...Brand positioning - Crating a position in the market place for a product. Eg. Cabury provides custoemrs with a 3d experience of the brand in which they enjoy a premium offer. It ptovies a warm contemporary friendly environement where custoemrs can indulge themselves with caburys chocolate. Cdbury SETS OUT TO DIFFERENTIATE THE EPERINCE from coffee shops and chocolate retailers on malls. BRAN VALUES - Those things that a particular brand stands for . - Eg. Reliability quality. Premium, high quality, novelty, relaxing TARGET MARKET - Essential to have clear picture of the type of people that make up the target market. - Then you can SELECT HOW TO BEST REACH AND APPEAL to the market LOCATION - KNOWING THE TARGET MARKET , you are able to research the right locations to attract the matket. - Take into account practical criteria the location must have. DESIGN GUIELESN If it is a retail - Braned bags, being in someones loung at ome. Gfriendly employees CORPORATE IDENTITY - Interior and exterior designed to communicate the BRAND´S DISTINCTIVENESS. - Logo colour typographic image, icons helps illustrate and signpost the total offer - THE design elements are USED CAREFULLY WITHIN THE CAFÉ to provide a STRONG AND CONSISTENT IMAGE POSITION THE BRAND - Everything on the shop/ needs to REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TARGET MARKET - Menus tailored to THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE What is the brand Associated with - The brand is...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Advertisement plays a vital role in the marketing of products as it provides a buying power for various product operations by affecting the behavior of consumers. Different media have been used for advertising products such as news papers, magazines and radio. Television however occupies an important place of products due to its extensive spread worldwide. In addition, television plays an important role on changing the consumer behavior and also provides new patterns for consumption. The present context of business organization is situated in increasingly complex, uncertain, and dynamic business environments with multiple realities based on various values, priorities, and requirements. As a result, the challenges demanded by globalization, increased competition, far-reaching socio-cultural and technological developments, and acceleration of changes are bringing about new complexities for organizations. Therefore sustenance of existing customers and attracting new ones in recent times has become a critical factor in business. In fact the seeming growth of many advertising industries is instructive of the fact that, complex and uncertain business environment has lead many organizations to device multifaceted approaches to market their products and services through various techniques of advertisements. Moreover, the essence of being in business by any business outfits...
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