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Submitted By anshuman92
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What I have learned about ‘FREE MARKET CAPITALISM’ is that it is just a summary term for an array of exchanges that take place in society.(Investopedia, 2005) Mostly free market means the government does not control what you need to do or how you innervate your product. So when someone wants to exchange a product for goods they are allowed to or if they want to create a product for just pure profit because they know the market will buy it they are allowed to do as they want; but as always the government will have some control on taxation and on price control with some restrictions. So over all free market capitalism is where two or more people trade goods or services to better one another.

Now Creative Capitalism is much better to me because it benefits a lot of people as well as makes the mind work harder to reassure that profit is made but enough profit to where some is given to solve the world’s inequities. Bill Gates came up with the idea to have big companies like Dell and Motorola and Gap to do the work to help out the world in a way it was beneficial to all. This is mostly explained by making the consumers feel like they are contributing to the need of others by buying their own needs and a portion of the profit they spend goes to the needy. So when someone buys an item from lets say the Gap a small percentage of the proceeds goes to charity. When big companies support organizations like this and let some of the profit go to helping others I feel that it makes the consumer feel special and want to do more as well to make more of an impact in our society. Breast Cancer, RED and a few other special groups have these connections with the big companies to get more support. I feel as the whole world benefits from these things and not just our country.

Explaining the three advantages of creative capitalism in relation to businesses is kind of hard for me to do. The only way I can see the advantages that creative capitalism helps our businesses is the fact that they get to provide care to others around the world with making a profit at the same time. I feel as if they are helping with bringing it to more of a social standard of people around to give. When I say give I mean giving with time, money, attributes, and with love in general. The more a business brings it to light that people around the world need our help and they are willing to give some type of proceeds to these organizations as long as the consumer is willing to support it I believe we can strive in the creative capitalism. So three advantages of the creative capitalism is that it helps poverty, it impacts our social capitalism, and can give companies more of a marketing highlight. The marketing highlight is when a company is doing good somewhere else or for someone they can market it as a ‘hey you buy we help’ so in all reality you are helping these people; so you feel the need to do or buy what the company is offering so you have the warm fuzzy feeling you are helping the people in need not just the company.

The definition of Corporate Social Responsibility is the corporate taking the responsibility of the effects it has on the environment and on social welfare. This tends to mean if the company goes beyond what the requirements are of environmental protection groups and regulators. (Investopedia, 2007) The two examples I found for companies that are socially responsible are Tom’s Shoes who donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for ever pair a customer purchases which I think is a very sweet and very helpful thing. Then there is Starbucks who created C.A.F.E. which is designed to ensure the sources of sustainably grown and processed coffee. They ensure the source by evaluating the economic, social and environmental aspects of the coffees production. (Fallon,2015)

I believe that Gates’ has a wonderful thought and that creative capitalism would benefit our world completely. Unfortunately though; I feel as the United States will not ever embrace his full concept of creative capitalism; because individuals in America are too greedy to come to terms with helping the world. I believe only a small amount of America is willing to contribute time and money into these causes because they do not feel it directly affects them. I think that we have to start thinking of each other instead of ourselves but most of the population just wants to find a way to make money for themselves instead of spending money to make money in the long run; after the crash in 2008 is when Bill Gates came up with creative capitalism but I think we need a mixture of his thoughts and his outlooks along with the majority of societies outlook. Because without society wanting to help and wanting to give time and money to charity and research to develop cures then we will never get anywhere. I do love the campaigns RED and go Pink but those are only two we need more out there to help the world and it just isn’t enough because people are selfish and are not willing to think of the world they are only willing to think of themselves and the loved ones in their own lives. The people who do support these campaigns are people who have been personally affected by the disease that these campaigns are trying to give aid to and that is why they support them. (Creative capitalism, 2010)
Free Market Definition | Investopedia. (2005, January 12). Retrieved August 28, 2015.
Definition - creative capitalism. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2015.
Bill Gates - 2008 World Economic Forum - Creative Capitalism. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2015.
Corporate Social Responsibility Definition | Investopedia. (2007, October 28). Retrieved August 29, 2015.
Fallon, N. (2015, June 19). What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Retrieved August 29, 2015.
Creative Capitalism? (2010, November 24). Retrieved August 29, 2015.

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