationship, individuals can explain why Iraq refused to comply with international demand initially; its strong nationalism, history of being controlled by western colonialist, and its leader’s augmented power by standing up to the west. Aside from analyzing political events and the background why certain events occur, the theory of international relation is important in terms of building...
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...Compare the political leaders profiled in Susan Lawrence’s article “The New Guard: Five Younger Officials Make Their Way to the Top”. According to Lawrence (1998), the future of China will largely depend on its top leaders. Their priorities, reputations, and ability to get local officials and society at large to support their policies will shape the course of future events. At the vanguard of the group of up-and coming leaders is Hu Jintao, who joined the Communist Party’s most senior body, the seven-man politburo Standing Committee, at the age of 49 in 1992. These new leaders are united in their commitment to ensuring the primacy of the Communist Party and to implementing market-oriented economic reform. Trained as engineers (or, in one case, a geologist), they had reputations as good managers and operated primarily as party bureaucrats. The up-and-comer who has risen highest is Hu, now 55 years old. He was appointed vice-president of the People Republic of China in March. He may take over as party general secretary when Jiang Zemin completes his second term in that position in 2002. He was trained in hydroelectric engineering at the prestigious Qinghua University, and rose to national prominence through the ranks of the Communist Youth League (Lawrence, 1998, p. 570). The brightest of the five young leaders is Li Changchun, 54, the party boss of wealthy Guangdong, the province that borders Hong Kong. Li, an electrical engineer, spent most of his first five decades...
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...National Differences in Political Economy Learning objectives • Understand how the political systems of countries differ. • Understand how the economic systems of countries differ. • Understand how the legal systems of countries differ. • Be able to explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation. • Discuss the macro-political and economic changes taking place worldwide. • Describe how transition economies are moving towards market based systems. • Articulate the implications for management practice of national differences in political economy. This chapter discusses differences in national political, economic, and legal systems, highlighting the ways in which managers in global settings need to be sensitive to these differences. Political differences are described along two dimensions: collectivist vs. individualist and democratic vs. totalitarian. Economic systems are explored in terms of market characteristics: market economies, command economies, and mixed economies. Legal systems are discussed in terms of the protections they offer for business: intellectual property, product safety, liability and contracts. The opening case explores the political and economic situation in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez was elected president in 1998. The closing case describes the challenges facing Indonesia, a vast country populated mainly by Muslims that stretches over 17,000 islands. Indonesia...
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...government According to this document, the conditions of democracy are necessary for an effective media role as watchdog: "the institutional arrangements of democracy provide the most hospitable environment for watchdog reporting. The constitutional and legal protections for a free press as well as access to government-held information give journalists not only the right, but also the tools with which to monitor government." It has taken root in the Balkans, for example, but not in Myanmar. With its turn to market liberalisation, China now has watchdog journalism, fuelled by profitability in the wake of government reductions in subsidies. In addition to political liberalisation, competitive media markets, and degrees of social and political ferment, journalistic and entrepreneurial agency is a factor, fostered by the protection of journalists from physical harm, jail, harassment through lawsuits, and restrictions on access to information. The watchdog and the market: The contradictory nature of the market is described as: "On one hand, market liberalization and competition have encouraged the emergence of, and in many places, also sustained, investigative reporting. But at the same time, market pressures are a major obstacle to its continued viability.” Where donor funding is available, non-profits sometimes take on the watchdog role. "They fill a gap in media systems where market, ownership, or political pressures make investigative reporting by commercial or state-owned...
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