Detailed Notes - Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
- People or families who lack sufficient income to obtain adequate health, food, housing and clothing that the rest of society can afford.
- Find it difficult to ensure an adequate standard of living.
- Often unemployed and rely on social security and services
- Often in situation due to a disability, illness, living in a remote area.
- Can be caught in the poverty cycle.
- 12.6% of children in Australia live in households with incomes less than 50% of the national mean.
- Sole parents, migrants, Aboriginals and low income employees usually fall into this group.
- Access to resources o Need to access a variety of services to improve their standard of living
- Education o Need to develop knowledge, understanding & skill in identifying and accessing resources as well as problem solving in managing their own situation
- Employment o Some have need for permanent employment o Need to be employed to improve their standard of living and self-esteem o The ‘working poor’ need to have their income supplemented with access to a variety of resources at no extra cost
- Financial Support o Need in order to make ends meet o Cheaper loans, assistance in purchasing furniture, clothing and assistance in meeting the cost of schooling and sporting activities is needed
- Health o They suffer from more chronic illness thus affordable, quality health care, medicines and treatments are required along with preventative educational strategies
- Safety & Security o Need access to safe and secure housing in better areas
- Self-Esteem o Need activities and recognition that help develop positive self-esteem o Self-esteem can be improved through schemes such as a Community Garden Project
- Sense of Identity o Lack of money, employment and adequate living conditions can contribute to the socioeconomically