...Alexandria Chandler Professor McWilliams English 1010 September 17, 2015 Is It Worth It? Cell phones can make our life a bit more complicated. This amazing but of technology can work against you. Discussions pertaining to the drawbacks and negatives of cellphones are rarely ever talked about. Even though cell phones can be very useful in our everyday lives, they can also be irritating, annoying, and dangerous. This first occurrence happened one evening my freshman year of college at Austin Peay State University. I attended an event at the Mass Communications building. My younger cousin performed at the program with a few others representing her school. It was practically her big day because she was conducting a solo. Her specific instructions were that “I am required to be in attendance,” so I was present. I happened to be sit in the middle, not too close to the back, but not too close to the front. After the intructor warned the audience to turn all electronic devices off, they began the program. First, her solo selection was coming up, and I couldn’t help but hear a student not far from me, take out her cellular device, that should be turned on do not disturb, and whisper her entire conversation throughout the entire performance. I felt as if I had lost all focus on her melodious solo to a phone conversation. I was highly upset, but my cousin was later offered another chance to play again for another event. It wasn’t a completely disappointing afternoon. The second occurrence...
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...huge part of our personality as well. Take a close look at the phone you use. If it is more on the stylish side, you’re a person who cares a lot about fashion trends. If it is a simple phone, only serving basic purposes like calling and texting messages, it shows that you’re someone who lives life on her own terms. You don’t care a damn about the latest trends. If you use a cell phone with a qwerty keypad, it shows that you are a friendly person. A cell phone with a great camera is usually used by a person who loves to cherish memories. Cellphones today bring people together. We exchange numbers for various amount of reasons . It gives people connections to be in better contact with one another. Cellphones have opened a hole of social communication on the web. Mobile apps like Facebook or instagram bring a different side of people and have a variety of ways of expressing how you feel at the moment or express your opinion . Cellphones How cultural differences affect mobile use in different parts of the world ? In the united states there a lot of...
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...Home Page » Computers and Technology Cellphones In: Computers and Technology Cellphones Cell phones Freymel De La Rosa Mr. Ramírez English 11, 3rd period May 29th 2012 Outline Thesis Statement: Cell phones have changed us socially in many ways since their first invention till now, through their history, uses, and their changes in communication. Introduction I. Cell phones History A. First cell phones B. Cell phones inventor C. How they work II. Using of Cell Phones A. Changes in Communication B. Benefits C. Health effects III. Have they changed us socially? A. How? B. Negative use C. Positive use De La Rosa 1 The concept of the cellular phone was developed in 1947 which originated from the mobile car phone. The concept of the cellular phone was produced by Bell Laboratories. The first actual cell phone was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper of Motorola and other assisting inventors who used the idea of the car phone and applied the technology necessary to make a portable cell phone possible. Cell phones were first made available to the public in 1984. Back then, they were very large, expensive instruments. The first cellular phones to be created were very large and bulky. This made them difficult to carry around. The first cell phone came to the market in 1984 from Motorola and weighed 2 pounds. It was a DynaTac 8000X which was selling for $3,995. A few years later, in 1991, the Motorola MicroTac...
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...Should drivers of automobiles be prohibited from using cellular phones? What shouldn’t you do while you are driving? Using a cell phone is the main problem for drivers. It affects not only the drivers, but also people around them. They will lose control of the vehicle. Now many countries have laws which drivers are prohibited from using a cell phone because the number of people who died from the accidents increase every year. The drivers have lack of carefully because they are using a cell phone. In some case, when they have an accident, they can get out of a car on time or it isn’t a big accident. So they are lucky, but it is not often occurring. A cell phone is useful, but at the same time it is dangerous. Anyway, I think the drivers should be prohibited from using a cell phone because it has many factors such as they lose control of the vehicle, they don’t have responsibility and it is the main reason of accidents. Although using a cell phone while they are driving will be dangerous, many people also want to use it. They wear a headset or a Bluetooth with the cell phone which can cause them to feel safe. They also have their position. They can control themselves to pay attention to driving. They think when the phone ring, it means that is an urgent situation which they have to pick up the phone and talk to them. If they don’t pick up the phone, they will miss important news at that time. They insist that they shouldn’t be prohibited from using the cell phone. The...
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...Cell phone – The incredible invention The invention of something touch every aspect of our lives nowadays. Such devices changed the way we manage, work, and live. A machine that has done all this and more now exists in nearly every business over the world. This incredible invention is the mobile phone. Nowadays, almost everyone has cell phones. It makes communication faster and easier. You can just dial a person’s number and you are talking to them. You can be anywhere and doing anything and yet you can confirm a meeting to business partner, instruct your secretary to do some paperwork or whisper sweet nothings to your loved ones. Cell phones take the need of physically being with the person to be able to connect to them. But exactly how did these gadgets come about? Like any gadget, cell phones evolved over time, and each stage was very interesting. It keeps up with the ongoing changes and demands of the people who use it. The real story started with radio technology. These were used to communicate and are linked on a central data base. The first official cell phone was used by the Swedish police. This was in 1946. They did it by connecting a handheld phone to the telephone network. It was quite similar to the two way radio. During that decade, cell phones were simply not practical. People can make six phone calls and the battery was already dead. The electronics used in cell phones that we see now were first developed in the 1960s. During this time, the technology...
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...The advent of mobile phone has contributed to a revolution in communications industry as a result of introducing new methods for interacting such as texting. Texting, as one of the most commonly used communications means could dramatically change the ways of communications.However, I vigorously disagree with the debate that people should much of their time on texting instead of face to face communication due to its negative effects on the relationships of individuals, efficiency or even the interaction of people with elderly. Clearly, texting instead of talking to others is an unhealthy way for relationships. A message with limited characters cannot transfer tones thoroughly and conservation is not always consecutive. The receiver would be puzzled and sometime misunderstanding the message as a result of shortening excessively. An invisible diving line will occur between couples who are spending much of their time and not talking; they will feel strange when they look on other's faces and talk. Some people don't know what to say because they get used to texting not talking. The sometime texting message may change into an addiction and a permanent habit which negatively impact many aspects of life, ranging from productivity of employees and social isolation. Texting provides more discreet way of communicating. As typing and sending a message only need a few minutes, employees can send a message without blaming abuse working hours to do private work. Nowadays, teenage speeds...
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...Cell phones Freymel De La Rosa Mr. Ramírez English 11, 3rd period May 29th 2012 Outline Thesis Statement: Cell phones have changed us socially in many ways since their first invention till now, through their history, uses, and their changes in communication. Introduction I. Cell phones History A. First cell phones B. Cell phones inventor C. How they work II. Using of Cell Phones A. Changes in Communication B. Benefits C. Health effects III. Have they changed us socially? A. How? B. Negative use C. Positive use De La Rosa 1 The concept of the cellular phone was developed in 1947 which originated from the mobile car phone. The concept of the cellular phone was produced by Bell Laboratories. The first actual cell phone was made in 1973 by Martin Cooper of Motorola and other assisting inventors who used the idea of the car phone and applied the technology necessary to make a portable cell phone possible. Cell phones were first made available to the public in 1984. Back then, they were very large, expensive instruments. The first cellular phones to be created were very large and bulky. This made them difficult to carry around. The first cell phone came to the market in 1984 from Motorola and weighed 2 pounds. It was a DynaTac 8000X which was selling for $3,995. A few years later, in 1991, the Motorola MicroTac Lite was created which cost $1000. Martin Cooper started Motorola’s research for cellular phones. He was raised...
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...Raymond Dyer 1 How Cell Phones Have Changed Our Lives Ever since the mid 1980s, cell phones have been quickly moving their way into our everyday lives, especially with the introduction of camera phones in the early part of the new millennium. As cell phones evolve they have more and more of an impact on our everyday lives and I want to just how much they are impacting. As with new technology in any other form, cell phones have changed greatly over their relatively short life spans. As these changes occur, so does the populations like and sometimes dislike for these new smart phones. One of the major problems occurring with cell phones in modern times is that people use them at inappropriate times, such as when they are checking out of a grocery store. Even though there are a couple negative aspects about cell phones, my research and my paper are going to mainly the benefits of cell phones in the United States of America. My research focuses on a couple of key areas in cell phone communication, such as the evolution of cell phones, text messaging, smart phones and other cell phone applications as well as my own research including a survey that I distributed to some of my classmates. The History The first cell phone was much different than what we have today. In 1984 the Motorola Dyna TAC8000X was released into the market (Associated Press, 2005). This phone was the first of its kind and was totally unlike anything that anybody in the United States had ever...
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...Cellphones The advent of mobile phones has squeezed this large world and brought it into the palm of human being. However mobile phones have always been instigating debates among the people about their merits and demerits. Apart from the instant access they give us, mobile phones have multipurpose uses ranging from business work, means for entertainment and ensuring security. On the other hand, they have some disadvantages like initiating violation of privacy, unnecessary wastage of money, talking on mobile phones while driving and emission of radiation from the handsets which is allegedly harmful for health. I would like to argue for the advantages of mobile phones which outweigh their disadvantages. The main feature of mobile phones is instant access' which makes them the most exclusive devices for communication. Now people can make voice or VDO call or send text messages to anyone anytime from almost anywhere at a cheap rate using mobile phones. Besides this, with the aid of the latest WAP technology users can surf the internet, send emails and chat with other people at a low cost (http://www.webuser.co.uk, 24th October, 2007). According to a research released on 13th February, 2007 from the Mobile Entertainment Forum and Ovum, 20% of UK subscribers search internet via mobile phones (http://www.3g.co.uk/PR/Feb2007/4267.htm, retrieved 24th October, 2007). It is obvious that the communication has become a lot easier now compared to the pre-mobile phones period. Mobile...
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...We are living in an electronic age. The whole world is taking a new turn with every fraction of time. It has given birth to globalization. The world has been contracted and concised at a tip. There are a lot of new means of communication which have made our life so simple and easy going. Mobile phone can be seen as the most used present day phenomenon in this fast growing time. Mobile phone is a revolutionary step in the field of tele-communication. We had the days when the telephones only served the purpose of communication through sound. Mobile phone has completely changed the concept of the telephoning. Now a phone is not only a mere phone but it is a lot in itself. A mobile phone works on a unique networked system which needs no wiring, no fixation and no botheration. Originally it was used in cars, airlines, and passanger trains but increasingly it is becoming ubiquitous. It is basically low- power radio telephone. In this magical system calls go through radio transmitters that are located within small geographical unit which are known as cells. Since each cell's signals are too weak to interfere with those of other cells operating on the same frequencies and more channels can be used than would be possible with high power radio frequency transmission. Narrow-band frequency modulation (FM) is the most common mode of transmission, each message is assigned a carrier, unique to the cell from which it is transmitted. The cellular phone was first tested in 1978. The cellular...
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...ISSN: 2319-8753 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013 The Mobile Phone Usage Among Teens And Young Adults Impact Of Invading Technology Krithika.M1, Dr.S.Vasantha2 Research Scholar, School Of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram Chennai, India1 Professor, School Of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram Chennai, India 2 Abstract: The development and modernization of technology has made people‘s lives easier and contributed positively to social well-being so far while it has also brought about some problems and threats stemming from irresponsible use of mobile phones among teens young adults. There is a critical and pathetic state prevailing over the sky of our youth. The whole youth population or student community is passing through the chaos, disturbance and mental incapacitation. This study focuses on exploring the pattern of mobile phone usage among teens and young adults in Chennai. It also attempts to examine the extent of addictive behavior towards the usage of mobile phones Questionnaire survey method was used to elicit the responses. Higher secondary students and first year college students were considered as population and simple random sampling technique were used to select the sample of 201 students. The collected data were analyzed with the help of various tools and techniques to draw meaningful inferences and conclusion...
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...МБОУ СОШ села Шеми Дзун-Хемчикского кожууна РТ. Доклад на тему: «Развитие физической культуры и спорта в условиях ФГОС» Шеми 2013г. Физическая культура - обязательный учебный курс в общеобразовательных учреждениях. Главная цель развития отечественной системы школьного образования определяется как формирование личности, готовой к активной творческой самореализации в пространстве общечеловеческой культуры. Физическая культура, как любой другой предмет, включенный в Базисный учебный план, так же ориентирована на достижение этой цели. В свою очередь, специфической целью школьного физического воспитания является формирование разносторонне физически развитой личности, способной активно использовать ценности физической культуры для укрепления и длительного сохранения собственного здоровья, оптимизации трудовой деятельности и организации активного отдыха. Понятийная база и содержание курса основаны на положениях нормативно-правовых актов Российской Федерации, в том числе: Требований к результатам освоения образовательной программы начального общего образования, представленной в Федеральном государственном стандарте начального общего образования; Концепции духовно-нравственного развития и воспитания личности гражданина; Закона « Об образовании»; Федерального закона « О физической культуре и спорте»; Стратегии национальной безопасности Российской Федерации до 2020г.; Примерной программы начального общего образования; приказа Минобрнауки от 30 августа...
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...Cell phones How have they changed us socially? A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell[1][2] and Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 2.2 pounds (1 kg).[3] In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be commercially available. From 1990 to 2011, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 6 billion, penetrating about 87% of the global population and reaching the bottom of the economic pyramid.[4][5][6][7] Before the devices that are now referred to as mobile phones existed, there were some precursors. The development of mobile telephony began in 1918 with tests of wireless telephony on military trains between Berlin...
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...Introduction INFORMATION Students at High Schools in St.Louis are not allowed to use cell phones during school hours. The Disciplinary actions for students caught using a cell phone are: First Violation: The device will be confiscated and a parent/guardian must schedule a conference at the school to retrieve item. Second Violation: The device will be confiscated, student fined P1,200.00, parent/guardian must schedule a conference to retrieve the item, and (1) day suspension of student. Third (or more) Violations: The device will be confiscated, student loses privileges of possessing electronic devices for 1 year, student fined P2,400.00, more suspension days and/or referred to Student Tribunal Court. School districts across the states have similar policies because cell phones and other electronic devices are seen as an interference to the learning process. On the other hand, there are arguments that these rules are too strict and school districts should find ways to embrace the cell phone technology used by students on a daily basis. LITERATURE CAUSE AND EFFECT In today’s fast-moving and globalised world it is almost impossible to imagine our day-to-day life without mobile-phones. It is one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century, which has become a convenient means of communication. Modern mobile phones perform many other functions as well; they can substitute for such devices as music players, cameras and organizers. Most of them also...
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