...outage (northeast power outage of 2003) can prevent companies from continuing to provide services to their customers and could affect trust between the customer and business in the long term. Such an event could bring down the company, possibly affecting everyone connected in its organization. “Business continuity (BC) refers to maintaining business functions or quickly resuming them in the event of a major disruption.” (Tittel, 2013) An organization creates a plan that will contain instructions on how to continue in lieu of an activating event. The military has simple contingency plans for communications called “PACER”. (P) Primary, (A) Alternate, (C) Contingency, (E) Emergency and (R) Redundancy. Every unit has these plans whether it is during combat operations or back at their home base. The best way to establish your business continuity plan is to understand your organization and what areas are vulnerable if certain systems are lost, such as a loss of electricity. The plan must cover short term, long term and finally the recovery from the event. Every company will have their own steps in creating a continuity plan. Some of the basic steps include: (1) Identifying the scope of the plan. There should be multiple plans for different events you can’t only have one plan for one event. (2) Identify key business areas. Can we survive without these branches of the organization but make it with these. (3) Identify Critical functions. Once you have decided which parts of your company...
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...Business continuity planning Business continuity impact analysis identifies the effects resulting from disruption of business functions and processes. It also uses information to make decisions about recovery priorities and strategies. The Operational & Financial Impacts worksheet can be used to capture this information as discussed in Business Impact Analysis. The worksheet should be completed by business function and process managers with sufficient knowledge of the business. Once all worksheets are completed, the worksheets can be tabulated to summarize: • the operational and financial impacts resulting from the loss of individual business functions and process • the point in time when loss of a function or process would result in the identified business impacts Those functions or processes with the highest potential operational and financial impacts become priorities for restoration. The point in time when a function or process must be recovered, before unacceptable consequences could occur, is often referred to as the “Recovery Time Objective.” Resource Required to Support Recovery Strategies Recovery of a critical or time-sensitive process requires resources. The Business Continuity Resource Requirements worksheet should be completed by business function and process managers. Completed worksheets are used to determine the resource requirements for recovery strategies. Following an incident that disrupts business operations, resources will be needed to carry out...
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...Business Continuity Business continuity planning offers focus driven awareness for organizations such as Riordan. Simply defined, business continuity planning is the action of creating and implementing a plan to ensure the survival and success of an organization. The concept of business continuity has progressed in response to the changing environment. Internal dynamics influence business continuity in the sense that it will form a strong foundation for Riordan to implement long-term strategic initiatives relating to high quality standards, consumer approval, and product improvement. The focus on organizational internal dynamics and cultural considerations will help Riordan in maintaining competitiveness and risk factors in a more efficient manner and consequently, help the organization continue to succeed and thrive. To ensure a successful business continuity plan, Riordan should remain focused on continual improvement by providing innovative products. The key aspect of ensuring Riordan’s comprehensive business continuity plan is to incorporate a continuity plan that embodies the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Internal dynamics can provide the necessary direction needed toward objectives, organizational operations, and daily functioning factors involved in the strategic planning process. Riordan’s business continuity plan will allow several processes, tools, and steps that will aid in the organizations long-term and short-term strategic plans. A business...
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...IS 3110 Business Continuity Plan Contents 1.0 | About this Plan | Page No | 1.1 | Document Control | | 1.2 | Plan Purpose | | 1.3 | Plan Remit | | 1.4 | Plan Owner | | 1.5 | Plan Distribution | | 1.6 | Plan Storage | | 1.7 | Plan Review Date | | 1.8 | Plan Exercise/Testing | | 2.0 | Plan Activation | | 2.1 | Circumstances | | 2.2 | Responsibility for Activation | | 2.3 | Process for Activation | | 3.0 | Incident Management | | 3.1 | Purpose of the Incident Management Phase | | 3.2 | Actions to Protect the Safety of Staff, Visitors and members of the Public | | 3.3 | Communication Actions | | 3.4 | Actions to Support Business Continuity | | 3.5 | Actions to Support Recovery and Resumption | | 3.6 | Communicating with staff | | 4.0 | Business Continuity | | 4.1 | Purpose of the Business Continuity Phase | | 4.2 | Critical Activities | | 4.3 | Non Critical Activities | | 4.4 | Business Continuity Actions | | 5.0 | Resumption and Recovery | | 5.1 | Purpose of the Recovery and Resumption Phase | | 5.2 | Recovery and Resumption Actions | | 6.0 | Appendices | | | [Additional information can be added as needed through meeting with stakeholders] | | | | | | | | | | | 1.0 About this Plan 1.1 Document Control Date | Revision/Amendment Details & Reason | Author | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1.2 Plan Purpose The...
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...Richman Investments Business Continuity Plan Implementation Planning By Quentin Ward Introduction Richman Investments is emerging as one of the top e-commerce businesses. In order to better protect our great company I have created a BCP or Business Continuity Plan to be able to offset any problems that may arise and threaten our company’s functions and activities. Included in this BCP will be a BIA (Business Impact Analysis) and a RA (Risk Analysis). Overview 1.1 Policy Statement It is the policy of Richman Investments to always have a Business Continuity Plan in place for all non-critical and critical functions. To ensure that the BCP is implemented each department manager is asked to see to it that the plan is carried through. 1.2 Introduction This is a Business Continuity Plan for Richman Investments located at 834 Harrison Lane Beverley Hills, CA 90210. It has been developed in compliance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1600. This plan was created in order to aid Richman Investments in any type of recovery effort needed. Employees should read and adhere in conjunction to the Business Continuity Plan to ensure their safety and the company’s well being. 1.3 Confidentiality Statement This document is classified as confidential property of Richman Investments. The sensitivity of the information contained in this document is only intended for the viewing and use of Richman Investment employees. Unauthorized use...
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...Business Continuity Planning – Proactive and Reactive Business Continuity is managing and establishing plans that will help the organization to stand up again on its feet to continue its business. As we had learned in the class Business Continuity is the process of ensuring continuance of a business if a disruption occurs. This planning is like an immunological fort and a preventive shield which means a focus on the prevention of unplanned events, rather than just the cure. This has meant that disaster recovery has now become a subset of the whole process that covers the whole lifecycle of disaster prevention and recovery. Nowadays we need business continuity planning more than before. Within few years most news headlines capture many kind of catastrophes suck as bombs, fires, floods, and tornadoes. Most of time these catastrophes are not predictable such as the events of 9/11 that had affect many organizations not just the World Trade Center. So when I have a good complete preventive plan I can make sure of the continuity of the business after a disaster recovery. In a recent research it has mentioned on average 20 % of all organizations will experience some form of unplanned event once every five years but there is still the need to think about how to cope with the more mundane events, such as power cuts or transport problems. When a crisis or a disaster occur the first thing that often will be affected is the effective communication and the internet. Therefore it...
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...BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN (BCP) Business Continuity Plan (BCP) American Public University Instructor: Jenelle Davis, MS, CISSP, CISM, CISA, CSSLP September 12, 2014 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) The word Business continuity Planning is a plan that is used by businesses of all kinds in order to maintain a complete company presence for any and all customers new and old alike it will help a company in the event of a small incident all the way thru a big catastrophe for example if the company has a power outage and can’t get the systems up with a business continuity plan it would have a reasonable temporary solution for the temporary problem in order to keep the company running ,business as usual, by having a back-up generator that would have power delivered to the building and get all the systems that run on electricity back up and running until the power can be fixed or replaced on a permanent basis, this can also apply to situations that cause a more long term or permanent setback for a company and even in that instance a business continuity plan can be used as well again if the situation is more dire and the company had a problem like lead paint or asbestos or even something of a structural...
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...Business Continuity Plan Under Development (May 2006) California State University, Stanislaus CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, STANISLAUS BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN May 2006 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION I. II. III. IV. V. Incident Command System Business Impact Analysis Risk Assessment Business Plan for Localized Business Disruption Business Plan for Pandemics Page 3 Pages 4-7 Pages 8-11 Pages 12-13 Pages 14-15 Pages 16-17 Pages 18-19 Pages 20-36 Appendix IV-A: Power Outage Business Continuity Plan Appendix V-A: Pandemic Flu Business Continuity Plan 2 Final CP 5-30-06 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, STANISLAUS BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN May 2006 INTRODUCTION A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is developed by an institution to plan for and describe how it will respond to and recover from disruptions. These disruptions can be localized threats (e.g., earthquakes, fires, floods, bombs, etc.) or global threats (e.g., Flu Pandemic). As part of the overall Emergency Operations Plan, California State University, Stanislaus has developed, and continues to refine and enhance, a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for the University. This plan is about maintaining, resuming, and recovering the University’s activities as an educational institution. It considers human factors along with operational issues. The BCP was developed by a team of the University’s senior administrators and department managers representing all University divisions: Business & Finance, Academic Affairs...
Words: 10523 - Pages: 43
...Business Continuity Plan Template Version 1.0 August 2014 Table of Contents DOCUMENT CHANGE CONTROL 6 Section I: Introduction 7 A. How to Use This Plan 7 B. Objectives 7 C. Scope 8 D. Assumptions 8 E. Changes to the Plan/Maintenance Responsibilities 9 F. Plan Testing Procedures and Responsibilities 10 G. Plan Training Procedures and Responsibilities 10 H. Plan Distribution List 11 Section II: Business Continuity Strategy 12 A. Introduction 12 B. Business Function Recovery Priorities 12 C. Relocation Strategy and Alternate Business Site 12 D. Recovery Plan Phases 13 1. Disaster Occurrence 13 2. Plan Activation 13 3. Alternate Site Operations 13 4. Transition to Primary Site 13 E. Vital Records Backup 13 F. Restoration of Hardcopy Files, Forms, and Supplies 14 G. On-line Access to <ORGANIZATION NAME> Computer Systems 14 H. Mail and Report Distribution 15 Section III: Recovery Teams 16 A. Purpose and Objective 16 B. Recovery Team Descriptions 16 C. Recovery Team Assignments 16 D. Personnel Notification 17 E. Team Contacts 17 F. Team Responsibilities 17 Business Continuity Coordinator – <Insert Name> 19 EOC Communications Team – 19 EOC Human Resources Team – 20 EOC Administration Team – 20 Emergency Response Team – 21 Information Technology Recovery Team (See also Disaster Recovery Plan) – 21 Section IV: Recovery Procedures 23 A. Purpose and Objective 23 B. Recovery Activities and Tasks 24 PHASE I: Disaster Occurrence...
Words: 8008 - Pages: 33
...CheckPoint: Business Continuity Plan The steps involved in the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) include identification of the scope and boundaries. This mean to determine the critical aspects of the business that need to be part of the plan by analyzing people, facilities, IT systems, and risks. The second step is to create a Business Impact Assessment (BIA) as a result of the step one analysis. The third step is once the BIA is complete those who are responsible must present to senior management and cell the concept of the BCP. The last step is once the BCP is approved is to present it to all necessary departments making sure they understand all of the components. The purpose of a BCP is to prepare businesses in the event of disaster. This plan will provide employees with detailed instructions and backups in the event of an emergency. This is a great concept because in the event of disaster, companies will have reduced panic and knowledge of exactly what to do and how to carry on with business despite the circumstances. The case study I chose to read was “SunGard Helps Keep Atlantis health Plan’s Business in Business after Disaster Strikes.” This case study talked about how a disaster recovery company named SunGard helped Atlantis Health through their disaster. The two companies began working with each other after the 9/11 attacks in New York, when Atlantis Health had no BCP. After getting that situation under control the companies developed a plan in the preparation...
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...vulnerabilities. A + T + V = R That is, Asset + Threat + Vulnerability = Risk. Risk is a function of threats exploiting vulnerabilities to obtain, damage or destroy assets. Thus, threats (actual, conceptual, or inherent) may exist, but if there are no vulnerabilities then there is little/no risk. Similarly, you can have a vulnerability, but if you have no threat, then you have little/no risk. Impact is the total profit/loss which is obtained through the above activities. Impact is like an output. In the context of Risk assessment, the relation between Assets, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Impact and Risk can be clearly understood with the aid of this picture. 2. Risk Assessment versus Business Impact Analysis In today’s world, the difference between Risk assessment (RA) and Business impact analysis (BIA) are becoming...
Words: 882 - Pages: 4
...Abstract This paper will include creation of a business continuity plan for Red Circle that addresses any pre-incident changes the company can do to minimize and mitigate risk. The companies’ use and protection of sensitive data will be analyzed. The companies’ use and protection of member information will be analyzed. Discussion of the communication plan to be used during and following the disruption will be explained. Lastly steps on how the companies operations will be restored after the disruption will be discussed. Business Continuity Plan Red Circle is a non-for-profit health insurance company located in Minnesota. Red Circle serves members in commercial and government lines of business. The company has three office campuses located in Eagan, Minnesota. These locations are within 1 mile of each other. The company also has a location about 4 hours north of these locations, which houses customer service operations and claims processing employees. Pre-incident changes A well thought out and planned business continuity plan is a necessity to keep a business operational if a disaster should strike the company. Red Circle can be prepared for any disaster by having a business continuity plan in place with trained staff on how to implement the plan, if disaster or disruption occurs. Annually the business continuity plan should be reviewed for accuracy and updates. Since Red Circle is located in the Midwest region, which is prone to tornadoes, the company...
Words: 3224 - Pages: 13
...RUNNING HEAD: BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN Mercy Hospital Business Continuity Plan Susan Drago Jacksonville, Florida Western Governors University 1 RUNNING HEAD: BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN 2 Mercy Hospital Business Continuity Plan The number one priority for hospitals is to provide continuous, superior care to patients, regardless of circumstance. This principle results in the need to invest time and resources in preparing for disruptive events. Hospitals are required to invest in preparedness measures by external agencies, such as The Joint Commission and other accreditation bodies. This requires hospitals to have an emergency preparedness program. Six critical areas that a hospital plan must address include: Communication; Resources and Assets; Safety and Security; Staff Responsibilities; Utilities Management and Patient Clinical and support activities (JCAHO, 2012). Government regulations such as the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) also require hospitals to protect all medical information, including electronic medical records (EMR), which requires a robust information security program. Business continuity refers to an integrated set of plans, procedures and resources that may be used to maintain and recover essential functions impacted from any event causing an interruption of healthcare delivery services. The key elements of a hospital business continuity plan are: Governance-Define and align with executive priorities...
Words: 3492 - Pages: 14
...Introduction: DLIS has decided to develop a business continuity plan (BCP) with the full support of management. Instructions: DLIS business continuity plan will come into effect as soon as all elements meet specific guide lines and have been tested. Scope: DLIS will build and maintain a business continuity plan to insure operations will continue in the event of a single point of failure. Objective: DLIS has a warm site located 50 miles from the head quarter office ready to conduct business with a fully mirrored system and minimum staffing available in case of an unplanned interruption or disaster should occur. System Description and Architecture: The BCP for DLIS will identify critical business functions that need to remain operational during a disruption * 50 file servers * 12 databases * Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP) * Electronic Funds Transfer software (EFT) DLIS Mission: To receive, edit, and route logistics transactions for the Military Services and Federal Agencies to provide value added services for standard MILS transactions provide information about anything, anywhere, anytime, anyway, to anyone in the DoD and Federal Logistics Community. * Army * Navy * Marines * Air Force, Defense Agencies * NATO/Allies Alert/Notification/Activator Procedures: The BCP coordinator for DLIS will declare the notification/activation phase and notify all team leads. Team leads will be responsible...
Words: 661 - Pages: 3
...Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a program in which businesses and organizations are planning ahead the possible crisis that may affect their operation (Vacca, 2013). This crisis is not only limited to natural disasters like flood or thunderstorms but also applicable to the death or sudden resignation of important employees that have key roles in their operations (NIST, 2010). Incident Recovery focuses on the set of actions that businesses will take after suffering disaster may it be natural or man-made. Its sole purpose is business preservation, meaning, how the businesses would cope and be able to operate again after a disaster occurred like loss of electricity, computer viruses, and thieves. The Incident Recovery is a just a part of BCP (NIST, 2010). Unlike BCP which focuses on how businesses will continue to operate in the midst of disasters like storms, tornados and hurricanes, the Incident Recovery focuses on how to recover from the said events and how to preserve the properties that are integral in their daily operations. The BCP carefully plans the things to make them in order to lessen the amount of damage brought by the whatever natural disaster while the Incident Recovery Plan, as what its name suggests, plans carefully how to restore and set up the business operation back to its normal condition (NIST, 2010). Developing BCP and Incident Recovery is not as simple as it may look. It involves different processes and brain storming to create and maintain...
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