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Business Structure


Submitted By diasfilipe
Words 1120
Pages 5
Organisational Structure

For an organisation to be successful it needs a strong organisational structure. How the organisation is set up will directly impact the success or failure of the company. They need to be structured and organised in a way that will meet their goals and needs. Even though the organisational structure is focus on the company’s goal it also dictates how to report priorities and strategies of upper management. The organisational structure is a hierarchy of people and its functions. The organisational structure tells you the character of an organisation and the values it believes in. Therefore, when you do business with an organisation or getting into a new job, it is always a great idea to get to know and understand their organisational structure. Depending on the organisational values and the nature of the business, organisations tend to adopt one of the following structures for management purposes. Although the organisation follows a particular structure, there can be departments and teams following some other organisational structure in exceptional cases.
However, some organisations may also follow a combination of different organisational structures as well. Follow this, I will now refer some of the Organisation Structures used nowadays and explain how can they benefit or damage their business, referring their advantages and disadvantages.
Flat Organisational Structures use a reduce number of levels, and a wide span of control, which means workers take more responsibility for decision making, this responsibility brings also benefits because they will feel more encouraged and dedicated , however they would not have many promotion opportunities because of the short number of levels existent. Usually this type of structure is used in small businesses and start-ups, one of the best and more important benefits of this structure is

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