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Cartesian Dualism

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Many would argue between the existence of the mind-body. One may say that the mind and body are two separate entities with distinct characteristics (Dualism). While on the other hand, some may say that there exists only one entity (Monism). The mind represents mental processes such as thoughts and consciousness. The body represents physical aspects of the brain, such as neurons and the formality of the brain. The debate over the mind-body existence have been constant through the teachings and influences of intelligent philosophers. Rene Descartes’ Meditation on First Philosophy, he states that there exists two different entities the mind and body and that they both interact with each other. Gilbert Ryle’s The Concept of Mind critiques Descartes’ …show more content…
He is known for his critique of Cartesian Dualism. Ryle objects to Descartes’ claim of the common understanding and approach to the mind-body relationship. Stating the belief of the mind-body are two separate entities is a category mistake. The category mistake is to believe that there exist something beyond the physical realm. Mental state is a representation of the physical state. Ryle refers to the idea of mind-body existence as the “the Dogma of the Ghost Machine”. Ryle’s aim is to prove that the “Official Doctrine” is entirely false. Ryle states, “A foreigner visiting Oxford or Cambridge for the first time is shown a number of colleges, libraries, playing fields, museums, scientific departments and administrative offices. He then asks `But where is the University? I have seen where the members of the Colleges live,where the Registrar works, where the scientists experiment and the rest. But I have not yet seen the University in which reside and work the members of your University.” This is a prime demonstration of someone making a category mistake. The visitor at Oxford, presumably believed that the he only saw the physical infrastructure of Oxford, when in reality he saw the university as a whole. The mistake is that he believed there exist more than the campus in Oxford. There was no separation or other unit or division further than the campus itself. The mind itself is rather another expression of what's going on …show more content…
My opinion and standpoint sides with Ryle’s description of the mind-body relationship. It has been clear throughout the years that the existence of a mind cannot be proven. However, there has been many scientific measures that prove that neurons in the brain can dictate and explain how and why a person feels a certain way. So in my opinion Descartes is wrong to describe these two entities as separate and can co-exist without each other. My viewpoint sides according to Ryle’s beliefs that these two entities are linked together as one and can only rely on the other for existence. The data are clear that there exist only the physical brain, and we think and feel a certain way due to brain

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