American InterContinental University
In this paper for the Unit 1 IP it will talk about a study for American Intellectual Union (AIU). In this paper it will talk about the examined data and the results. Also the paper talks about qualitative data and quantitative data.
The Unit 1 Individual project states a scenario. This scenario is that American Intellectual Union (AIU) has assembled a team of researchers in the United States and around the world to study job satisfaction. Also with the scenario we are to write about the study and the findings from the data of the research. The results will allow managers all over to be able to have job satisfaction within the companies no matter what size.
Chosen Variables
The first variable that was chosen to analyze is Gender for the qualitative variable. This is so because it would give a better view on why someone does or does not have job satisfaction and if it is because of the gender of the individual. “Qualitative variable is when observations cannot be described meaningfully in terms of numbers.” (Qualitative variable and quantitative variable, 2000) For quantitative variable Intrinsic was chosen. “A quantitative variable is observations that can be characterized in numerical terms.” (Qualitative variable and quantitative variable, 2000)
Difference in variable types
There is a difference between qualitative and quantitative variables. Qualitative data is data that you are not able to put a number to. An example of this would be hair color or even the gender of an individual. Quantitative variables are able to have numbers. This would be something along the lines of the age or even the height of a person.
Descriptive statistics: Qualitative variable
Mean 1
Median 1
Mode 1
Standard Deviation 0
Sample Variance 0
Range 52
Minimum 52
Maximum 52