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IBM DB2 Universal Database


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing
V ersion 8

IBM DB2 Universal Database


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing
V ersion 8

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This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such. You can order IBM publications online or through your local IBM representative. v To order publications online, go to the IBM Publications Center at v To find your local IBM representative, go to the IBM Directory of Worldwide Contacts at To order DB2 publications from DB2 Marketing and Sales in the United States or Canada, call 1-800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968). When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000 - 2002. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About the tutorial . . . . . Before you begin . . . . . . Conventions that are used in this Tutorial business problem . . . . . . . v . . . . . v tutorial . . v . . . . . vi Viewing published objects in the Catalog Center . . . . . . Updating published metadata . What you just did . . . . . Chapter 3. Maintaining the data Creating an index . . . . . Collecting table statistics . . . Reorganizing a table . . . . What you just did . . . . . Chapter 4. Summary. . . . Information . . . . . 20 . . . . . 20 . . . . . 21 warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 24 24 24

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center . . Defining tables for the star schema . . . Defining dimension tables. . . . . Creating a fact table . . . . . . . Creating the physical target tables . . Defining keys on target tables . . . Defining a star schema . . . . . . Opening the schema . . . . . . . Adding tables to the schema . . . . Autojoining the tables. . . . . . . What you just did . . . . . . . .

. . 1 . . 1 . . 1 . . 3 . . 5 . . 5 . . 11 . . 11 . . 11 . . 12 . . 12

. 25 . 27

Appendix. Related information .

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . 35 Product information . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 2. Cataloging the warehouse for end users . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Creating the information catalog . . . . . 16 Selecting metadata to publish . . . . . . 17

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 - 2002



Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

About the tutorial
This tutorial is a continuation of the Business Intelligence Tutorial: Introduction to the Data Warehouse Center and is written for Windows NT®, Windows® 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows ME. In this tutorial, you will learn the following tasks: v Creating a star schema from within the DB2® Data Warehouse Center v Cataloging data in the warehouse for end users v Maintaining the data warehouse The tutorial is available in HTML or PDF format at: Duration: This tutorial takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Before you begin
Before you begin, you must complete the Business Intelligence Tutorial: Introduction to the Data Warehouse Center in order to create the Data Warehouse Center objects that are necessary to complete the lessons in this tutorial. To complete the lesson on cataloging metadata in the data warehouse for end users, the Information Catalog Center must be installed on the warehouse workstation.

Conventions that are used in this tutorial
This tutorial uses typographical conventions in the text to help you distinguish between the names of controls and text that you type. For example: v Menu items are in boldface font: Click Menu —> Menu choice. v The names of fields, check boxes, and other controls are also in boldface font: Type text in the Field name field. v Text that you type is in monospaced font on a new line:
This is the text that you type.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 - 2002


Tutorial business problem
You are a database administrator for a company that is called TBC: The Beverage Company. The company manufactures beverages for sale to other businesses. The financial department wants to track, analyze, and forecast the sales revenue across geographies on a periodic basis for all products sold. You have already set up standard queries of the sales data. However, these queries add to the load on your operational database. Also, users sometimes ask for additional ad hoc queries of the data, based on the results of the standard queries. In the Business Intelligence Tutorial: Introduction to the Data Warehouse Center, you created a data warehouse for the sales data. In this tutorial, you will learn to maintain the warehouse that you created and work with warehouse metadata. In this tutorial, you will create a star schema within the Data Warehouse Center. A star schema is a specialized design that consists of multiple dimension tables, and one fact table. Dimension tables describe aspects of a business. The fact table contains the facts about the business. In this tutorial, the star schema includes the following dimensions: v Products v Markets v Scenario v Time The facts in the fact table include orders of the products over a period of time.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center

In this lesson, you will create a star schema. You can use this star schema for queries in the warehouse database. You can also export the star schema to OLAP Integration Server to create an OLAP database. This lesson shows you how to complete the following tasks: v Define tables for the star schema v Define a star schema This lesson takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Defining tables for the star schema
This exercise shows you how to build the rest of the dimension tables and the fact table in the star schema. When you define each table, you must define a new process for the table. Instead of defining a step for the process, you will copy the step that is defined in the sample. When you copy the step, the Data Warehouse Center copies the sources that the step uses and generates a target table.

Defining dimension tables
This exercise shows you how to create the rest of the dimension tables in the star schema, beginning with the Product dimension table. To define the Product dimension table: 1. Define a new process under the TBC Tutorial subject area named:
Build Tutorial Product Dimension

Remember to give the Tutorial Warehouse Group privileges on the Security page.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 - 2002


2. Under the Subject Areas folder in the Data Warehouse Center window, expand the TBC Sample tree until you see the Build Sample Product Dimension process. 3. Right-click the Build Sample Product Dimension process. 4. Click Open. The Process Model window opens. 5. Right-click the Select Product step. 6. Click Copy. The Copy Step window opens. 7. In the Name field, type the name for the copy of the step:
Tutorial Select Product

8. In the New process list, specify the following process name:
Build Tutorial Product Dimension

The step will be copied to the Build Tutorial Product Dimension process. 9. Verify that the Copy target table check box is selected. 10. In the Warehouse target list, specify the Tutorial Targets warehouse target. The warehouse target is the same for all of the tables that you define in this lesson.

11. Click OK. The step and its sources are copied to the Build Tutorial Product Dimension process. The Data Warehouse Center creates the corresponding target table. 12. Close the Process Model window. 13. Open the Build Tutorial Product Dimension process. 14. Verify that the process includes the following objects: v The PRODUCT source table


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

v The Tutorial Select Product step v The ″SelectProd_T″ target table 15. Rename the ″SelectProd_T″ target table: a. In the Process Model window, right-click the ″SelectProd_T″ target table. b. Click Properties. The Properties notebook for the table opens. c. In the Table name field, type:

d. Verify that the Part of an OLAP schema check box and Dimension table radio button are selected. e. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties notebook for the table. 16. Save the process and close the Process Model window. If you receive error 3171, click OK and continue. This is an informational message that has no effect on the changes you have made. 17. Repeat this procedure for the Time and Scenario dimension tables, substituting the values in the following table.
Time dimension table Tutorial process: Sample Process: Sample step to copy: New tutorial step name: Source tables: Target table: New target table name: Warehouse target: Build Tutorial Time Dimension Build Sample Time Dimension Select Time Tutorial Select Time TIME ″SelectTime_T″ LOOKUP_TIME Tutorial Targets Scenario dimension table Build Tutorial Scenario Dimension Build Sample Scenario Dimension Select Scenario Tutorial Select Scenario SCENARIO ″SelectScenario_T″ LOOKUP_SCENARIO Tutorial Targets

Creating a fact table
In the previous exercise, you defined the dimension tables in the star schema. In this exercise, you will define the fact table in the star schema. To define the fact table: 1. Under the TBC Tutorial subject area, define a new process named:
Build Tutorial Fact Table

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center


Remember to give the Tutorial Warehouse Group privileges on the Security page. 2. Under the Subject Areas folder in the Data Warehouse Center window, expand the TBC Sample tree until you see the Build Sample Fact Table process. 3. Right-click the Build Sample Fact Table process. 4. Click Open. The Process Model window opens. 5. Right-click the Fact Table Join step. 6. Click Copy. The Copy Step window opens. 7. In the Name field, type the name for the copy of the step:
Tutorial Fact Table Join

8. In the New process field, select the name of the process to which you want to copy the step:
Build Tutorial Fact Table

9. Verify that the Copy Target Table check box is selected. 10. In the Warehouse target list, specify the Tutorial Targets warehouse target. 11. Click OK. The step and its sources are copied to the Build Tutorial Fact Table process. The Data Warehouse Center generates the corresponding target table. 12. Close the Process Model window. 13. Open the Build Tutorial Fact Table process. If it is already open, close it, then open it again. 14. Verify that the process includes the following objects: v The PRODUCTION_COSTS, SALES, and INVENTORY source tables v The Tutorial Fact Table Join step v The ″FactTable_T″ target table 15. Rename the ″FactTable_T″ target table: a. In the Process Model window, right-click the ″FactTable_T″ target table. b. Click Properties. The Properties notebook for the table opens. c. In the Table name field, type:

d. Verify that the Part of an OLAP schema check box and the Fact table radio button are selected.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

e. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties notebook for the table. 16. Save the process, and close the Process Model window.

Creating the physical target tables
The physical target tables are created when you promote steps to test or production mode. To promote the steps that you copied to test mode: 1. Open the Build Tutorial Fact Table process. 2. Right-click the Tutorial Fact Table Join step, and click Mode —> Test. A progress window opens. If an error occurs when the step is processing, you will receive an error message. 3. Repeat this procedure for the following steps:
Process Build Tutorial Product Dimension Build Tutorial Scenario Dimension Build Tutorial Time Dimension Build Tutorial Market Dimension Step Tutorial Select Product Tutorial Select Scenario Tutorial Select Time Load Demographics Data, Select Geographies Data, Join Market Data. If these steps are in production mode, demote them to test.

Defining keys on target tables
In each target table, you will select a column that can be used to uniquely identify rows in that table. This is the primary key for the table. The column that you select as a primary key must have the following qualities: v It must always have a value. The column for a primary key cannot contain null values. v It must have unique values. Each value in the column must be different for each row in the table. v Its values must be stable. A value must never change to another value. For example, the CITY_ID column in the LOOKUP_MARKET table is a good candidate for designation as a primary key. Because each city needs an identifier, no two cities can have the same identifier, and identifiers are unlikely to change. Defining a primary key for a table is highly recommended because uniquely identifying each row speeds up row access.

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center


You use foreign keys to define relationships between tables. In a star schema, a foreign key defines the relationship between the fact table and its associated dimension tables. The primary key of the dimension table has a corresponding foreign key in the fact table. The foreign key requires that all the values of a given column in the fact table also exist in the dimension table. For example, the CITY_ID column of the fact table might have a foreign key defined on the CITY_ID column of the LOOKUP_MARKET dimension table. This means that a row cannot exist in the fact table unless the CITY_ID exists in the LOOKUP_MARKET table. In this exercise, you will define primary keys on the following tables: LOOKUP_MARKET, LOOKUP_TIME, LOOKUP_PRODUCT, and LOOKUP_SCENARIO. You will define corresponding foreign keys in the FACT_TABLE. Defining a primary key This exercise shows you how to define a primary key for the LOOKUP_MARKET, LOOKUP_TIME, LOOKUP_PRODUCT, and LOOKUP_SCENARIO target tables. To define the primary keys: 1. Click Start —> Programs —> IBM DB2 —> General Administration Tools —> Control Center. The Control Center window opens. 2. Click View —> Refresh. 3. Expand the tree until you see the TUTWHS database. 4. Expand the TUTWHS tree, and click on the Tables folder. 5. Right-click the LOOKUP_MARKET table, and click Alter. The Alter Table notebook opens. 6. Click the Keys tab. 7. Click Add Primary. The Define Primary Key window opens. 8. In the Available columns list, click CITY_ID. 9. Click > to move CITY_ID to the Selected columns list. CITY_ID will be the primary key for the TUTWHS database. 10. Leave the Constraint name field empty, so that DB2 Universal Database™ will generate a constraint name for you. A primary key can be considered


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

a constraint, because all values in the selected column must be unique.

11. Click OK to save your definition. 12. Click Close to close the Progress window. If the change was successful, the DB2 Message window contains the following message:
The command completed successfully.

13. Click Close to close the DB2 Message window. Follow the same steps to define primary keys for the other target tables. Define:

Defining a foreign key You need to define foreign keys for the relationships between the FACT_TABLE and the other target tables. In this exercise, you will define a foreign key in the FACT_TABLE (dependent table) based on the primary key of the LOOKUP_MARKET table (parent table). To define the foreign keys: 1. Find the fact table in the list of tables for the TUTWHS database. Right-click the table and click Alter. The Alter Table notebook opens.
Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center


2. Click the Keys tab. 3. Click Add Foreign. The Add Foreign Key window opens. 4. In the Table schema list, select IWH. 5. In the Table name field, specify LOOKUP_MARKET, which is the parent table. The Primary key field displays the primary key for the LOOKUP_MARKET table. The steps that generate the parent table must be in test or production mode in order for the primary key to be available. A primary key must be defined for the parent table before a foreign key can be defined for the FACT_TABLE. 6. In the Available columns list, select CITY_ID as the column that you want defined as the foreign key. 7. Click > to move CITY_ID to the Foreign key list.

8. Click OK to save your definitions.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Define foreign keys for the FACT_TABLE to the other target tables by repeating steps 3 through 8. Define:

9. Click OK to save the information in the Alter Table window. 10. Click Close to close the Progress window. If the change was successful, the DB2 Message window contains the following message:
The command completed successfully.

11. Click Close to close the DB2 Message window. Defining foreign keys in the Data Warehouse Center In this section, you will define foreign keys in the Data Warehouse Center. To define foreign keys in your warehouse:

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center


1. In the Data Warehouse Center window, expand the Warehouse Targets tree. 2. Expand the Tutorial Targets tree. 3. Click the Tables folder. 4. Right-click the fact table. 5. Click Properties. 6. 7. The table Properties notebook opens. Click the Warehouse Foreign Keys tab. Remove each foreign key in the view by right-clicking the constraint name, and clicking Remove. These foreign key definitions were carried over when the Fact Table Join step was copied. The definitions refer to tables in the TBC Sample Targets database and must be deleted and replaced with new foreign keys that refer to tables in the Tutorial Targets database. Right-click on the white space and click Define. The Define Warehouse Foreign Key window opens. Select IWH in the Object schema list.

8. 9.

10. Select LOOKUP_MARKET in the Object name list. The primary key for LOOKUP_MARKET appears in the Warehouse primary key field. 11. Select CITY_ID in the Available columns field. 12. Click > to move CITY_ID into the Warehouse foreign key columns field. 13. In the Constraint name field, type:
Whse Market FK

The constraint name must be different for each foreign key. 14. Click OK to save your definition and close the Define Warehouse Foreign Key window. 15. Repeat steps 8 through 14 to add foreign keys for the remaining three LOOKUP tables. The constraint names for the remaining three LOOKUP tables are shown in the following table.

16. Click OK to save your changes and close the table Properties window.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Defining a star schema
In this exercise, you will define a star schema that is to contain the dimension and fact tables that you defined in this tutorial. To define a star schema: 1. From the Data Warehouse Center, right-click the Warehouse Schemas folder. 2. Click Define. The Define Warehouse Schema notebook opens. 3. In the Name field, type the schema name:
Tutorial Schema

4. In the Administrator field, type your name as the contact for the schema. 5. In the Description field, type the description of the schema:
This is the TBC star schema

6. Select the Use only one database check box. 7. From the Warehouse target database list, select TUTWHS. 8. Click OK to save your changes, and close the notebook. The star schema is added to the tree under the Warehouse Schemas folder.

Opening the schema
This exercise shows you how to open the schema in the Data Warehouse Center. To open the Tutorial Schema: 1. Expand the Warehouse Schemas tree. 2. Right-click on Tutorial Schema. 3. Click Open.

Adding tables to the schema
In this exercise, you will add the following dimension tables and fact tables to the star schema: To add the dimension and fact tables to the star schema: 1. Click the Add Data icon. 2. Click the canvas at the spot where you want to place the tables. The Add Data window opens. 3. Expand the Warehouse Targets tree until you see a list of tables under the Tables folder.
Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center


4. Select the following tables: v LOOKUP_MARKET v LOOKUP_PRODUCT v LOOKUP_SCENARIO v LOOKUP_TIME v FACT_TABLE 5. Click > to add the tables to the Selected source and target tables list. 6. Click OK. The tables that you selected are displayed on the window. 7. Arrange the tables in the window to place the FACT_TABLE is in the center and one dimension table in each corner. Tip: Click View —> Hide Columns to hide the table columns. This changes the icons to table icons. Leave the Warehouse Schema Model window open for the next exercise.

Autojoining the tables
In this exercise, you will use the primary and foreign keys that you defined in “Defining keys on target tables” on page 5 to automatically join the dimension tables and the fact tables. To autojoin the tables: 1. Click the Save icon in the toolbar to save your work. 2. Select the LOOKUP_MARKET, LOOKUP_PRODUCT, LOOKUP_SCENARIO, LOOKUP_TIME, and FACT_TABLE tables. 3. Click the Autojoin icon in the toolbar. The Data Warehouse Center draws green lines between the primary keys in the dimension tables and the foreign keys in the FACT_TABLE. 4. Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your work. The green autojoin lines become black. 5. Close the Warehouse Schema Model window.

What you just did
In this lesson, you completed the following tasks: v You defined tables for the star schema. v You defined primary keys for the following target tables: – LOOKUP_MARKET


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

– LOOKUP_TIME – LOOKUP_PRODUCT – LOOKUP_SCENARIO v You defined foreign keys for the FACT_TABLE that correspond to the primary keys. v You created a star schema that consists of the LOOKUP_MARKET, LOOKUP_PRODUCT, LOOKUP_SCENARIO, LOOKUP_TIME, and FACT_TABLE tables.

Chapter 1. Creating a star schema from within the Data Warehouse Center



Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Chapter 2. Cataloging the warehouse for end users

For this lesson, you must have the Manage Information Catalog Wizard and the Information Catalog Center installed. This lesson shows you how to catalog the data in your data warehouse for use by end users. You catalog the data by publishing Data Warehouse Center metadata in an information catalog. An information catalog is the set of tables managed by the Information Catalog Center that contains business metadata that helps users identify and locate data and information available to them in the organization. Users can search the information catalog to find the tables that contain the data that they need to query. Publishing metadata is the process of transferring metadata from the Data Warehouse Center to the Information Catalog Center. In this lesson, you will publish the metadata for the Build Tutorial Market Dimension process that you created in the Business Intelligence Tutorial: Introduction to the Data Warehouse Center. When you publish the process, you will publish the metadata for the following objects that are contained in the process: v The Load Demographics Data step, its source file DEMOGRAPHICS, and its target table DEMOGRAPHICS_TARGET. v The Select Geographies Data step, its source table GEOGRAPHIES, and its target table GEOGRAPHIES_TARGET. v The Join Market Data step and its target table LOOKUP_MARKET. (Its source tables will be published with the other two steps.) This lesson takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. For more information about working with business metadata in the Information Catalog Center, see the IBM® DB2 Warehouse Manager Information Catalog Center Tutorial or the IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager Information Catalog Center Administration Guide.

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Creating the information catalog
First, you must create the information catalog to hold the metadata that you publish. You can use a separate database for your information catalog, but for this tutorial, you will use the warehouse control database TBC_MD. To create the information catalog: 1. Click Start —> Programs —> IBM DB2 —> Set-up tools —> Manage Information Catalog Wizard. The Manage Information Catalog wizard opens. 2. Select Prepare an information catalog. 3. Click Next. 4. Select the In another DB2 database radio button. 5. In the Database name field, type the following name:

6. In the Database schema field, type the name of the default schema for the Information Catalog Center:

7. In the Database user ID field, type the user ID for the database. In this case, it is the same user ID that you used to log on to the Data Warehouse Center. 8. In the Database password field, type the password that corresponds to the user ID. 9. In the Default user group field, type the following name:

This is not a Data Warehouse Center group. It is a user group that must be defined on your operating system with the privileges that you want to assign to the default user group. For this tutorial, you do not have to create the ICC Default Group on your operating system to complete the lesson, but please note that if you do not create the user group on your operating system with the desired privileges, the user group will not be able to control access to objects in the information catalog. 10. In the Default power user group field, type the following name:

This is not a Data Warehouse Center user group. It is a user group that must be defined on your operating system with the privileges that you want to assign to the power user group. For this tutorial, you do not have to create the ICC Default Group on your operating system to complete the lesson, but please note that if you do not create the user


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

group on your operating system with the desired privileges, the user group will not be able to control access to objects in the information catalog. 11. Select the Create default object types check box. 12. In the Table space field, type:

13. Click Next. 14. Review the information that you entered on the summary page, and click Finish. The Manage Information Catalog Wizard prepares your information catalog.

Selecting metadata to publish
After you create the metadata, you need to select the metadata that you want to publish. To select the metadata that you want to publish: 1. From the Data Warehouse Center window, right-click Warehouse, and click Publish Metadata —> Data Warehouse to Information Catalog. The Publish Metadata - Data Warehouse to Information Catalog window opens. 2. Click Define. 3. In the Name field, type the following business name for the publication:
Published Tutorial Metadata

4. In the Administrator field, type your name as the contact for the publication. 5. Type a description of the publication in the Description field. For this tutorial, type the following sentence:
Published metadata for the Business Intelligence Tutorial.

6. Click the Objects tab, and specify the objects that you want to use: a. In the Available objects list, expand the Subject Areas folder and click TBC Tutorial. b. Click >. The TBC Tutorial subject area moves to the Selected objects list.

Chapter 2. Cataloging the warehouse for end users


The Define Warehouse Publication notebook opens.

7. Click the Information Catalog tab, and specify the following information: a. In the Catalog name field, type:

The TBC_MD database contains sample metadata. b. In the Schema name field, type:

c. In the Administrator user ID field, type the user ID for the information catalog. In this case, it is the same user ID that you used to log on to the Data Warehouse Center. d. In the Administrator password field, type the password that corresponds to the user ID. e. In the Verify password field, type the password again.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

8. Click the Options tab. 9. From the Source to target mapping group, verify that the Table level radio button is selected. This option specifies that source tables and target tables are mapped at the table level. The information catalog uses a transformation object to indicate that a mapping exists between the two tables. 10. Click OK. If errors occur during the publication process, see the IBM DB2 Universal Database Message Reference. If the publication step was created successfully, it is added to the list of publication steps in the Publish Metadata window. To publish the metadata, you must run the publication step. 11. Right-click the publication step in the Publish Metadata window, and click Run. This runs the step and copies the metadata into the information catalog. When the step completes successfully, there is a number in the status field that corresponds to the edition number for the last time the step ran. You can use this number to look up the statistics for the step in the Work in Progress window. Leave the Publish Metadata - Data Warehouse to Information Catalog window open for the next exercise.

Chapter 2. Cataloging the warehouse for end users


Viewing published objects in the Information Catalog Center
After you publish your metadata, you can view the objects in the Information Catalog Center. To view published objects in the Information Catalog Center: 1. Click Start —> Programs —> IBM DB2 —> Business Intelligence Tools —> Information Catalog Center. The Information Catalog Logon window opens. 2. In the User ID field, verify that the user ID for your information catalog is specified. 3. In the Password field, type the password that corresponds to the user ID. 4. In the Database field, verify that TBC_MD is specified. 5. In the Information catalog field, verify that ICC is specified. 6. Click OK. The Information Catalog Logon window closes, and you can see your published metadata in the Information Catalog Center window.

Updating published metadata
After you publish metadata, you need to update it periodically to capture the changes that are made in the Data Warehouse Center. To transfer updates of the Data Warehouse Center metadata to the information catalog, you run the step for the publication in the same way that you run any other steps in the Data Warehouse Center. To update published metadata: 1. In the Warehouse publications list in the Publish Metadata - Data Warehouse to Information Catalog window, right-click Published Tutorial Metadata. 2. Click Run. 3. Go to the main Data Warehouse Center window and click Warehouse —> Work in Progress. The Work in Progress window opens. You should see an entry for the step that is running. While the step is running, the status is Populating. When the step has completed the status is Successful. 4. Close the Work In Progress window. 5. Close the Publish Metadata window.


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

What you just did
In this lesson, you published to an information catalog the Data Warehouse Center metadata that you created in the tutorial. You ran the publication to update the metadata that you published.

Chapter 2. Cataloging the warehouse for end users



Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Chapter 3. Maintaining the data warehouse

In this lesson, you will learn to define indexes, and use the RUNSTATS and REORG utilities. The amount of maintenance that is required for a database is directly related to the amount of database activity or workload. Because this tutorial does not generate significant database activity, this lesson is primarily a guide to the DB2 tools and utilities that you can use when you are maintaining an actual warehouse database. This lesson takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Creating an index
You can create an index to optimize queries for end users of the warehouse. An index is a set of keys, each pointing to a set of rows in a table. The index is a separate object from the table data. The database manager builds the index structure and maintains it automatically. An index gives more efficient access to rows in a table by creating a direct path to the data through the pointers that it creates. An index is created when you define a primary key or a foreign key. For example, an index was created on the LOOKUP_MARKET table when you defined CITY_ID as its primary key. To create additional indexes: 1. From the DB2 Control Center, expand the objects within the TUTWHS database until you see the Indexes folder. 2. Right-click the Indexes folder and click Create. The Create Index window opens. 3. Click Help and follow the instructions given in the Control Center help to create your index.

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Collecting table statistics
Table statistics provide information about the physical and logical characteristics of a table and its indexes. You must periodically collect these statistics, so that DB2 Universal Database can determine the best way to access your data. If extensive changes are made to the data in a table, and the last collection of statistics no longer reflects the actual table data, then data access performance can deteriorate. In general, you should update statistics if there are major changes to the data in your table. To collect statistics about the LOOKUP_MARKET table: 1. From the DB2 Control Center, right-click the LOOKUP_MARKET table, and click Run Statistics. The Run Statistics notebook opens. 2. Click Help, and use the online help to determine the level of statistics that you want to gather for the table and its indexes. 3. Click OK to begin collecting the table statistics.

Reorganizing a table
Reorganizing a table rearranges the table in physical storage, eliminating fragmentation and making sure that the table is stored efficiently in the database. You can also use reorganization to control the order in which the rows of a table are stored, usually according to an index. To reorganize the LOOKUP_MARKET table: 1. From the DB2 Control Center, right-click the LOOKUP_MARKET table and click Reorganize. The Reorganize Table notebook opens. 2. Click Help, and use the online help to specify the values for the notebook. 3. Click OK to reorganize the table immediately.

What you just did
In this lesson, you completed the following tasks: v Created an index v Collected statistics on a table v Reorganized a table


Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Chapter 4. Summary
Congratulations! You have completed the Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing. In this tutorial, you completed the following tasks: v You defined a star schema in the Data Warehouse Center. v You published metadata to an information catalog. v You performed maintenance on the warehouse database to improve performance.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 - 2002



Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

Appendix. Related information
This tutorial covers the most common tasks that you can accomplish with the DB2 Control Center, Data Warehouse Center, and the Information Catalog Center. For more information about related tasks, see the following resources: Control Center v IBM DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings for DB2 Clients v IBM DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers v IBM DB2 Universal Database Administration Guide: Implementation Data Warehouse Center v IBM DB2 Universal Database Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide v IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide Information Catalog Center v IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager Information Catalog Center Administration Guide v IBM DB2 Warehouse Manager Information Catalog Center Tutorial

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Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

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Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

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Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

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Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

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Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing

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