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Causes and Prevention of Burnout in Human Services Staff


Submitted By tiffany225
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Causes and Prevention of Burnout in Human Services Staff
• Burnout
Burnout is “a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion resulting from involvement with people in emotionally demanding situations” (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 132). Another definition of the term “burnout” is coined by a psychologist named Herbert Freudenthal. Freudenthal states that burnout is a psychological condition caused by unrelieved work stress that results in: lacking physical energy and emotional exhaustion, more susceptible to illnesses, interpersonal relationships become impersonal, dissatisfaction and pessimism abound, absenteeism and work inefficiency are noticeable (Hatfield & Gray, n.d.).
• Describe individual, cultural, organizational, supervisory, and social support factors that cause burnout Individual factors that cause burnout are personalities such as a “Type A or Type B” personality profiles or possessing unrealistic career goals or expectations, such as wanting to become president of a company after one year may result in burnout (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 133). Some cultural factors that cause burnout are the aspects of culture that include a feeling of disconnect with the community, the frustration that comes with not meeting the expectations of maximizing one’s work potential, and dealing with widespread competition (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 134). Organizational factors that cause burnout are a lack of flexible management philosophies, lack of feedback from management, a competitive climate rather than a more conducive one, many conflicts, and a lack of openness and trust (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 133). Also burnout may be more prevalent if an employee experiences disagreements about job role expectations, ambiguity such as unclear expectations for job performance, or workload is too much; or a job that lacks motivating potential that does not provide a high-quality work life; or a job that does not allow an individual to self-govern (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 134). Supervisory and social support factors that can cause burnout is a lack of participative decision-making. This means the supervisors and social groups do not include everyone in the organization in the decision-making process.
• Describe various individual, job role, and organizational methods to prevent burnout. Individual methods to prevent burnout: participate in in-service training, such as time management, peer support groups for conflict resolution and problem solving, participate counseling for employees (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 135). Job role methods to prevent burnout: job sharing, use of flex-time, strive to accomplish meaningful work, participate in decision-making process (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 135). Organizational methods to prevent burnout: change job structures, such as lowering caseloads for an individual’s job role, use of volunteers or an increase of volunteers, provide feedback, “create opportunities for new program development and new career options for staff, create a sense excitement and strong purpose with clear goals and objectives” (Lewis, Packard, & Lewis, 2007, p. 134).
• Examine your personality, and share how you react and respond to personal and work related stress. Provide insight into how you may reduce effects of burnout.
Depending on the situation, Christine has often times reacted and responded to personal and work-related stress in a calm and positive manner. Mostly, Christine is able to handle well and manage well stress in her personal life and work life. Christine can overreact at times and is very emotional often times as well. However, when she has to react and respond to certain stressful situations whether in her personal life or be it work-related, she does so trying very hard to be calm and thinking things through before reacting and responding. This process did not happen overnight. It took many years and many hardships to cultivate this new found skill. For example, 16 years ago when her father passed away, Christine was a total wreck emotionally, physically, and mentally. She could not handle the stress in an appropriate manner. Christine has changed much over the past 16 years in regard to how she responds and reacts to stress in her personal life. Christine recently lost her beloved mother who passed away because of Lung Cancer and other complications. She along with her brother had to do many things the very night her mother passed. She was not sure how she would handle it but believed she could be stoic at that time. As soon as she her mother was declared dead by her brother and husband, she called the people who needed to know. She called the pastor and funeral home while her brother and her husband took care of her mother. Christine barely cried while making the phone calls and stuck to the task at hand. As for work-related stress, Christine is less emotional and handles stress by trying to delegate task (even though she is a perfectionist). She tries to delegate tasks rather than not.
Christine has discovered some proven ways to reduce burnout. Stress is the main factor in contributing to burnout. To reduce stress, one must give himself or herself “me-time.” Whatever you do, it must be for you. One must relieve stress in any positive way one can think of, whether it is going to the beach or taking a bath, one must incorporate “me-time” not less than twice a week (minimum). Gathering together with close friends is also a good stress reliever. Finally, Christine finds prayer and meditation an excellent stress reliever and can help prevent burnout.

Hatfield, T., & Gray, L. (n.d.). Burnout. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from Stress Management Web site:

Lewis, J. A., Packard, T., & Lewis, M. D. (2007). Management of Human Service Programs, 4e. In J. A. Lewis, T. Packard, & M. D. Lewis, Management of Human Service Programs, 4e (pp. 133-135). Belmont:Thomson.

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