Premium Essay



Submitted By zerowl
Words 681
Pages 3
ANALYSIS * Internal Analysis
Value-Chain Analysis

Primary Activities | Inbound Logistics | Basically, Cervus Equipment Corporation is inseparable from the suppliers as they invest dealerships and maintain the strategic relationships with their suppliers. They focus on seeking to potential partners and capitalize on the acquisition, helping them to gain the competitive advantages. | Operations | Cervus currently owns different types of businesses including partially or wholly owned equipment dealerships which are consist of several brands. Importantly, The acquisition integration plays a significant role in their operation which enables them to build up a successful time schedule on implementation. In addition, they embrace the employee- and customer-centric model which contributes significantly to their uniqueness. | Outbound Logistics | By purchasing and operating diverse dealership in the equipment market, Cervus benefits from selling product of those well-known brands and improves the network of dealerships. Therefore, it is helpful for the company to achieve differentiation in order to obtain the advantages | Marketing and Sales | There is only little investment on marketing and advertising by Cervus because of the powerful brand image of the dealerships. Consequently, less expenditures on marketing means a lower cost which brings competitive edge to them. | Service | Basically, Cervus thinks highly of their client hinge on their customer-centric model which can adds value to their business. Currently, Cervus considers to improve a centralized service for the dealerships which helps to boost their efficiency and effectiveness. |

Support Activities | Procurement | Without doubt, procurement is a key element in the Cerus’ value chain. Over the last few years, By acquiring the dealerships and purchasing the company directly, Cervus

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