Reflection On Leadership And Management
Tina m. smith
Excellsior College
To have a reflection on leadership and management you have to understand the two words. If you had to ask anyone about these two words they probable tell you that they mean the same thing. So I had asked myself the question at hand “What is the definition of the word Leadership”. The definition of Leadership is the quality of those who take charge or show the way The Dictionary Project, INC (2006, p.184). Then the other question was “What is the definition of the word Management”. The definition of Management is people who manage any enterprise, an administration The Dictionary Project, INC (2006, p.195). Leadership within an organization is very important key to making or breaking an organization. A leader needs to be trusted and his or her actions will set the pace of the organization. Some ways to build trust within an organization is to display good sense of character composed of beliefs, values, skills, and traits. I also believe ethical conduct and a strong vision of the future. I guess you’re wondering what do beliefs, values, skills, and traits have to do with leadership. Let me define each one briefly. Beliefs are what we hold dear to us and are rooted deeply within us Clark,D.R.(2004).Values are attitudes about the worth of people, concepts, or things Clark,D.R (2004). Skills are knowledge and abilities that a person gains throughout life Clark, D.R (2004). Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits Clark D.R (2004). So I took a good look at these traits and seen everything that the Army has placed into my lap to be a good leader and have a good leadership style. I have to say with these traits also comes attributes that we as leaders