In this task I will be looking at who a business stakeholders are and I will explain how the manner in which the business operates affects the stake holders of that business. Also, I will be outlining the benefits and drawbacks to the business of the way that it is operating. Lastly, I will be evaluating the impact of certain suggestions in which business can make.
M&S as a business has stakeholders, a stakeholder is anyone who has an interest with the business and also anyone person or organisation that is affected by the decisions that the business make and also people who can affect how a business operates. Examples of a stakeholder includes owners, managers, workers, customers, suppliers and lenders. Each stakeholder has their own interest such as how much profit the business makes, how much salary they get, higher ages and to keep their employment position within the workforce or even high quality goods at affordable prices. Also, there are two types of stake holders internal such as employees or owners and external such as the community around the business.
Due to every stakeholder group or individual having their own interests there could be some conflict between them. An example of this is a owners interest to make the highest amount of profit which may mean that they cut costs with suppliers which means they will get cheaper goods but with less quality which goes causes conflict with customers interest to get the best quality product which. Another example is that business owners may move their production to overseas which will decrease production and staff costs and also the producers may prefer the business to produce abroad however this goes against the interests of employees due to one of their interests being to retain their employment status in which they will lose their jobs.
There are many benefits and drawbacks to the way that M&S