...Copyright © eContent Management Pty Ltd. Contemporary Nurse (2007) 24: 33–44. Telling stories: Nurses, politics and Aboriginal Australians, circa 1900–1980s ABSTRACT The focus of this paper is stories by, and about (mainly non-Aboriginal) Registered Nurses working in hospitals and clinics in remote areas of Australia from the early 1900s to the 1980s as they came into contact with, or cared for, Aboriginal people. Government policies that controlled and regulated Aboriginal Australians provide the context for these stories. Memoirs and other contemporary sources reveal the ways in which government policies in different eras influenced nurse’s attitudes and clinical practice in relation to Aboriginal people, and helped institutionalise racism in health care. Up until the 1970s, most nurses in this study unquestioningly accepted firstly segregation, then assimilation policies and their underlying paternalistic ideologies, and incorporated them into their practice. The quite marked politicisation of Aboriginal issues in the 1970s in Australia and the move towards selfdetermination for Aboriginal people politicised many – but not all – nurses. For the first time, many nurses engaged in a robust critique of government policies and what this meant for their practice and for Aboriginal health. Other nurses, however, continued as they had before – neither questioning prevailing policy nor its effects on their practice. It is argued that only by understanding and confronting the...
Words: 7343 - Pages: 30
...Edith Cowan University Copyright Warning You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorize you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available electronically to any other person any copyright material contained on this site. You are reminded of the following: Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. A reproduction of material that is protected by copyright may be a copyright infringement. A court may impose penalties and award damages in relation to offences and infringements relating to copyright material. Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form. EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY Use of Theses This copy is the property of the Edith Cowan University. However the literary rights of the author must also be respected. If any passage from this thesis is quoted or closely paraphrased in a paper or written work prepared by the user, the source of the passage must be acknowledged in the work. If the use desires to publish a paper or written work containing passages copied or closely paraphrased from this thesis, which passages would in total constitute an infringing copy for the purposes of the Copyright Act, he or she must first obtain the written permission of the author to do so. USERS...
Words: 6259 - Pages: 26
...An agenda for Australian higher educ ation 2013–2016 a smarter australia Universities australia An agenda for Australian higher educ ation 2013–2016 a smarter australia This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial -NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Further inquiries should be made to the Chief Executive: GPO Box 1142 Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: +61 2 6285 8100 Fax: +61 2 6285 8101 Email: contact@universitiesaustralia.edu.au Web: www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au ABN: 53 008 502 930 ii universities australia Contents Preface 1 Summary 3 Vision 6 Policy context 1 Increase Australians’ university participation 8 13 2 Develop Australia’s globally engaged university sector 25 3 A powerful research and innovation system that drives economic and social progress 35 4 Efficiency, investment and regulation 49 Appendix: Development and consultation process 64 Notes 65 Tables Table 1: Gross expenditure on research and experimental development by sector, 2008–09 38 Table 2: Expenditure on research and development as a proportion of GDP, Australia and the OECD, 2008 38 Figures Figure 1: Increase in low SES domestic students in higher education, 1992 to 2011 15 Figure 2: Australia’s benefits from research 37 Figure 3: Commonwealth per student funding, 1989 to 2010 55 Figure 4: Public investment in tertiary education as a percentage of GDP 55 Figure...
Words: 24217 - Pages: 97
...Canada From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Canada (disambiguation). Page semi-protected Canada Vertical triband (red, white, red) with a red maple leaf in the centre A shield divided into four rectangles over a triangle. The first rectangle contains three lions passant guardant in gold on red; the second, a red lion rampant on gold; the third, a gold harp on blue; the fourth, three gold fleurs-de-lis on blue. The triangle contains three red maple leaves on a white background. A gold helmet sits on top of the shield, upon which is a crowned lion holding a red maple leaf. On the right is a lion rampant flying the Union Flag. On the left is a unicorn flying a fleurs-de-lis flag. A red ribbon around the shield says "desiderantes meliorem patriam". Below is a blue scroll inscribed "A mari usque ad mare" on a wreath of flowers. Flag Coat of arms Motto: A Mari Usque Ad Mare (Latin) "From Sea to Sea" Anthem: "O Canada" Royal anthem: "God Save the Queen"[1][2] Projection of North America with Canada in green Capital Ottawa 45°24′N 75°40′W Largest city Toronto Official language(s) English and French Recognised regional languages Chipewyan, Cree, Gwich’in, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, Slavey (North and South) and Tłįchǫ[3] Demonym Canadian Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy[4] - Monarch Elizabeth II - Governor General David Johnston - Prime Minister Stephen...
Words: 14190 - Pages: 57
...RESEARCH TOPICS: Law + Statistics + Services + Reform RESEARCH TOPICS: Law + Statistics + Services + Reform 08 Fall 08 Fall RESEARCH – EMILY RUSSELL 1. DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE - MARRIAGE ACT 1961 (Cth) (s 5); Hyde v Hyde; s 43(a) FLA) * 4 ELEMENTS: Marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others voluntarily entered into for life * Men and women… without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion have a right to marry and found a family…entitled to equal rights…(Article 16; UDoHR) 2. RESTRICTIONS AS TO MARRIAGE * S 88E – Cannot marry overseas (same sex) and return and legally register marriage (Marriage Act) 3. ELEMENTS OF MARRIAGE * Dwelling under the same roof, sex, mutual society and protection, recognition of marriage in public and private relationships (Todd and Todd) 1. ONE and ONE woman – monogamous mature (serial polygamy is permitted – remarriage after a former marriage has been dissolved) i. S 6 FLA – Polygamous relationships entered outside of Australia, shall be deemed to be a marriage when changing domicile to Australia 2. HETEROSEXUAL (Corbett v Corbett) 3. FOR LIFE 4. VOLUNTARILY ENTERED INTO 4. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF MARRIAGE * Entitled to certain rights and owe legal responsibilities a) DETERMINE “TRUE SEX” i) CORBETT AND CORBETT a. Chromosomal:...
Words: 26001 - Pages: 105
...Bakar Idris Abd. Hamid Holistically Integraded Curriculum: Implications for Personality Development 16 Sandra Ajaps Geography Education in the Google age: A Case Study of Nsukka Local Government Area of Nigeria 30 Helen Afang Andow Impact of Banking Reforms on Service Delivery in the Nigerian Banking Sector 45 Billy Batlegang Green IT Curriculum: A Mechanism For Sustainable Development 59 Rozeta Biçaku-Çekrezi Student Perception of Classroom Management and Productive Techniques in Teaching 74 Thomas J.P.Brady Developing Digital Literacy in Teachers and Students 91 Lorenzo Cherubini Ontario (Canada) Education Provincial Policy: Aboriginal Student Learning 101 Jennifer Dahmen Natascha Compes Just Google It?! But at What Price? Teaching Pro-Environmental Behaviour for Smart and Energy-Efficient Use of Information and Communication Technologies 119 Marion Engin Senem Donanci Using iPads in a dialogic classroom: Mutually exclusive or naturally compatible? 132 Nahed Ghazzoul Teaching and Learning in the Age of 'Just Google it' 149 Saba A. Gheni Falah H. Hussein Teaching Against Culture of Terrorism in the Middle East 162 Jessica Gordon Bonnie Boaz Integrating Digital Media into Multimodal Compositions: Five Trends in the Transfer of Rhetorical Skills 173 Jeehee Han Public Opinion on Health Care Policies in the 21st Century 181 Elijah C. Irozuru M. Ukpong Eno Home Environment,...
Words: 236613 - Pages: 947
...Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Edited by Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22202 USA Tel: +1 703-341-2400 www.conservation.org Editors : Kristen Walker Painemilla, Anthony B. Rylands, Alisa Woofter and Cassie Hughes Cover design Paula K. Rylands, Conservation International : Layout: Kim Meek, Washington, DC Maps [except where noted otherwise] Kellee Koenig, Conservation International : Conservation International is a private, non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. ISBN 978-1-934151-39-6 © 2010 by Conservation International All rights reserved. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Conservation International or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect those of Conservation International (CI). Suggested citation: Walker Painemilla, K., Rylands, A. B., Woofter, A. and Hughes, C. (eds.). 2010. Indigenous Peoples and Conservation: From Rights to Resource Management. Conservation...
Words: 170022 - Pages: 681
...Beliefs in society: • Different theories of ideology, science and religion, including both Christian and non-Christian religious traditions. • The relationship between religious beliefs and social change and stability. • Religious organisations, including cults, sects, denominations, churches and New Age movements, and their relationship to religious and spiritual belief and practice. • The relationship between different social groups and religious/spiritual organisations and movements, beliefs and practices. • The significance of religion and religiosity in the contemporary world, including the nature and extent of secularisation in a global context. 1. Religion serves to restore faith and the set basic guidelines for living that people should adhere to; an example of this is the Ten Commandments. 2. It can help to restore faith and a sense of individuality. 3. Maintains a sense of unity and creates hope with the promise of heaven. Explaining belief systems: Belief systems: are broadly defined as the framework of ideas through which an individual makes sense of the world. Ideology: originally a Marxist idea meaning a set of beliefs that serve the interests of a dominant group by justifying their privileged positions. The term usually implies that the beliefs are false or only partially true. Theories of ideology Ideology can be defined in a variety of ways - As a set of political beliefs - As the ideas and beliefs of a particular...
Words: 7958 - Pages: 32
...NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION: USE ONLY IN COMPLIANCE WITH COPYRIGHT: DAVID RISSTROM AN INTERPRETATION OF LAW IN CONTEXT Bottomley, S., Gunningham, N. and Parker, S., 1991, Law in Context, The Federation Press, Leichhardt. { } = additional material from lectures. ( ) = my comments. (See ‘x’) refers to book page number. A short (somewhat boring) message from the summary executioner before you dive in; These notes are an interpretation of the book Law in Context and the lectures given as part of the 1991 Course. They are not a satisfactory substitution for reading the text. You are only likely to get the maximum value out of this summary by reading it in conjunction with the text. The question of ‘the law in whose context’ may be worth keeping in mind as you read. This is an interpretation seen through my eyes, not yours. My comments are not unbiased, as it is as equally unlikely that yours may be. So my ‘advice’ is consider what is said here and in the book considering the need to understand the ‘mechanics’ that help make sense of the more involved themes that develop in the book as you progress through Law in Context. The observations, important in their own right, may be particularly useful for seeing how their often ubiquitous expression is taken as ‘normal’ in the areas of wider society, such as in discussions of economics and power. It is unlikely that you will find any ‘right answers’ from this summary, but I do hope it helps you in synthesising...
Words: 51747 - Pages: 207
... This page has been intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Governance − − − − Corporate Governance Business Resilience Group Security Group Risk and Audit 2 4 4 9 10 11 13 15 19 22 31 38 45 49 56 57 Stakeholder Engagement Financial Safety and Health Customer People Environment Procurement Community Measures Glossary The Group Strategy, supported by environment, procurement and community strategies, underpins the identification and reporting on material items. To support the Group’s core goal of delivering sustainable returns to shareholders, areas of focus are used to measure, monitor and report on the Group’s performance. Areas of focus and measures are reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain relevant. The Group Strategy drives sustainable outcomes Governance Corporate governance is core to ensuring the creation, protection and enhancement of shareholder value. Stakeholders We are committed to communicating effectively with our stakeholders. Financial Safety and Health To be recognised as the world’s leading airline group in air, ground and people safety and health. Customers Our Customers are the core of everything we do. The Group is continually striving towards providing exceptional customer experiences. Vision We strive to build a strong viable business capable of delivering sustainable returns to shareholders. Focus Qantas Sustainability Review 2013 »...
Words: 27168 - Pages: 109
...Acknowledgements This report would not have been possible without the support of two research assistants, Caroline Scott and Karin Barty. We thank them for their enthusiasm for the project and the many hours they spent searching the literature. The Early Childhood Education Research Team would also like to acknowledge the parents, primary school teachers, school principals, early childhood professionals and other support staff who were willing to provide their views on what they considered to be a successful transition to school. A very special thank you to the kindergarten teachers who, at the time, were very busy writing Transition Learning and Development Statements yet somehow put time aside to answer our questions. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the support and colleagueship provided by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, especially Pippa Procter, Gina Suntesic and Karen Weston. This has been an interesting and stimulating project for us all. The Early Childhood Education Research Team Victoria University December, 2009 Table of Contents Acknowledgements Introduction • Background • Purpose Methodology • Literature Review • Participants • Data Collection • Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework (Victorian Framework) • Outcomes • Indicators • Measures • Tables Outcomes & Indicators of a Positive Start to School • For Children • For Families • For Educators • Table 1: Outcomes & indicators of a positive start to school...
Words: 22052 - Pages: 89
...may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source. Reproduction for commercial use or sale requires prior written permission from the Attorney-General’s Department. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney-General’s Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Canberra ACT 2600. This publication is available in hard copy or PDF format from the Productivity Commission website at www.pc.gov.au. If you require part or all of this publication in a different format, please contact Media and Publications (see below). Publications Inquiries: Media and Publications Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 Tel: Fax: Email: (03) 9653 2244 (03) 9653 2303 maps@pc.gov.au General Inquiries: Tel: (03) 9653 2100 or (02) 6240 3200 An appropriate citation for this paper is: Productivity Commission 2009, Annual Report 2008-09, Annual Report Series, Productivity Commission, Canberra JEL code: D The Productivity Commission The Productivity Commission, is the Australian Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. Its role, expressed most simply, is to help governments make better policies, in the long term interest of the Australian community. The Commission’s independence is underpinned...
Words: 83553 - Pages: 335
...Guide Queensland Health Guide to Informed Decision-making in Healthcare Disclaimer The information within the Guide to Informed Decision-making in Healthcare is intended as a guide to good clinical practice. The law and service delivery environment is constantly evolving, so while every attempt has been made to ensure the content is accurate, it cannot be guaranteed. The information within this document should not be relied upon as a substitute for other professional or legal advice. ISBN 9781921707391 ©State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2011 First edition February 2012 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 2.5 Australian license. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/au/ In essence, you are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service, Queensland Health and abide by the license terms. For further information, contact: Informed Consent Program Manager Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Service Centre for Healthcare Improvement, Queensland Health PO Box 152 Herston Queensland 4029 tel (+61) (07) 3646 9715 psq@health.qld.gov.au www.health.qld.gov.au/chi/psq/ For permission beyond the scope of this license contact: Intellectual property Officer Queensland Health GPO Box 48 Brisbane Queensland 4001 tel (+61) (07) 3234 1479 ip_officer@health.qld.gov.au Forward Patient-centred...
Words: 37773 - Pages: 152
...THE AUSTRALIAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM: THE POTENTIAL FOR EFFICIENCY GAINS A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Background paper prepared for the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission June 2009 This paper was prepared at the Commission’s request by staff of the secretariat to the Commission. The lead author was Emily Hurley. Ian McRae Ian Bigg Liz Stackhouse Anne-Marie Boxall and Peter Broadhead provided some input and commented on drafts. This is a paper prepared as background for the NHHRC. The views and findings expressed in it should not be taken to be the views of the NHHRC or of the Australian Government. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................................................................4 International overview of efficiency .............................................................4 Health status – due to more than the health care system ............................7 An Australian focus ......................................................................................8 Summary ......................................................................................................8 A framework for efficiency............................................................................9 Operational Efficiency .................................................................................10 Health sub-sectors .....................................................................................11 Hospitals...........
Words: 27141 - Pages: 109
...Efficient Operations Rapid Expansion FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD IS AUSTRALIA’S NEW FORCE IN IRON ORE. Fortescue’s 155 million tonne per annum (mtpa) transformation is underway. Existing operations at Cloudbreak and Christmas Creek have ramped up to 55mtpa and construction has begun on infrastructure to grow production at the Chichester Hub to 90mtpa. Expansion work is taking place across the integrated rail and port supply chain and construction is well underway at Fortescue’s next mining operation, the Solomon Hub. Ramp up to a 60mtpa operation at the Solomon Hub is scheduled for June 2013. The development pipeline continues to grow with Fortescue’s resource inventory now totalling more than 10 billion tonnes, positioning your Company as one of the world’s major resource powerhouses. The year ahead is an exciting one for your Company as we continue to increase production at our existing minesites and transform to a 155mtpa resource powerhouse through the development of the Solomon Hub. Cover Image: part of Fortescue’s second reclaimer arriving at Herb Elliott Port. 4 Chairman’s Statement 7 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 9 3 Operations Report 12 Reserves and Resources Report 14 Sustainability Report 24 Corporate Governance 33 Financial Report 34 Directors’ Report 44 Remuneration Report 63 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 64 Financial Statements 120 Directors’...
Words: 57597 - Pages: 231