...A Reflective Paper On Bipolar Disorder Bipolar is a condition known as manic-depressive disorder, which referred to as bipolar or manic depression, a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more abnormal episodes. An estimated 15-20% of patients who suffer from bipolar disorder and who do not receive medical attention commit suicide. Bipolar disorder is a very dangerous illness that is often over looked. Although many people may assume that bipolar disorder is just a person's personality fluctuating between highs and lows, there is much more to this disease. Bipolar disorder is a complex physiological and psychological disorder that can influence and manipulate a person's thoughts and actions in their daily life. Bipolar elevated moods are symptoms of mania or milder hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes have both mania and depression present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal "mood; but, in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, which is known as rapid cycling. Feldman, R.S 2009. In addition, extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. Depression phase of bipolar disorder include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger isolation, or hopelessness; disturbances in sleep and loss of appetite and interest in usually enjoyable activities; problems concentrating; loneliness...
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...Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Evaluating Bipolar Disorder History of the Disorder Bipolar Disorder, formally known as “manic-depressive disorder,” is one of the oldest disorders that dates back to the second century. Aretaeus, who lived in the ancient city Cappadocia in Turkey, was the first to find and connect symptoms of mania and depression. Jules Farlet connected depression to suicide in 1854 and led to the term “Bipolar Disorder.” He found that moments of depression were linked to heightened moods and saw that there was a difference between this and simple depression. In 1875, these findings led to the term of “Manic-Depressive Psychosis.” He also later found a genetic link with this disorder. Francois Baillarger found and explained the depressive phase of the disorder and then received its own classification as a mental illness because of this finding. Emil Krapelin created the term manic-depressive after a study focusing on the how manic states effect depression. After fifteen years, the disorder was accepted and became a big theory of the 1930’s. An article, published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorder in 1952, showed that there was a genetic link in the disorder and that there is a chance that manic depression can run in the family. The 1960’s saw many cases of people with the disorder that were being institutionalize and were barely helped because Congress refused to treat manic depression as an actual illness. The 1970’s saw laws and standards...
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...About Bipolar Disorder Jessica Menefee PSY 115 February 20, 2011 Janet Barber Abstract Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that disrupts an individual’s emotional state. Suffers have states of mania characterized by euphoria and states of depression. There are 4 types of bipolar disorder diagnosed by their states of mania versus hypomania. There is no single cause for bipolar disorder. It can begin as soon as early adolescents, although it often gets misdiagnosed. With treatments such as mood stabilizers and antidepressants, episodes of mania and depression can be significantly reduced. Without treatment, the risk for suicide and accidental death are increased. About Bipolar Disorder Mood disorders are disorders that change a persons’ emotional state to greater extremes and for longer periods of time than most people. Mood disorders can be either uni-polar or bipolar. Uni-polar mood disorders, such as depression change individuals’ emotions in only one manner. Depression causes feelings of extreme sadness or hopelessness. Bipolar disorder gets its name from the fact that it can affect a persons’ mood in two directions, extreme happiness or extreme sadness. In terms of the earth, the poles are the northernmost and southernmost points on Earth; they are the furthest point you can go before changing directions. Varied states of extreme happiness, mania, and extreme sadness, depression, is why many refer to this disorder as manic depression. In the context of bipolar...
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...Bipolar Disorder The symptoms of Bipolar disorder are depression, mood swings, mania, and cyclothymia. There are two types of Bipolar disorder there is type I, which is manic depression (Bipolar Disorder, 2011) Patients with bipolar disorder II have never had any mania, instead the patient experiences periods of high energy levels and impulsiveness that are not as extreme as mania. This form of bipolar disorder is also called hypomania, the periods of extreme highs alternate with episodes of extreme depression (Bipolar Disorder, 2011). There is a mild form of bipolar disorder called cyclothymic disorder and this involves less severe mood swings and people with this form are wrongly diagnosed as having depression, but it is usually just bipolar disorder type II (Bipolar Disorder, 2011). There are many life changing events that can trigger the onset of bipolar disorder. These events can be happy and exciting events or sad and devastating. The events could be the birth of a child or it could be a divorce (Bipolar Disorder, 2011). Sometimes when Bipolar Disorder is misdiagnosed the drugs that are administered for depression can actually make Bipolar disorder worse. Many studies have shown that illegal drug use such as, hallucinogens or inhibitors of any kind can trigger bipolar onset in severe ways (Bipolar Disorder, 2011). Many people have triggered the onset of bipolar disorder from massive trauma like car accidents, explosions, and emotionally damaging trauma like a death of...
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...What Is Bipolar Disorder? COMM/156 5/25/2012 Mary Clark “What a creature of strange moods [Winston Churchill] is - always at the top of the wheel of confidence or at the bottom of an intense depression,” once said William Maxwell "Max" Aitken. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain that has yet to be unraveled; it causes many mood swings that can happen at a moment’s notice without a word. With many mental illnesses in order to diagnose them it takes time and observation with a health care provider. Treatment is also an aspect that takes planning and reflection mostly on how the patient feels in reaction to the medication that they are taking and other forms of treatment. Although bipolar disorder is a complex disease to diagnose, there are several alternative treatments used in conjunction with medication can be effective in managing this serious mental illness. By definition Bipolar Disorder is associated with mood swings that range from the lows of depression to the highs of mania; otherwise known as obsession (The Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012). These two separate feelings could come at the same time of the day or may only take place a few times a year; it all depends on the severity of the patient’s disorder. Currently there is no known exact cause for bipolar disorder; although there are several contributing factors thought to cause the disease. Several of the factors involved with causing bipolar disorder are neurotransmitters, inherited traits, hormones...
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...Bipolar Disorder Introduction Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder. People who have bipolar disorder feel very happy and energized some days, and very sad and depressed on other days. Abnormal and risky behaviors caused by mood swings can cause people affected by bipolar disorder to lose jobs, friends and money. It can also lead to substance abuse and addiction. In some cases, it may lead to suicide. It is estimated that up to 2% of the population may have bipolar disorder. If not treated, bipolar disorder keeps getting worse as the mood shift becomes frequent and more severe. If treated, it can be managed and people can lead successful lives. This reference summary explains bipolar disorder. It discusses its symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment options. Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a serious brain disorder. People with bipolar disorder go through unusual mood changes from very happy to very sad and depressed. Bipolar disorder is also called manic-depressive illness. It is normal for people to experience some emotional ups and downs from time to time. But for people with bipolar disorder, the mood swings are much more powerful than the normal ups and downs everyone has. When people with bipolar disorder feel very happy and up, they are also much more active than usual. This is called mania. This document is for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional or...
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...BIPOLAR DISORDER PSY/340 Today there are many different illnesses that affect the structure and function of the brain. Learning Team B decided to do their research on bipolar Disorder. Team B will evaluate the teams’ presentation and be able to describe the illness. Explain the neurological damage or changes to the brain as a result of the illness. Explain the behavioral functional changes that can occur as a result. Describe the suspected known causes of the illness. Discuss the treatments and explain the role of genetics of the illness. Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder or manic depression is a serious mental illness that can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships and careers, and even suicidal tendencies if not treated (Healthline, 2014). Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder that causes extreme shifts in mood, energy, and functioning. Bipolar disorder has two phases which are manic phase and depressed phase. Manic phase symptoms is increased energy, unusual talkativeness, racing thoughts, little need for sleep, inflated self-esteem, and spending sprees. The depressed phase is sadness, uncontrollable crying, anxiety, loss of interest or enjoyment in activities, withdrawal from family and friends and excessive guilt (Healthline, 2014). Bipolar disorder is a relatively common and chronic psychiatric condition in which patient’s episodes of mania and depression, usually with intervening periods of relative mood stability. Three brain...
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...Depression Paper Nuewana Fultz 8/15/2015 PSY/270 Debbi Kutner University of Phoenix Unipolar and Bipolar There is often a confusion between Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Disorder Depression due to the fact they share the same symptoms of sadness, hopelessness, pessimism; anxiety and sleep problems; although Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression take very different directions. It is important that we are able to tell them apart and understand the differences in diagnosing and treating these disorders. Making an inaccurate diagnosis can result in making the disorder worse. There are two types of mood disorders: Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Disorder. It is believed both are genetic disorders and they share many of the same symptoms. These disorders differ in treatments, and some of the symptoms are also different. Both can be very severe and carry a risk of suicide. Unipolar Depression Unipolar depression is a mood disorder that is categorized by depression without mania. Depression and mania are the opposite of each other; depression is a state of sadness that one is overcome by all of life’s challenges, whereas mania is when one is on a state of elation and has extravagant beliefs that the world is theirs. Unipolar can be brought on by many different types of circumstances one experiences chemically or in life’s...
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...Bipolar Disorder Introduction Also known as manic-depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is defined as a psychological state in which a person experiences a mood disorder causing radical alterations in their moods which can vary from manic highs to depressive lows. Elevated levels of either manic and depression are some of the common experiences that are encountered by a person suffering from this order. During the course of this discussion we will look at some of the key aspects that influence the occurrence, causes, signs and symptoms and treatment of this disease. The term "bipolar disorders" already shows that it is not this is a common disease. The disease may be individually very different and take different courses. Always, however, the disease is usually in stages or episodes in which a certain mood prevails. There are two different episodes of illness, the manic episode or depressive episode and the high point or low phase. What is Bipolar Disorder? In the United States over two million people are diagnosed with the psychological problem of bipolar disorder. One of the major reasons behind the unprecedented rise of people suffering from the disorder is contributed by the complications that hinder correct and accurate diagnosis of the disease. It is mainly because of the delay in the diagnostic process that the number of people suffering from the disorder has increased extraordinarily...
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...example, many individuals can become depressed as a way of reacting to loss of a love one, a job, life's struggles, or a low self-esteem. When depression occurs, many individuals experience feelings of intense sadness including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless. These symptoms may last for days to weeks and may keep a person from being able to function normally.I chose this topic to understand why individual may become victims of depression as well how different treatment alternative can assist individuals to cope with depression. According to the article there are many different signs as well as causes of depression. To name a few of the signs of depression is Symptoms of Depression such as low and irritable moods, trouble sleeping, feeling of worthiness, difficulty concentrating as well as repeated thoughts of suicide. There are several types of depression disorders that individuals have been diagnosed with. For example, Major depression is an episode of change in mood that lasts for weeks or months. It is one of the most severe...
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...Depression: Unipolar and Bipolar Vanessa Clark PSY/270 July 7, 2013 Dr. Stephanie Sencil-White, PsyD, PhD, LCSW, DCSW Depression: Unipolar and Bipolar There comes a time in one’s life where they may have the signs and symptoms of a person suffering from depression. Depression is a mood disorder that can affect anyone of any age at some point in their life, but usually occurs after a traumatic event. Unipolar disorder and bipolar disorder are two depression disorders that will be discussed throughout this essay. The differences of unipolar and bipolar disorder, the signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments of these two disorders will also be discussed so that others can seek the help they need if they notice the signs and symptoms happening in their life. Unipolar disorder and bipolar disorder are both considered to be a form of depression, yet there are differences that can assist a psychiatrist in determining which disorder a patient may have. Unipolar disorder affects your mood, your daily living, and causes an all-time depressive state. Where unipolar disorder consists of depressive (low) symptoms, bipolar disorder consist of cycles of mania (high) and depressive (low) symptoms (Bipolar Central, 2004-2013). Bipolar disorder is said to be characterized by extreme changes in mood and can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships, careers, and even suicidal tendencies. According to “Bipolar Central” (2004-2013), unipolar disorder is characterized by severe debilitating...
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...Bipolar Disorder University of Phoenix Psy 103 September 7, 2009 Bipolar Disorder How would a person know if they had bipolar disorder? Would they just assume that their extreme feelings were normal? Most people would indeed assume that their extreme happiness was normal. However, those people might begin to suspect a problem after they have lain in bed for days not wanting to do anything. These extreme feelings define bipolar disorder. The person is extremely happy or sad with no middle area. Even doctors have a difficult time diagnosing this disorder. The doctor must consider hereditary factors, biological influences, states of consciousness, and the person’s personality. All these factors play a part in the diagnoses and treatment of bipolar disorder. General Behavior Diagnosing bipolar people is difficult because of their general behavior. Bipolar people do show outward signs that a problem exist. However, most people have no idea what bipolar is, let alone the symptoms. Especially since the bipolar disorder has four stages or episodes. Each stage of this disorder can be dangerous. The manic part of the disorder has the person feeling good. They might do risky activities because they think they are invincible. The manic stage can make the person irritable or angry. During the depression episode they will feel very sad for a long period. They do not want to eat, get out of bed, or their normal activities. The depression stage can last for months, making this the...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...should not be diagnosis with bipolar disorder Null-hypothesis-Children should be diagnosis with bipolar disorder There are many children in the United States today that are diagnosis with bipolar disorder, it population have expanded widely in the world today. Children of today are been misdiagnosis with having bipolar disorder and the number are outspreaded, so with the statistics like this , these children shouldn’t diagnosis with bipolar disorder cause of the finding not true. There have been numbered of drug get distributes to people everyday, for treatment of bipolar disorder. The statistic have say that, many people have been kill of receiving their medicine contaminated, from pick up drug stores. There a mental illness that form called fungal meningitis and sometimes manic-depression that found among children less than the age of eighteen and under, that can cause a major depression in children such as anxiety disorder. Bipolar disorder is not as easily, to be found in children and as well adolescent. Most of the condition becomes overlap that considered with the disorder ADHD, conduct disorder, and depression. Over hundred of people have seemed physician for treatment, using a psychotic medicine to treat bipolar disorder. Some physician doesn’t think bipolar disorder show up in children dues to the misdiagnosed, of what they find, that turn out not to be true in children, could you imagine how many children are diagnosis with this disorder, this should be one reason...
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...It has been estimated that about 2 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorders. Symptoms usually appear in adolescence or early adulthood and continue throughout life. The disorder occurs in males and females equally and is found more frequently in close relatives of people already known to have it.. It has been very noticeable among creative individuals, affecting such artists as Hector Berlioz, Gustav Mahler, Ernest Hemingway, and Virginia Woolf. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Bipolar disorder is a long-term psychological condition known to create extreme changes in mood, which range from extreme lows of depression to extreme manic highs. The rate of mood swings varies from many times a day to a handful of episodes in a year. The condition can be controlled with the use of medication and counseling. The disorder is defined in a hierarchy of severity. There are different levels of bipolar disorder which will be discussed. Bipolar I involve intense and potentially dangerous manic episodes, and often negatively impacts work, education, and personal relationships. Bipolar II is not as severe as Bipolar I, but still includes heightened mood and agitation. It is possible to live a more normal everyday life with this level of the disorder. Lastly, Bipolar III, a fairly recently discovered form, comes about as the result...
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... Bipolar Disorder Name: Marc Mah Siew Vern Subject: Psychology Title: Bipolar Disorder Student ID: AUSM 1107009 Lecturer: Miss Rachel Seak AUSM 1107009 Bipolar Disorder Report The topic that I have been research and studied together with my group members is bipolar disorder. My group members consist of 5 people including me; Hong Kah Wai, Ng Weng Ian, Jason Chua Han Theng and Vivien Chin. Hong Kah Wai explained about the definition of bipolar disorder and the factors contributing to bipolar. Bipolar disorder, used to be known as manic-depressive disorder is consider being a serious and critical disorder because it is a psychiatric illness. According to Skapinakis and Gerasi (2008) bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. The definition of bipolar disorder is mood volatility in different phase and levels involving mainly cognition and mood. People who are diagnosis with bipolar will have drastic change in emotions and bad decision making because of their...
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