...University of Phoenix Material Causes and Outcomes of the Revolution Part 1: Causes Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-War Event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | | |(1754–1763) is the American name, British name is the 7 year war. The war was |Debt from French and Indian war was a big contribution to Revolutionary War | |French and Indian War|fought primarily between the colonies of British America and New France, with | | | |both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great | | | |Britain and France, who declared war on each other in 1756 | | | |Act that reduced taxes on molasses and sugar, laid |Money made from the Sugar Act was used to keep British Troops present. | |Sugar Act |taxes on indigo, pimento (allspice), some wines, and coffee, and increased | ...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix B Causes of the Revolution Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-War Event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | |French and Indian War|Lasted from 1756-1763 and was the bloodiest American war in the 18th century and took more|The disagreement caused the colonists to believe that they would be looked at by the | | |lives that the American Revolution. It involved people on three different continents |British as one colony instead of separate colonies. The people resented any efforts | | |including the Caribbean. This was a clash between the French and the English over |from the British. | | |territory and wealth. The war was also known as The Seven Years War. For the first three | | | |years of the war, the outnumbered French dominated the battlefield, soundly defeating the | | | |English in battles at Fort Oswego and Ticonderoga. Perhaps the most notorious battle...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |HIS/115 | | |U.S. History to 1865 | Copyright © 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the social, political, economic, and global events that have shaped the American scene from colonial times through the Civil War period. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class...
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...There are five causes, four stages and two relevant effects for the French Revolution, the causes are: Absolute Monarchism, Social Inequality, Economic Injustice,Enlightenment and Others Revolutions. The stages are: Tennis Court Oath, The Great Fear, The Reign of Terror and The Moderation, and the relevant effects was: The Spread of the Idea of a Democratic Government, and Nationalism.Napoleon also help to the stages. The French Revolution started at 1789 and ended in 1799. The first cause was Absolute Monarchism. The Absolute Monarch created by king Louis was, when the king and the queen have all power and everyone else, also called as stage three do not has any power, the people do not have any choice, for what the king going to do to the country. The second cause was the Social Inequality, this was how they were separate in order of importance, like first estate, second estate and third estate. The first estate was the clergy, the second estate was nobility and the third estate was everyone else, in the third estate there was Bourgeoisie, that are peoples that work, like the middle class, the small business people, artisans and others jobs. The third cause was Economic Inequality (Economic Injustice), that was because the first and second estate do not pay any tax and the third estate, that was...
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...The American Revolution was caused by problems with religion, government, finances, freedom, and rights. All of these subjects have been presented earlier during the enlightenments, the glorious revolution, the English Civil War, and stand in the English Bill of rights which later set the basis for our country today. Without the thinkers that the Scottish enlightenment produced, our modern government wouldn’t be the way that it remains today. If it wasn’t for the English Bill of Rights, the constitution would not exist. All of the causes listed above play a part in the American Revolution, which would later result in the creation of the United States of America. Maybe the most influential character came out of the enlightenment, his name...
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...University of Phoenix Material Causes and Outcomes of the Revolution Part 1: Causes Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-War Event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | | |French and Indian war was a conflict between Great Britain and France that had |They had refused to help pay for Britain’s war debt and they also refused to follow the | |French and Indian War|resulted in Britain taking over all of French lands in North America. |mandate on where they could settle or with whom they could trade with. | | |The Sugar Act was passed by the English Parliament to offset the war debt |The Sugar Act was the first of Acts passed. It was an Act that the King had passed, to | |Sugar Act |brought by the French and Indian War and to help pay for the expenses of running|increase money in the pay of colonists. That money would go to British Government, and | | |the colonies and newly acquired territories. This act increased the duties on |was one of the taxes that made the colonists rebel against England. | | |imported sugar and other items such as coffee, indigo, wines and textiles. | ...
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...CAUSES OF FRENCH REVOLUTION Date: 1789–1799 Participants: French society Location: France The French Revolution was a major event in modern European history. The causes of the French Revolution were many: the monarchy's severe debt problems, high taxes, poor harvests, and the influence of new political ideas and the American Revolution, to mention only a few. Starting as a movement for government reforms, the French Revolution rapidly turned radical and violent, leading to the abolition of the monarchy and execution of King Louis XVI. Though the monarchy was eventually restored, the French Revolution changed France and the rest of Europe forever. It inspired a number of revolutionary movements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that made the final end to institutions such as absolutism, feudalism, class privilege and legal inequality, and spread the principles of natural right, equality and freedom throughout the world. The three main causes of French revolution are as follows: 1. Political Cause 2. Social Cause 3. Economic Cause 4. Intellectual Cause. POLITICAL CAUSE That time France was the absolute monarchy with a weak monarch king Louis XVI - French king of the Bourbon dynasty who took the throne in 1774; inherited massive debt problems but was unable to fix them. France had long subscribed to the idea of divine right, which maintained that kings were selected by God and thus perpetually entitled to the throne. This doctrine resulted in a system...
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...University of Phoenix Material Causes and Outcomes of the Revolution Part 1: Causes Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-war event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | |French and Indian War|Also known as the Seven Years’ War, this New World conflict marked another |The French and Indian War helped lead to the Revolutionary War in two ways. | | |chapter in the long imperial struggle between Britain and France. When France’s | | | |expansion into the Ohio River valley brought repeated conflict with the claims |First funding this war lead to a huge national debt for Great Britain, which they felt | | |of the British colonies, a series of battles led to the official British |the Americans should help pay. Parliament decided to service the debt by passing the | | |declaration of war in 1756. Boosted by the financing of future Prime Minister |stamp act, a terrible failure that angered citizens on both sides of the Atlantic, which | | |William Pitt, the British turned the tide with victories at Louisbourg, Fort |started the rift...
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...The primary causes of the American Revolution were social in nature because the unjust treatment of the colonists provoked more intellectual thought about individual liberties. Events that induced such thought and were the publication of Common Sense by Thomas Paine, the signing of Declaration of Independence, and the Battle of Saratoga. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense gave hope to the American colonists. The signing of the declaration of independence reinforced the natural rights of the colonists. The American victory of the Battle of Saratoga persuaded the colonists that it was possible for them to over prevail over the British Empire. During 1765, about the time of the intolerable Tea Act, declaring independence had not even crossed the colonists’ minds; their main concern was fair treatment from the British Empire. After several attempts to reconcile with the king, and continual acts of oppression against the 13 colonies, Americans had had enough and separation from Britain was inevitable. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense, persuaded the colonists to keep faith in the revolution. When this pamphlet was written in 1776 the colonies were struggling to overcome the oppression of British superpower. “Common Sense inspired a wide-ranging debate about whether American freedom would be more secure inside or outside the British Empire.” This pamphlet heavily emphasized that the colonists were fully capable of not only declaring independence but maintaining it also. The...
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...CAUSES OF FRENCH REVOLUTION Political Causes: The French rulers were not interested in the welfare of the people. This naturally created discontent among the people. France attained the height of glory under Louis XIV who ruled for twelve years. However, his highly expensive wars and lavish style of living weakened France, economically as well as politically. He gave good advice to his successor Louis XV saying "Do not imitate my fondness for building and for war, but work to lessen the misery of my people." Louis XV considered state business to be a bore and engaged himself in pursuing worldly pleasures. His constant source of enjoyment was Madame de Pompadour and Madame du Barry. He appointed and dismissed ministers and even declared wars only to please these women. When his ministers attempted to discuss affairs of the state with him, he merely remarked, "After me, the deluge." He was indifferent to the fact that the treasury was empty after the wars. He adopted a policy of repression by strict press censorship, arbitrary imprisonment of those seeking reform, banning and burning literature criticizing the government, thus endangering personal liberty in France. Though his successor Louis XVI was intelligent and meant to do well, he lacked the will power to carry out any reforms. Further, he was badly influenced by flattering courtiers and his ill - advised Queen Marie Antoinette who lacked consideration for the people. When she was told that the people had no bread...
Words: 549 - Pages: 3
...University of Phoenix Material Causes and Outcomes of the Revolution Part 1: Causes Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-war event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | |French and Indian War|The French and Indian War was a war that was fought between the British America |After the French and Indian War, England attempted to tighten and “flex” its control over| | |colonies and New France. This particular war resulted in a British victory over |the British colonies. Some of the actions and laws of the British crown angered the | | |the French, in addition to territorial changes as well. |colonist, thus, later contributing to the Revolutionary War. | |Sugar Act |In 1764 British Parliament passed the Sugar Act which reduced the tax rate on |The Sugar Act and the reactions of the colonist to the act greatly contributed to | | |molasses; and was strictly enforced. In addition, the Sugar Act also listed many|Revolutionary War. With strict enforcement of the Sugar Act and the tax, colonists were | | |other foreign goods to be taxed as well. |unable to evade...
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...The uprising Cuban Revolution was one of the minor causes to the missile crisis. By 1958 Fidel Castro had taken over the Cuban “presidency” with the full support of his fellow communist followers in the Cuban government. He gradually gained their trust when he was first introduced as a cabinet member for President Batista in 1943. At this point in time Castro had an overwhelming amount of support from his countrymen, and as his first act as the President of Cuba he trimmed the prices of rent throughout the country, however many land owners in Cuba were American, leaving many Americans frustrated with Castro. Despite what Americans thought of Castro he greatly improved the lives of Cubans, he nearly eradicated polio and malaria, installed a...
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...Other Catholic countries also condemned it. Perhaps the most worrying thing for the government is the way in which it soon antagonised the peasants who had been an important component of the revolutionaries’ support base. This essay seeks to explore the civil constitution and show how it weakened the support base of the revolutionaries as it alienated the Catholic constituency that had been sympathetic all along. The essay will also show how the civil constitution had far-reaching consequences that included civil and international war. The Civil Constitution narrowed the support base of the revolutionaries by antagonising the peasants and civil war was the ultimate result. Prior to the civil constitution, the outbreak of the revolution had united different sections of the Third Estate. The peasants who constituted just over ninety per cent of the French population were by far the largest component of the revolution’s support base. There was so much uniting the Third Estate including demands for political and civil rights. The...
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...The American Revolution in the eyes of most Americans has to do with “taxation without representation”. This period is known as the “Short Term Imperial Crisis” and lasted from 1762-1775. There were a series of events that led up to the start of the American Revolution starting with the end of the 7 Years War between Britain and France. The British Empire was in severe debt following the victory over France and they wanted to begin taxing the colonists. By taxing the colonists, the British government set in motion a series of events that would ultimately begin the American Revolution. From 1763 to 1767 there were a series of taxes placed upon the colonists in order to increase British revenue. The first of these taxes was the Revenue Act in 1763. The Revenue Act simply stated that the British throne now had the power to tax the colonies. This led to the Sugar Act in 1764. The Sugar Act placed taxes on goods such as sugar, molasses, and rum. It also gave customs officials Writs of Assistance that allowed them to board merchant ships at will and search for any of these goods if they were untaxed. If the officials found anything, the merchant was taken to court in Britain, not America. This was the beginning of the British impeding colonial rights. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a tax on anything with paper that required a stamp. Although this act did not destroy the American economy, the colonists were upset that this act was a clear demonstration of the throne acting on its own interests...
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...The French Revolution The book that was reviewed is titled “The French Revolution: William Doyle”. It addresses some of the causes of the French revolution and the effects it had. The French Revolution is known as one of the most significant events in the world’s history. Its impact hardly can be overvalued due to globally caused implications. Therefore, it is considered as generally valid birth of civilized principles. Appropriate analyzing requires plenty of items considering. However, there is the try to outline the most significant causes and effects of great historical event. Let’s start with the causes of the French Revolution. A major cause was social injustice and class inequalities. 18th century in French history was the time of feudal abutment. Naturally that is accompanied by different rights and duties for its members. The division of French society members was provided by Estates. In fact, prerevolutionary France experienced three of them: first, second and third estate respectively. The contrast between them was too significant and frustrated the lowest class. The first most privileged Estate was for about 2 percent of the entire population. At the end of scholastic influence era, the power of the Church was unrestricted. As for corresponding benefits, the Estate was out of tax duty. Moreover, the Church was authorized for income tithe claiming. Curiously enough, this minority owned more than 15% percent of France’s lands. The second Estate was nobility. As well...
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