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Business Assignment


Submitted By TeresaQQ
Words 2690
Pages 11
Imc Strategy Assessment
AMN 401 IMC Strategy Assessment
Table of Contents
1.0 Message Review 2
1.1 Current Message Strategy 2
1.2 Message Effectiveness Critique 2
1.3 Proposed Message Strategy Adjustment 3
2.0 Channel Review 4
2.1 Channel Integration Grid 4
2.2 Channel Effectiveness Critique 5
2.3 Proposed Channel Strategy Adjustments 5
3.0 Target Segmentation 6
3.1 Geographic Segmentation 6
3.2 Demographic Segmentation 6
3.3 Psychographic Segmentation 6
3.4 Behaviouristic Segmentation 7
3.5 Benefit Segmentation 7
3.6 Target Market Description Statement 7
4.0 Competitor Profile 9
4.1 Competitive Framework 9
4.2 Competitor Analysis – Offerings and Communication 9
4.3 Completive Advantage 10
5 Campaign Development 11
5.1 Competitive Consumer Benefit Statement 11
5.2 Message Strategy Statement 11
5.3 Message Strategy Approach 11
6.0 Media Strategy and Testing 12
6.1 Company Contacts 12
6.2 Customer Contacts 12
6.3 Intrinsic Contacts 12
6.4 Unexpected Contact 13
7.0 Reference 14
1.0 Message Review
1.1 Current Message Strategy
Coca-Cola Company, the giant in world-wild beverages market, mainly uses the concept planned messages. More details, they use the advertising and public relationship spread their brand image, as well as the related information. In 2011, they built strong momentum toward their 2020 goal of doubling their business over the course of this decade. Since then, “Inspire creativity, passion, optimism and fun” is their main tagline (Coca-Cola, 2011.). In addition, they did many activities to help coordinated with it, they have made “share a coke” summer campaign to help board the image. In the traditional one-way communication approach, the company with its dominant hue spreads an enthusiastic and vivid image to consumers. Using young idols as advertising spokesperson, from singers to athletes, Coca-Cola use this

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