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Cassava Leaves as an Emulsion Surfactant for Detergents


Submitted By KristinaLigaya
Words 3323
Pages 14


A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of the
Science Technology and Engineering
Batasan Hills National High School
IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Research III


Borromeo, Kristine Joy R.
March 2016

Background of the Study Almost every human uses detergents everyday, the problem is we had gone too far in using detergents. Detergents are for cleansing that are daily in use. They are becoming more and more expensive and on demand because of their increasing purposes. In this modern age, detergents are not as effective as what like they said in ads and commercials because sometimes too much chemicals re used which can affect its effectivity. The research is done to find out an alternative solution for the problem said in detergents using cassava leaves. Cassava leaves is common inside the community. The solution aims to produce the as an potential emulsion surfactant for detergents using the cassava leaves. The product does the same job as others but is more natural because an organic specimen is added. It contains less harmful chemicals. The said product will perform important functions in detergents cleaning such as loosening emulsifying and holding suspension until it can be rinsed (Healthy Cleaning 101, 2010 ) .
Detergents are a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleansing properties. It is a product of surfactants, an effective cleansing product because it has one or more surfactants. Chemicals like surfactants are said to make water wetter, reducing the surface tensions. Detergent’s surfactant were developed in response to a shortage of animal and vegetable fats and oils during world wars. Today, detergent surfactants are made from a variety of petrochemicals and oleo chemicals derived from fats and oil (Cleaning Institute, 2016) .
Cassava leaves is from the plant cassava which is consumed by the world’s population especially in tropical countries. Cassava roots can be readily available in the markets all around the seasons. Buy well-formed, hard, cylindrical tuber that is heavy for its size also cleaned, and processed. Cassava leaves is usually removed when people tend to eat cassava and the researcher want to use the leaves for detergents. Cassava leaves analysis of fatty acid revealed that they have high content of fats. The researcher wants to improve its potency as an emulsion surfactant for detergents (Chem-malavish, 2009) . Nowadays, detergents is used for cleansing and common for every household. They are usage of detergents anywhere you look. The researcher’s goal is to make detergents more beneficial using environmental plants like cassava leaves. Detergent with less harmful properties unlike the commercialized ones. It is safer when compared, the cassava leaves will be added to the detergents for the solution. The study is for the benefit of people and in able to help them in socio-economic problems.

Significance of the Study The research is done to find out an effective solution for the detergents increasing price and purposes. The researcher will use the cassava leaves which is abundant all over the community in creating the potential emulsion surfactant. The product does not contain any harmful chemicals which make it more natural. This solution aims to produce an potential less viscous detergent. It aims to create a product solution for detergent that is less in residue and natural also could give the same quality as others. The study aims to find out the potency of cassava leaves as an emulsion surfactant because of its active component. Nowadays, detergents is form used for cleaning dirty and unwanted materials not just on clothes but in any other materials. They are becoming more expensive because of their daily purposes. The study also prove to be significant to the environment because it uses natural and environmental material so that the consumer of the product will not be harmed. It is also prove to significant to people because it can help the consumers to lessen or minimize their problems regarding detergents and unwanted materials.

Scope and Delimitation The study will focus on the potency of cassava leaves as an emulsion surfactant for detergents. The experimentation will be conducted on a laboratory or to an open area, during the weekends or whenever it is necessary. By adding the material, the researcher will test its effectivity as an emulsion surfactant. The compound present in cassava leaves and its effect to the detergent will be observed. Lastly, the researcher will analysis if the detergent with cassava leaves is better than commercialized used detergents. However, other possible details regarding the study that is not on the focus above is not already part of the study. Hence, it will not focus on other types of detergent and explore the other different effect of cassava leaves to the detergent. The compound present in cassava leaves and its effect to the detergent will be observed. Lastly, the researcher will analysis if the detergent with cassava leaves is better than commercialized used detergents.

Statement of the Problem The general problem of the study is : How effective is the cassava leaves as an potential emulsion surfactant for detergents? Specifically, it seeks answers to the following general statements: 1. What is the active component of cassava leaves that can be used to make it as an emulsion surfactant for detergents? 2. What are the significant differences between the potential emulsion surfactant in detergent and commercialized detergents? 3. What percentage of cassava leaves can effectively act as emulsion surfactant for detergents?

The null hypothesis of the study is: The cassava leaves has no significant effect in detergent as an emulsion surfactant.


Review of Related Literature
Cassava (yuca or manioc) is a nutty prepared, starch-tuber in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants. It thought to have begun from the South-American timberlands. Its sweet, chewy underground tuber is one of the unmistakable edible root-vegetables. Indigenous people of various parts of Africa, Asia and South American landmasses used it as staple support source since several years. Together with other tropical roots and starch-rich supports like yam, taro, plantains, potato, et cetera, it too is a basic bit of sugar eating routine for countless living in these regions. Cassava is an interminable plant that grows best under tropical, wet, rich, and all around exhausted soils. Completely created plant compasses to a stature of around 2-4 m. Under the improvement handle, its cut-stem territories are planted for the most part as because of sugarcanes. After around 8-10 months of farm; long, globular roots or tubers create in an extended sample downwards significant into the earth from the base end of stem up to the significance of 2-4 feet (nutrition-and-you, 2016) .

Cassava Leaves
Cassava leaves survive long dry spells by shedding its leaves and going lethargic until downpours return. It is additionally a plant fit for developing in soil that is exceptionally acidic, low in supplements and high in dangerous aluminum mixes. These developing conditions are progressively basic in the corrupted farming environments of the tropics. Its capacity to create nourishment under such brutal conditions make cassava "the poor man's companion." In numerous cassava developing areas the leaves are eaten and in addition the roots. The estimation of both the leaves and the roots is restricted by the vicinity of hydrocyanic corrosive (HCN), a typical plant poison. One would be enticed to stay away from cassava leaves through and through to dodge any poisonous quality issues, aside from that the plant has a few essential properties as a leaf crop. Notwithstanding becoming under troublesome conditions, cassava leaves are rich in the protein, vitamins, and minerals that are expected to adjust the sugar overwhelming eating routine of numerous tropical societies. By planting the cassava stem cuttings closer together and selecting verdant assortments, the yield of cassava leaves can be cosmic. Development of cassava is expanding quickly as gainful new assortments are made and worldwide markets for cassava items are produced (leafforlife, 2016). Lipids were separated quantitatively from youthful cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves with a chloroform-methanol blend. Absolute lipids were refined by the Folch strategy and isolated into non-polar lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid divisions by segment chromatography. Lipids of every portion were further subjected to thin layer chromatography and gas-fluid chromatography. Youthful cassava leaves were found to have low substance of lipids (3.02%) of which 22.4, 25.1 and 48.2 were non-polar lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids, individually. Colors (11.5%), wax and hydrocarbons (1.2%), steryl esters (2.9%), methyl esters of unsaturated fats (2.0%), triglycerides (1.5%), unsaturated fats (2.1%), diglycerides (1.1%) and sterols (0.1%) constituted the leaf non-polar lipids. The leaf glycolipids were comprised of esterified steryl glycosides (2.1%), monogalactosyl diglycerides (12.5%), steryl glycosides (1.1%), cerebrosides (4.2%) and digalactosyl diglycerides (5.2%). The leaf phospholipids were found to incorporate cardiolipin (3.6%), phosphatidylglycerol (21.5%), phosphatidylethanolamine (16.4%), phosphatidylserine (0.7%), phosphatidylinositol (4.0%) and other unidentified phospholipids (2.5%). Phosphatidylcholine was available just in follow amount. Investigation of the unsaturated fat piece of each of the leaf lipids uncovered that all leaf lipids have high substance of polyunsaturated unsaturated fats (onlinelibrarywiley, 2016).

According to Woodford (2008), routinely we use the words "soap" and "detergents" proportionally, regardless they're extremely unmistakable things. A soap is an engineered substance you use to isolated and empty oil and grime, while detergents is only one kind of cleaning agent. Detergents has a long history and was at first created utilizing just trademark things like goat's fat and wood searing garbage. Today, cleaning agents will most likely be a mix of made detergents and included substances prepared in a gigantic manufactured plant and, not in the slightest degree such as routine detergents, they're overall liquids instead of solids. Detergents are used as a piece of everything from hair detergents and articles of clothing washing powder to shaving foam and recolor removers. The most basic fixings in detergents will be chemicals called surfactants—a word created utilizing bits of the words surface element administrator.

Emulsion Surfactants Surfactants and manufacturers are the significant segments of cleaning items. Different fixings are changed it up of capacities, for example, expanding cleaning execution for particular soils/surfaces, guaranteeing item security and supplying a special personality to an item. Like the unsaturated fats utilized as a part of soap making, both petroleum and fats and oils contain hydrocarbon chains that are repulsed by water yet pulled in to oil and oil in soils. These hydrocarbon affix sources are utilized to make the water-despising end of the surfactant particle. Chemicals, for example, sulfur trioxide, sulfuric corrosive and ethylene oxide, are utilized to deliver the water-adoring end of the surfactant atom. As in soap making, a soluble base like alkali is used to utilized to make cleanser surfactants. Sodium and potassium hydroxide are the most widely recognized alkalis (cleaninginstitute, 2016). A cleanser is a surfactant or a blend of surfactants with "cleaning properties in weaken solutions. "These substances are normally alkyl benzenesulfonates, a group of aggravates that are like cleanser however are more dissolvable in hard water, in light of the fact that the polar sulfonate (of cleansers) is more improbable than the polar carboxyl (of cleanser) to tie to calcium and different particles found in hard water. In most family unit settings, the term cleanser without anyone else alludes particularly to clothing cleanser or dish cleanser, instead of hand cleanser or different sorts of cleaning operators. Cleansers are usually accessible as powders or thought arrangements. Cleansers, similar to cleansers, work since they are amphiphilic: incompletely hydrophilic (polar) and somewhat hydrophobic (non-polar). Their double nature encourages the blend of hydrophobic mixes (like oil and oil) with water. Since air is not hydrophilic, cleansers are likewise frothing specialists to changing degrees (goldbook, 2016) .
According to American Cleaning Institute (2016), water: the fluid ordinarily utilized for cleaning, has a property called surface tension. In the body of the water, every particle is encompassed and pulled in by other water atoms. Then again, at the surface, those atoms are encompassed by other water particles just on the water side. A pressure is made as the water atoms at the surface are maneuvered into the body of the water. This pressure causes water to globule up on surfaces (glass, fabric), which moderates wetting of the surface and hinders the cleaning process. You can see surface strain at work by putting a drop of water onto a ledge. The drop will hold its shape and won't spread. In the cleaning process, surface pressure must be diminished so water can spread and wet surfaces. Chemicals that can do this adequately are called surface dynamic specialists, or surfactants. They are said to make water "wetter." Surfactants perform other essential capacities in cleaning, for example loosening, emulsifying sink dishes (dispersing in water) and holding soil in suspension until it can be washed away. Surfactants can likewise give alkalinity, which is helpful in evacuating acidic soils.
As we've starting now seen, these have huge effect in watering to ambush and avoid dirts. In any case, once they flush away down the channel, surfactants don't stop working: they start to play practically identical traps on maritime life, for case, striking the regular oils in the organic liquid layers of fish, keeping their gills from working honest to goodness, and extending their threat of attack from various chemicals in the water. Some surfactant fixings (checking one called nonylphenol ethoxylate or NPE) produce what are called endocrine-disruptors, which can impact the hormonal adjustment of animals, bringing on an arrangement of wellbeing issues and at times changing their sex traits. Regardless of the way that surfactants can be toxic to point and other land and water proficient life some are even recorded as innovative common poisons — ones that stay in the earth for quite a while without isolating, most surfactants biodegrade for the most part quickly in sewage treatment plants before they can do much harm in the world (explainthatstuff, 2016).

Review of Related Studies
Emulsifier surfactant-oil combinations
According to McMullan (2014), research have been done in Brandon Research Station should figure out the ideal oil-emulsifier surfactant proportion for each from claiming two oil-emulsifier surfactant pairs to utilization for tralkoxydim. An arrangement of adjuvants holding 8. 5, 17, 34, What's more 68% emulsifier surfactant (by weight) Also oil were figured to a petroleum oil (PO)- alternately methylated seed oil (MSO)-based adjuvant. Tame oats (Avena sativa l. ) new weight might have been used to focus percent control Likewise the pointer for phytotoxicity. PO (Sunoco 11 n oil) adjuvants required more terrific emulsion solidness appraisals over MSO adjuvants. Emulsion Strength might have been not identified with oats control, Concerning illustration MSO adjuvants improved tralkoxydim phytotoxicity more than PO adjuvants. Oats control expanded Likewise adjuvant volume expanded starting with 0. 25 with 2. 0% (vol/vol) of the shower result for whichever PO- alternately MSO-based adjuvants. For PO-based adjuvants, those adjuvant holding 34% emulsifier surfactant (by weight) what's more utilized In 0. 5% (vol/vol) might have been Concerning illustration successful as the adjuvant holding 17% emulsifier surfactant what's more utilized at 1. 0%. However, for MSO-based adjuvants, 17% emulsifier surfactant content might have been Similarly as compelling as higher emulsifier surfactant substance. Oats control didn't associate for the measure of oil in the spread result. These information demonstrate that those ideal oil-emulsifier surfactant proportion will change for every specific oil-emulsifier surfactant combine.

Glycol esters of castor oil fatty acids
According to Ghosh and Bhattacharyya (2013), the study indicates the preparation and evaluation of about nonionic surfactants arranged from polyethylene glycol (PEG) esters of castor oil unsaturated fat acid, a hotspot about hydroxy greasy liver. An lipase-catalyzed esterification response need been utilized will get ready peg esters from claiming hydroxy corrosive should beat issues connected with concoction techniques. Castor oil greasy liver (85% ricinoleic acid) might have been blended with peg of separate sub-atomic weight. Rhizomucor miehei lipase might have been included as impetus (10% level) and the response might have been begun and Johnson had proceeded at 60°C under 2 mm hg weight for 360 min. Transformation from claiming peg with esters might have been in the extent of 86–94%, relying upon the atomic size for peg. The results were disconnected and inspected for surface action by surface pressure estimation. Surface pressure values measured at 25°C were something
36–37 d.


Preparation of Cassava Leaves
The cassava leaves will be collected from the researcher’s residence at Sugartown Subdivision. Extract was gathered by steam distillation method. Fresh leaves (150 g) of cassava will be taken in a pressure cooker of capacity 2000 mL containing 1500 mL of water. It will be closed and boiled, and the vapors released through its outlet is passed through a rubber tuber (dia. 0.5 cm) that is connected to a condenser. After continuous cooling by circulating cold water, the extracts will be collected.

Preparation of Detergent Solution
Fifty grams of detergent is gathered from the researcher’s neighborhood store. Detergent solution will be prepared by combining 200mL of water and the detergent. The solution is separated to four samples with four graduated tubes with plug seal caps will be used to distinguish the different ratios of detergent solution to particles

Testing the Emulsion Surfactant in Detergents with Cassava Leaves
Four graduated tubes with 50mL each of detergent solution is prepared. The first test tube will be added by 0.25 L of cassava leaves extract, the second has 0.50 L, the third has 0.75 L and the fourth tube has no content of cassava leaves extract. The graduated tubes will be all covered with plug seal caps to avoid the leaking of the solution. Each graduated tube will be shaken with a time of 60 seconds at room temperature. The shaking is repeated three times in every 30 minutes. The researcher then strictly observe the ratio between the detergent solution and unwanted particulates during the testing.

Filtering of Treated Solution
The solutions after treated will be filtered with the use of filter paper one time in order to separate the fluid from the left particulates.

Weighing of Solutions
The residue and filtrate of the treated solution will be transferred in a graduated cylinder to be measured. The average increased in mass per set-up will be computed and the final mass of the fluid and residue will also be weigh by the researcher in able to compare and analyze.


American Cleaning Institute (2016) Detergents and Soaps, 2008. Retrieved from, January 26 2016, 4:29 pm Cassava Nutrition Facts, 2009. Retrieved from, January 30 2016, 4:11 pm
Chem-malavish, 2009. Retrieved from
Cleaning Institute, 2016. Retrieved from C. Woodford (2008) Detergents and soaps. Retrieved from, January 25 2016, 4:53 pm
Detergent, 2014. Retrieved from, January 26 2016, 4: 32 pm Detergents: Chemistry, 2016. Retrieved from, January 27 2016, 5:22 pm
Healthy Cleaning 101, 2010. Retrieved from
Manihot esculenta, 2016. Retrieved from, January 25 2016, 5:14 pm
M. Ghosh, D. K. Bhattacharyya (2013) Enzymatic preparation of polyethylene glycol esters of castor oil fatty acids and their surface-active properties. Retrieved from, January 30 2016, 6:01 pm
P. McMullan (2014) Emulsifier surfactant-oil combinations with tralkoxydim. Retrieved from, January 30 2016, 5:15 pm
Soaps and Detergents, 2016. Retrieved from, January 25 2016,
4:53 pm
The Lipids of Young Cassava, 2006. Retrieved from, January 27 2016, 5:12 pm

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