...references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. Thank you for using WritePoint. Should the United States allow capital punishment or should they do away with it? Many people think the United States should do away and many think they should maintain capital punishment. I am one who opposes capital punishment. Capital punishment, the death penalty, or execution is the sentence of death upon a person by the state as the punishment for an offense (Kronenwetter, 2011, P. 202). The United States as a county rank fourth in the number of executions every year. According to the Bible the Sixth Commandment “Thou shall not kill.” I believe this with all my heart. So I believe capital punishment is killing a person, therefore disobeying my God’s word. Not all the states in the United States allow capital punishments. There are many states that oppose it and many that support it. Capital punishment is different in every state though, the government determined whether capital punishment is allowed in their state. The government also decides what crimes would result in capital punishment methods. There are many capital punishment methods in the United States today compared to the past. The first method is the electric chair that is an option in Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida and Kentucky in the USA. When using the electric chair the procedure work as this the...
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...Argument for Capital Punishment Since the 1970's, almost all capital sentences in the United States have been imposed for homicide. There has been intense debate among Americans regarding the constitutionality of capital punishment. Critics charge that executions are violations of the “cruel and unusual punishment” provision of the Eighth Amendment; while supporters of the death penalty counter that this clause was not intended to prohibit legal executions. In the 1972 court case of Furman vs. Georgia , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was no longer legal. However, in Gregg v. Georgia (1976), the court allowed capital punishments to resume in certain states, and shortly thereafter, Gary Gilmore was executed by a firing squad in Utah. Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States,a separate penalty trial has been required for some capital cases, at which time the jury reviews circumstances that suggest the need for capital punishment. In 1982, Texas became the first state to execute a prisoner using lethal injection; other common methods of execution used in the United States include lethal gas and electrocution. In recent years, the Supreme Court has made it more difficult for death row prisoners to file appeals. Nearly 3 of 4 americans support the death sentence as a form of punishment. The other third has condemned it and their list of claims against it is long. Opponents challenge proponents on issues of deterrence, economics, fallibility...
Words: 1933 - Pages: 8
...CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Is it the only Justice for Killers? CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Is it the only Justice for Killers? Crime is literally universal. Convicts are basically a fragment of our society. But that does not mean that they loiter and linger amongst ourselves without any action being taken against them. Reducing crime and convicts is our liability, and we cannot disregard it. Getting the justly alleged to an impartial sentence is crucial. Certain crooks are compelled to do an offense since they have no other choice to live, but some in particular do it for the fun. I do not promote death punishment for everyone. An individual, who took bread from a grocery stock, certainly does not be worthy of a death penalty. Nonetheless, a serial killer, who murders people for amusing himself or for his own gain, absolutely justifies death penalty. The society’s garbage can be eliminated by continuously using the penalty of death. Everybody does not deserve to die, but there are some people who definitely do. I support death penalty for numerous reasons. Firstly, death penalty helps in diminishing crime and serves as a deterrent. Secondly, although death penalty is irreversible is true, but a wrongly convicted person is difficult to kill due to the numerous chances given to the convicted to provide evidence for his innocence. Thirdly, by the elimination of these criminals using death penalty, safety of the society is assured. Finally, I believe in "lex tallionis" - a life...
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...crimes are investigated, and investigators have evidence that prove who were involved, there are consequences for their actions. In some cases, there are crimes that involve consequences such as the death penalty. This consequence can be one of the severe punishments that are placed in our judicial system. There are many people that are for, as well as those are against the death penalty. In many cases, the death penalty has its benefits, as well as its flaws. Unfortunately the death penalty seems to cause problems that leaves many mulling over. In this case, it seems that the flaws of the death penalty needs reinstituted. History The death penalty laws were founded in the early 1800s. This punishment was implemented for 25 different crimes. However, the death penalty establishment goes back as the early Fourteenth Century. “The death penalty was also part of the Fourteenth Century B.C.'s Hittite Code; in the Seventh Century B.C.'s Draconian Code of Athens, which made death the only punishment for all crimes.” (Death Penalty Information Center, 2009). As the centuries progressed, the number of death penalty crimes increased. By the early 1700s, there were over 200 crimes which systematize the death penalty. “The number of capital crimes in Britain continued to rise throughout the next two centuries. By the 1700s, 222 crimes were punishable by death in Britain, including stealing, cutting down a tree, and robbing a rabbit warren.” (Death Penalty Information Center, 2009). Britain...
Words: 1947 - Pages: 8
...to Prof: Hannosour M. Cali Title Chapter IV Fruition of Punishment and Penalty Corporal Punishment is derived from a Latin word meaning body. It meant physical punishment and in the past it was very common. In the past corporal punishment was by no means limited to children. It was used on adults as well. Flogging has been a common punishment since ancient times. Jesus was flogged before crucified. In England from the Middle Ages Whipping was a common punishment for minor crimes. In the 18th century whipping or flogging was a common punishment in the British Army and Navy. This punishment Meant beating a person across the backside with birch twigs. Once a common punishment in schools it could also be imposed by the courts for minor offences. Birching civilians was banned in Britain in 1948 (except in prisons where it was used until 1962). Meanwhile for thousands of years until the late 20th century teachers beat children. In the Ancient World the teachers were strict and often beat the pupils. In the Middle Ages Discipline was also severe. Boys were beaten with rods or birch twigs. Punishments in Tudor schools were still harsh. The teachers often had a stick with birch twigs attached to it. Boys were hit with birch twigs on their bare buttocks. Public humiliation is the dishonoring showcase of a person, usually an offender or a prisoner, especially in a public place. It was regularly used as a form of punishment in former times, and is still practiced by different means...
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...Capital Punishment Capital punishment or the Death Penalty is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The death penalty has been a staple in the justice system of America since its inception. In the United States Death Penalty is agreed by almost 78% of Republican with approximately 52% Democratic. Though very controversial, it has stood the test of time as the ultimate punishment. Many countries are currently abolishing their death penalty practice. America, on the other hand, has 38 of 50 states with laws regarding the death penalty. It seems the United States requires the death penalty more than ever due to the increased rate of violent crime. In modern time, it’s a high controversial topic due to the increase of crime rates in USA and in other countries in the world. Death Penalty is an undivided part of history of mankind ever since humans have started to live in society. From, the time of Vikings to the time of Saddam Hussein Death Penalty is something that follows the Death Penalty for one or another reason! However, the main intense among all those is to reduce the crime factor in society. Death Penalty is sentenced to someone when he/she does something that harms others or the community severely. Such as, to kill someone, to attack someone with an intense to kill them, to physically abuse in other...
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...Amnesty International, 58 countries around the world have maintained the capital punishment. United States included. Who has never heard of this controversial and polemical debate? The death penalty is controversial due to its lack of coherence regarding to basic human rights. First of all, it was shown that the American model has advocated democracy and self- determination in the entire world. Consequently, the presence of death penalty in a democratic and developed country can appear as a strange contradiction. How this singularity can be perceived and explained ? As the sociologist Arnaud Gaillard explains in the newspaper “Le Monde”, several hypotheses are possible. Firstly, the violent environment shown by the legalization of guns or the important criminality would agree that death penalty has been part of the American culture for decades. Another plausible cause proposed by A.Gaillard is the young age of the population influencing the construction of the United States by its excesses. This argument can seem excessive since young people should be in favor of the system’s abolition. The youth are certainly more open-minded than the past generation. It is contradictory to Gaillard’s argument. Then, if we look at the death penalty itself, we can notice that it is still a current practice in the USA. It is not just present in the American constitution, it is also applied in ...
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...Capital Punishment is the legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law. It has been around for thousands of years and still continues to execute people today. Capital Punishment is inhumane and in some cases sentences the innocent to death. It is obviously the most severe form of criminal punishment. Being morally unjust, the purpose of it has no significance. Killing a person for their wrongdoings does not in anyway help our society. Capital Punishment must be abolished. Capital Punishment originated in Ancient Times. The first evidence of capital punishment is from Hammurabi’s Code, a book of Babylonian Law, from 1700 B.C. Hammurabi himself suggested: “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.” Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. This is one form of capital punishment. The bible talks about capital punishment. One example of capital punishment in the bible is “Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death” (Exodus 21:12). It also suggest stoning a woman is she has unmarried sex. By the end of the 15th century, England had recognized 7 major crimes that deserved the death penalty. Throughout the 1800’s more than 200 crimes were recognized as punishable by death. Many countries in our present day world applied the death penalty throughout the past. Some reasons for the death penalty include betraying the King or Queen, going against ones religion, cheating on your spouse, theft, murder, burglary, rape, and arson. Also, in early Egypt one could...
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...has been used since ancient times in almost every culture. Today it will still executed in some states like the USA, China, or in Islam Countries. I would like to talk about the Arguments for and against the death penalty. There are many justifications going around for capital punishment. Deterrence is the most common used argument for the death penalty. Many states believe that it is necessary to kill a prisoner to disadvise other people from committing the same kind of crime. Some people who commit violence are highly unstable or mentally ill. Murders are most committed in moments of passion, when extreme emotions overcomes himself or under the influence of drugs. In none of these cases can fear of the death penalty be expected to deter. Sometimes maybe a murderer or a rapist has a bad conscience due to his act. However, he can‘t make it undone. If he has a life-long sentence, he will always suffers for his felony. He must live with that and will never have the chance to apologise. In my opinion this punishment is a better way and in many cases it‘s much more striking. Of course many people think there are some lawsuit which are so brutal or horrifying that the murderer „must“ be killed, because it‘s not fair that he has any rights to live. The problem is, that often the murderer wants to be executed, because of his actions. So is it then punishment or deliverance for him? The protection from repeat offenders is for many in today's society an argument for...
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...Since the 1970's, almost all capital sentences in the United States have been imposed for homicide. There has been intense debate among Americans regarding the constitutionality of capital punishment. Critics charge that executions are violations of the “cruel and unusual punishment” provision of the Eighth Amendment; while supporters of the death penalty counter that this clause was not intended to prohibit legal executions. In the 1972 court case of Furman vs. Georgia , the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment was no longer legal. However, in Gregg v. Georgia (1976), the court allowed capital punishments to resume in certain states, and shortly thereafter, Gary Gilmore was executed by a firing squad in Utah. Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in the United States,a separate penalty trial has been required for some capital cases, at which time the jury reviews circumstances that suggest the need for capital punishment. In 1982, Texas became the first state to execute a prisoner using lethal injection; other common methods of execution used in the United States include lethal gas and electrocution. In recent years, the Supreme Court has made it more difficult for death row prisoners to file appeals. Nearly 3 of 4 americans support the death sentence as a form of punishment. The other third has condemned it and their list of claims against it is long. Opponents challenge proponents on issues of deterrence, economics, fallibility, and rehabilitation. Their...
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8
...I’m going to talk about Capital punishment or as we know it Death sentence, Death penalty or Execution. My presentation will last about 10 minutes. First I’m going to tell you more about the punishment itself, then give you some arguments for and against it and finally tell you my opinion. The Capital punishment is the inflicting of death upon a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offence. The term capital originates from the Latin “capitalis”,which literally means "regarding the head". Punishment by severing of the head from the body was used for millennia. Currently 58 nations actively practice the Death penalty including China, India, USA and Indonesia – four of the most populous countries in the world. Capital punishment was abolished in Bulgaria in 1998. And it is prohibited in the European Union. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences, such as murder, espionage, treason and, in some countries , sexual crimes, such as rape, adultery, child abuse and incest . Decapitation, impalement and burning at the stake were widely used in the past. Till the 20th century most often sentenced to death were shot. In the U.S., the electric chair and the gas chamber were introduced as more humane alternatives. Nowadays the lethal injection is the most used form of execution in most countries. Death penalty is, undeniably, one of the most controversial issues of our day. There is a disagreement between those who hold human...
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...Is the Death Penalty Ethical? It is clear in our society that violent crimes, such as murder, should carry some sort of stiffer punishment than that of other, lesser crimes. What is not clear is what that punishment should be. One punishment that is a constant source of debate is the death penalty. In this paper, I will examine whether the death penalty is or is not ethical. Both sides of the issue will be explained, through examination of various aspects of it, which include religious and financial considerations, whether the death penalty is a deterrent or not, and whether or not it can be regarded as justice. I submit that the death penalty is an ethical and equitable punishment for murderers, and should be used throughout our country. The seemingly greatest amount of debate comes from a religious standpoint. Depending on whose interpretation one hears, the Bible is for or against capital punishment. Verses from The Bible are used by both sides of the argument to support their own beliefs. The United States is made up of numerous different religious cultures. A sample of a few official policies from some denominations’ web sites shows an almost fifty-fifty split for and against. For example, the Assemblies of God (USA) do not take a stance for or against the death penalty. The same is true for the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints, who say that it should be left to “…the prescribed processes of civil law.”(November 28, 2011). The...
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...Capital punishment By Silvia Lamp Møller 1.e In the United States of America, death penalty has been used as far back as the eighteenth century B.C. This was under the rule of King Hammaurabi of Babylon ruled, who codified the death penalty for twenty-five different types of crimes. Within the US, there are 32 states who employ death penalty, and only 18 who don’t. Death penalty has been an ordinary way to deal with extreme criminals in order to end their crimes, for a longer time. Capital punishment has for long been a component of the government. In American history, there have been numerous methods of capital punishment. Everything from electrocution, hanging, firing squad to beheading, and even gas chambers. Capital punishment has always been a brutal and unnatural thing. Luckily, lethal injection is what most states use today. They have done since post-Gregg (Gregg v. Georgia), but electrocution, gas chambers and hanging are still practiced as well. One large motive for supporting capital punishment is economy. It is much cheaper to have someone executed than having him or her imprisoned. This is, though, extraordinarily inhuman. What about the family and friends of the executed? This is where the ethical aspect begins to play a role. The government needs to think about whether this should be accepted as being ethically correct. Because of the ethical aspects, capital punishment is one of the few massively discussed subjects in American politics. In the southern...
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...Capital punishment is based upon the philosophy of “an eye for an eye”. As noted by one of the greatest political figure from India, Mahatma Gandhi “An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind”. Moreover, capital punishment is an inhumane act which is only meant to wreak vengeance. Killing a murderer is not a justice; in fact it is tantamount to committing a new crime. Although criminals cannot be forgiven for their heinous crimes, capital punishment is by no means justifiable. Hanging, gassing, electrocuting are horrible acts. The fear of waiting for death by means of these dreadful methods is even more horrific. However, in some countries criminals have to await for their fateful death for as long as 10 years even after their execution is finalized by court. So, every day they wake up in the terror of death. This hinders their psychology as well as seriously affect their mental health. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states 'No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'. When a criminal is killed his human rights are violated. No doubt, he is guilty but wouldn't jail and dungeons be enough for punishment? Sometimes, many innocent people are sentenced to death because of human errors and/or legal discrepancies. Execution is finalized from the trial, examination of evidences, and so on which allows room for human errors. For instance, in the USA 130 people sentenced to death have been found innocent since...
Words: 540 - Pages: 3
...CJA 303 Capital Punishment Powerpoint- Please Add Own Images (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Would capital punishment be an effective deterrent to crime? Would capital punishment be considered a humane method of retribution for murder? What criteria should be considered before rationalizing the use of capital punishment? ------------------------------------------------------------------- CJA 303 Entire Course (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CJA 303 Week 1 Discussion Questions CJA 303 Week 2 Discussion Questions CJA 303 Week 3 Discussion Questions CJA 303 Week 4 Discussion Questions CJA 303 Week 5 Discussion Questions CJA 303 What Justice Means to Me CJA 303 Week 3 Group Paper Individual Rights vs. Public Order CJA 303 Capital Punishment Powerpoint- Please Add Own Images CJA 303 Week 4 What Society Expects of its Criminal Justice System CJA 303 Week 5 Police and Police Issues- Due Process Powerpoint - PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES CJA 303 Week 2 Quiz CJA 303 Week 5 Quiz ------------------------------------------------------------------- CJA 303 Week 1 Discussion Questions (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What is the criminal justice system? ------------------------------------------------------------------- CJA 303 Week 2 Discussion Questions (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Do you think the field of policing needs to be professionalized...
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