...Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging, or consuming a large amount of food in a short amount of time followed by an attempt to rid oneself of the food consumed, typically by vomiting, taking a laxative, diuretic, or stimulant, and/or excessive exercise, because of an extensive concern for body weight. Many individuals with bulimia nervosa also have an additional psychiatric disorder. Some individuals may tend to alternate between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Bulimia is also commonly accompanied with fasting over an extended period of time. These dangerous, habit-forming practices occur while the sufferer is trying to keep their weight under a self-imposed threshold. It can lead to potassium loss and health deterioration, with depressive symptoms that are often severe and lead to a high risk of suicide. Bulimia nervosa is nine times more likely to occur in women than men. The majority of those with bulimia nervosa are at normal weight. The majority, about 80 to almost 90 percent of individuals with bulimia are women. However, males do develop the disorder and some studies suggest that the prevalence among males is higher than previously believed. Among women, adolescents are the most at risk. A survey of 496 adolescent girls reported that more than 12 percent experienced some form of eating disorder by the time they were 20. Over the years the size and weight of the average woman has increased with improved nutrition, but there...
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...BULIMIA Definition: Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise or misuse of laxatives, to prevent weight gain. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists the following diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa: * Recurrent episodes of binge eating (characterized by eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most would eat in that period of time and/or in that situation, combined with a sense of lack of control of eating during the episode) * Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; use of laxatives diuretics, enemas or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise * The binge eating and compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at least twice a week for three months * Self-evaluation is highly influenced by body shape and weight. * There are two subtypes of bulimia nervosa: purging and nonpurging types. A person with bulimia nervosa, purging type, regularly engages in self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives, diuretics or enemas. A person with bulimia nervosa, non-purging type, does not engage in purging behaviors (and instead uses other compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise). Source: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th edition...
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...PN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING EDITION . CO NT ASTERY SERI ES TM N E R EV MOD IE W LE U PN Mental Health Nursing Review Module Edition 9.0 CONtriButOrs Sheryl Sommer, PhD, RN, CNE VP Nursing Education & Strategy Janean Johnson, MSN, RN Nursing Education Strategist Sherry L. Roper, PhD, RN Nursing Education Strategist Karin Roberts, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE Nursing Education Coordinator Mendy G. McMichael, DNP, RN Nursing Education Specialist and Content Project Coordinator Marsha S. Barlow, MSN, RN Nursing Education Specialist Norma Jean Henry, MSN/Ed, RN Nursing Education Specialist eDitOrial aND PuBlisHiNg Derek Prater Spring Lenox Michelle Renner Mandy Tallmadge Kelly Von Lunen CONsultaNts Deb Johnson-Schuh, RN, MSN, CNE Loraine White, RN, BSN, MA PN MeNtal HealtH NursiNg i PN MeNtal HealtH NursiNg review Module editioN 9.0 intellectual Property Notice ATI Nursing is a division of Assessment Technologies Institute®, LLC Copyright © 2014 Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC. All rights reserved. The reproduction of this work in any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC. All of the content in this publication, including, for example, the cover, all of the page headers, images, illustrations, graphics, and text, are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright, and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses...
Words: 83801 - Pages: 336
...Health & Clinical Psychology Healthy Living Stress Dysfunctional Behaviour Disorders [pic] [pic] [pic] Contents • Objectives for the Health and Clinical Psychology module 6 • What is Health Psychology? Careers in Health Psychology 7 • Unit G543: Health and Clinical Psychology 8 • Exemplar exam paper 9 PART A – INFORMATION TO HELP EVALUATE STUDIES • Evaluation sheet for the theories/studies of Health Psychology 10 • Guide for answering part A & part B exam questions 11 PART B – HEALTHY LIVING • Introduction to Healthy Living 14 • Theories of Health Belief 17 • Compliance with a Medical Regime for Asthma (Becker 1978) 18 • Internal versus External Locus of Control (Rotter 1966) 21 • Analysis of Self-Efficacy Theory of Behavioural Change (Bandura and Adams 1977) 23 • Summary of the health belief theories 26 • Comprehension questions for theories of health belief 27 • Part A exam question 28 • Part B exam question 29 • Evaluation sheet of health belief theories/studies 30 Introduction to Health Promotion 31 • Theories of Health Promotion • Chip pan fire prevention (Cowpe 1983) 32 • Legislation-Bicycle helmet laws and educational campaigns (Dannenberg et al. 1993) 34 • Effects of Fear arousal (Janis & Feshbeck 1953) 37 • Summary of the health...
Words: 32290 - Pages: 130
...time limitations, none of these topics can be covered in great depth. The reference textbooks and the material presented in class will serve as the primary sources for the material to be covered. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. It is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals' daily lives and the treatment of mental illness. It is largely concerned with humans, although the behaviour and mental processes of animals can also be part of psychology research, either as a subject in its own right (e.g. animal cognition and ethnology), or somewhat more controversially, as a way of gaining an insight into human psychology by means of comparison (including comparative psychology). Origins of the psychology Near the end of 19th century things started drawing together. Questions raised by philosophers were being examined by physiologists, and vice versa. a. What is the relationship between the mind and the body? b. Why do people loose their minds? What is insanity? c. How do we perceive things? Why are their perceptions of the same stimulus different? d. What affect do our experiences have on us? How important are environmental influences versus characteristics and predispositions we are born with?...
Words: 84844 - Pages: 340
...anthropology, and honors seminars at the university level. As a professional writer, he has written nonfiction books, journal and magazine articles, novels, and stage plays. Contents Contents INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS LESSON ASSIGNMENTS LESSON 1: PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF THE MIND LESSON 2: THE MIND AT WORK LESSON 3: MOTIVATION, EMOTION, DEVELOPMENT, AND PERSONALITY RESEARCH PROJECT LESSON 4: PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS LESSON 5: PSYCHOLOGY FOR TWO OR MORE CASE STUDIES SELF-CHECK ANSWERS 1 7 9 43 75 117 127 147 167 171 iii YOUR COURSE Instructions Instructions Welcome to your course, Essentials of Psychology. You’re entering a course of study designed to help you better understand yourself and others. For that reason, you can think of this course as practical. It should be of use to you in living your life and reaching the goals you set for yourself. You’ll use two main resources for your course work: this study guide and your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman. OBJECTIVES When you complete this course, you’ll be able to ■ Describe the science and methodologies of psychology in the context of its historical origins and major perspectives Outline the fundamental structure of the human nervous system and explain how it relates to the organization of human sensory perception Relate altered states of consciousness to sleep, hypnosis, meditation, sensory deprivation, and physiological responses to psychoactive drugs Discuss the basic concepts...
Words: 49230 - Pages: 197
...Table of Contents Conditioning 3 Memory 14 Thought 21 Perception 25 Sensation 33 Personality Theory 39 Abnormal Behavior 49 Psychotherapy 56 Emotion 59 Motivation 62 Social Psychology 70 Intelligence 75 Physiology 78 States of Consciousness 84 Statistics 88 Human Development 91 Conditioning What are the laws of learning? What are the things that glue in our knowledge of the world? We are talking about the role of experience in shaping our lives. The rules of learning give us great adaptability. There are three basic types of learning. They are habituation, classical conditioning, and instrumental conditioning. Imagine a worm. When the tide is in, it comes out. It has extensions from its head, getting particles from the outside. So it comes out of its hole to snatch these particles. It has one fear though: seagulls. The worm is delicious to them. They see him and they eat him. The worm has a detection system wired in though. When there is a shadow, he ducks. It is a hard-wired reflex. Sometimes, however, shadows don’t mean a darn, like on a cloudy day. If it doesn’t come out because of the shadows, it will get nothing done and starve to death. Therefore, if the shadows are too frequent, it will ignore them. There...
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