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Business Plan


Submitted By KlingAlan
Words 2750
Pages 11
Owner(s): Alan J Klingensmith
Company Name: Recycled Chances
Product Name: Non-Profit
Location: Oviedo, Florida
History (yrs.): 1
The five-year marketing plan for Recycled Chances has been developed by its original founders to secure additional funding for growth and to inform supporters of the company’s current status and direction. Although Recycled Chances has only been recently launched, Recycled Chances has experienced greater-than-anticipated support. Recycled Chances plans to explore online fundraising opportunities. Over the next five years Recycled Chances can increase its recognition and win new supporters.
Recycled Chances was founded by a husband and wife team, Alan and Heidi Klingensmith. Alan is a Marine Corps veteran and has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. Heidi has worked as a human resource director for over eight years. As a family they decided they wanted to start making the world a better place.
Recycled Chances reflects the passion they both share in recycling for the environment benefits and wanting to help those less fortunate. They believe that with the added support, a person can successfully turn their life around.
Recycled Chances builds all their housing and community buildings out of used water bottles, dirt and other recycled goods. This allows Recycled Chances to keep needs for financial expenses down and encourage people to support the organization with simple recycled items.
Recycled Chances will focus most of our marketing efforts to reach the X, Y and Z. Our outlook on how to help the future of this planet along with homelessness is more of a focal point to the younger generations. By reaching out to the youth of America we also allow our organization to stay relevant as the years go on.
By connecting with kids in school, this allows us to educate the importance of recycling and hopefully encourage the younger generations to care more about others than just themselves
Part of our five-year plan is to start after school programs to educate students about the crisis of homelessness in the United States and the benefits of recycling can help.
Due to the unbelievable number of homeless living in the United States, Recycled Chances has developed a plan to assist these individuals. In recent reports, 610,042 individuals total qualify as homeless. 92,593 individuals were identified as chronically homeless, meaning living with a disability. 58,063 (9.5%) of the homeless population are veterans and 46,924 (8%) of the total amount of homeless are unaccompanied youth.
Recycled Chances focus group would be Veterans under the age of 35 and any unaccompanied youth. These two groups of homeless individuals, in the eyes of Recycled Chances, deserve more. The veteran has already served this country and deserves more assistance. They have proven they can be trained for a greater cause. We would like to bring back that military pride and recapture their motivation to be great.
Recycled Chances also feel strongly that any underage individual should be given a better opportunity to succeed than they have received currently. By getting these minors off the street and showing them a more successful way to live, we believe they will succeed to become contributors to society instead of leading a life of crime and/or drugs. We will focus on making sure that all teenage members receive a high school degree or GED. Those under the age of 13 will be tutored and encouraged to go to school and get a high school degree.
Recycled Chances will make all legal efforts to help the minors with family situations that have placed them on the streets as well.
We would need volunteers from many different professions in the beginning. Some of these professions would be: Psychologist, Doctors and Nurses, Vocational Rehabilitation Workers and Construction Workers. Most importantly, we need individuals willing to donate their time and willingness to make a difference.
Location would benefit most outside of major cities in a rural area that has room to develop a small community. Not wanting to put our facilities/houses in a suburban area but not too far out of reach of civilization to keep it from being insulting to the client.
First need would be land to develop our facilities/houses. Without the land our organization will never have a base purpose. Donations and volunteers to support our efforts are also very important but falls second to land.
According to a report conducted by ( there are many different reasons for corporations to donate to non-profit organizations. One of the many reasons is simply to build office morale (Hendricks, 2013). Some corporations want to be known for donating and others want it to be confidential.
Recycled Chances is a new way of helping the homeless problem in the United States. We are focusing on the rehabilitation of the individuals while giving them their own two room house to build their self-esteem. By using recycled material to build individual housing cuts the cost needed to provide these structures. We will be building small communities where the residents will live, eat, learn and work not only for themselves but for their fellow members of the community.
We are looking to partner with all different types of companies that can add value to our program such as, companies that are willing to help train our members to get back in the workforce. Other companies are needed to donate supplies to help build our community.
Due to the fact that each building will be built with recycled material we plan on launching a Recycled Chances Bottle Collection program that can be done in any company, school or household. Different type of volunteer programs such as assembly, construction, design, and any other basic support for the program will be available as well. The type of buildings we plan on building is already being done in third world countries (Video, 2011). The value of living off the basics of life can be rewarding to those living on the streets already. The United States would have an unlimited supply of plastic bottle bricks if they were donated to our cause instead of being trashed (Llanos, 2005).
By the year 2025 we plan to have three fully operational communities along the east coast with expansion plans for three to five more across the United States. Although there are many homeless in the northern states, our facilities will be able to thrive in warmer climate areas. This will allow growing produce on a yearly basis to supply the community. There will be opportunities for those up north to be transported south to our communities.
The first community we build will be the focal point of all of our efforts. We will make sure that any unexpected difficulties can be addressed immediately so we can change any needed process to create the best possible community. Once the first community is developed and successfully running for a year then we will look to expand our communities to other locations. The first community will be built and successfully running for a year by the end of 2020.
We are setting our goals high but we strongly believe that we can achieve them in the time frame we have set. The first couple of years will be outreach to companies to support our cause and start to develop how they can help. Finding land to develop and receiving all the proper building paperwork may take a couple of years in its self.
Our timeline goals will be as follows:
Partnership support and funding 2015 and on
Land/Contracts/Permits 2017
Launch bottle campaign 2018
Begin construction 2018
Start moving in residents 2019
Recycled Chances will be developing a unique way of housing the homeless, using recycled water bottles and turning them into bricks. By using recycled water bottles and filling them with sand allows Recycled Chances to create an entire community using less money while saving the planet at the same time.
Recycled Chances will also use recycled furniture, windows and doors to finalize the building structure. We will be tasking those individuals that are staying in our community to contribute by refurnishing any items we receive as donations. Teaching them skills they can use as a hobby to make money as well. The majority of items will be used to furnish our community.
Recycled Chances is not only recycling water bottles and other items, we are giving people a recycled chance at life.
Recycled Chances will be focused on providing high quality homeless shelters in a community setting. Each individual client will live in and maintain their own residence. Not only will each client be educating themselves to improve their chances to enter back into a workforce but they will have community responsibilities to maintain as well. This will give them a new purpose and responsibility to help transition them into the workforce again.
Recycled Chances will be building the structures out of recycled water bottles, sand/dirt, and other donated or recycled house features. By the majority of the structures being made of recycled material this allows the cost to be less of a burden on our organization.
Recycled Chances will not only be providing shelters and purpose to our clients but also self help as needed. By partnering up with local universities and having certified intern programs, we will be able to provide psychiatric, physical education and healthy living education for a minimal to no cost. We want to not only provide them with financial stability but hopefully give them the tools for life longevity.
Recycled Chances most difficult task will be maintaining financial stability due to the majority of finances will be provided through charitable donations. Due to this being such an important part of the company, a paid position to create and maintain relationships for funding will be needed. There will be other paid positions inside the company but the majority of our workers will be based on volunteers. Since this is important, we will work with high schools and colleges to track volunteer hours to help students with any community service credits they may need.
Recycled Chances knows that a difficult task will be selecting the clients. Nearly one-quarter (23 percent or 138,149) of all homeless people were children, under the age of 18. Ten percent (or 61,541) were between the ages of 18 and 24, and 67 percent (or 410,352) were 25 years or older. (Meghan Henry, 2013) We have created a selection criteria for the first couple facilities. We want to change the mindset of many people who think that people are homeless because they don’t want more. There will be some that will refuse our help. Our goal is to show our program works and hopefully others will be more willing to accept the challenge we offer them.

• Sheltering the homeless
• Building communities
• Create a community environment
• Use recycled goods to create living environment
• Low cost to start and maintain
• Vocational rehabilitation
• Develop self-worth
• Develop mentoring programs
• Promote healthy living
• Better the environment • Funding based on charitable donations
• Finding quality volunteers
• Changing mindsets with the effort
• Selection of clients • Change the way people look at homelessness
• Bettering the planet with a useful reason to recycle
• Developing recycling programs inside of schools
• Sponsoring clinical hours for young professionals
• Helping companies be a part of a charitable cause • Stigma on homeless people
• Not enough support by wealthy companies
• Clients not willing to accept the challenge we offer

Recycled Chances is focused on keeping the cost down and actions high. Using volunteers with online sales experience, this will allow us to exceed our goals financially. We plan on creating all our online presence in house, from basic social media to online commercials. We want the younger generation to really grasp and support our organization. Our focus will be those 35 years of age and younger. This will allow our organization to keep growing as our market group does as well.
Recycled Chances will also have a corporate sales team. This team will be a well-trained team that works together for the common goal. We still believe people are very important in creating business relationships. Our sales team will travel to meet with major corporations and discuss how they can benefit from helping Recycled Chances and why they should. (Advertising)
Our donation rewards program will be set up starting with smaller donations receive a Recycled Chances sticker to the larger size donations will receive a name on our community thank you wall. For every person that donates over $50 will receive access to the Recycle Chances App that will allow live video coverage of the community being built, along with other important information about the organization.
Recycled Chances will be developing a kickstarter program. This will start the campaign of Recycled Chances. With this approach we can see the initial interest of people wanting to support our efforts. This will also give us our first video commercial to share with others.
We will be posting our video on various social media venues and directing them to the kickstarter website for their support. In today’s world, having people share your story on social media is a cost friendly approach to advertising. It also shows the amount of interest that is out there for your cause.
As stated before people interaction is still important in today’s world. We will be setting up meet and greets at different store locations. Handing out flyers and communicating our goals with a personal touch will go a long way.
Recycled Chances will focus on 3 important factors when marketing our organization. First we will be educating people on helping the homeless. It is important people start hearing the range of age and the amount of people that are homeless here in the United States.
Second is the focus on using recycled products as the main source of providing shelters. This will let people know that they are not only supporting a cause to help homeless people but to also help our planet. By using recycled materials people can make major donations to our cause without having to spend any extra money if they cannot afford too. A small child that collects water bottles for the cause could be one of the most important donors we could have.
Lastly, our focus will be on the rehabilitation of our clients. This will let people know we are not just putting a roof over people’s heads for free. We will have a structured program and community that they must abide by to continue to live in a Recycled Chances community. Education, job training, and social living responsibilities are key factors of moving a person from the streets to living the American Dream.

Recycled Chances
Digital Marketing Measurement Model
Generate Leads Create Awareness Highlight Events
Website Goal:
Capture Leads (Email/Contact) Website Goal:
Reinforce Offline/Online Advertising Website Goal:
Provide Detailed Information of Program Website Goal:
Engage Community via Local Events
Site Registration
50/Mo KPI:
Branded Traffic
7k Visits/Mo KPI:
# of Views
100/Mo KPI:
Visitor Loyalty
25% Repeat Visits
Traffic Sources Site Tools Used Segments:
Traffic Sources Converted Visits Segments:
Visitor Type Content Type Viewed. Document Geographic Location Segments:
1,2,3+ Registration Sheets

WORKS CITED (n.d.). Corporations/motives. Retrieved from
Hendricks, D. (2013, Dec 18). how-charitable-giving-can-boost-office-morale-while-helping-the-community. Retrieved from
Llanos, M. (2005, March 3). Plastic Bottles Pile Mountains Waste. Retrieved from NBC News:
Meghan Henry, D. A. (2013). The 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) To Congress. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved from
Video. (2011, May 1). Samarapan Foundation. Retrieved from

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