Reporter saw Zykeria as a patient for the first time on 4-25-17. She was withdrawn and in a depressed mood. She said school is bad and life at home is very bad. She said her step father can't help her with her homework and mom yells at her for not knowing how to do her homework. She avoids eye contact and her answers are cut short. She was asked if she could do anything after school, what would it be. She said she would go home and sleep. The children just started living with the parents in January. Mom was called because there were concerns about the child's feelings. Reporter felt it would be beneficial for her to see the psych nurse practitioner. Mom denied anything was wrong with Zykeria. Reporter did a follow-up with Zykeria yesterday. She was asked how was school and home.…show more content… Mom use to be nice until the dad came around when the younger sister was born. She reported being hit with a belt or hair brush by the father daily. Zykeria and Keyonce are left alone on weekend nights while the parents go club. When asked what she would do if someone came in the home and tried to hurt her while the parents are away. She said she would say kill me. I have a bad life anyway. Reporter spoke with Keyonce separately. She also admit being left alone at the apartment when the parents are gone. She reports frequent whippings, usually, daily by the father. The mother was called on yesterday and reporter spoke with her about getting the child seen. Mom said the child was fine at home; it may be split personalities. Mom does agree that dad will take her. There is an appointment set for May 30th at 10:30a.m. Keyonce isn't afraid of the parents but Zykeria is. There were no marks or bruises seen on the children. Zykeria did have a wound on the bottom of her foot. The teacher said she called mom from class and asked her to bring medicine for her foot. Mom ignored her and said she wasn't going to bring