...Conflicts leads to innovations this is a repetitive cycle. From conflicts throughout history there are changes being made which can lead to conflicts and this cycle is repeated. An example of the this cycle is the American Revolutionary War and World War 1. The American Revolutionary War was known to be the start of America gaining their independence which was a change in the country but as starting country many conflicts arising. During the American Revolutionary War the disagreement between America and Great Britain, For the colonists wanted their independence from Great Britain. The British did not agree with the innovation the colonists thought was solution. Leading them to war. The war lead many to die not from combat but rather from...
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...Five Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen Forecasting and Leading Change Prof. Joseph Kiefer Oct. 31, 2015 Reading Summary: Week Five Every organization originally began because someone had a good mixture creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit. That same organization continues to exist due to creativity and innovation. Inside of a large organization exists several groups of people who are using these same ideas to create new projects and keep the organization alive. Chapter thirteen taught us about organizational innovation, intrapreneurs, or “entrepreneurs inside an organization who are responsible for the success of failure of a project” (Jones, 2013, pg. 392), and creativity and how they go hand in hand. Chapter fourteen taught us about the importance of conflict and how to manage it. It then went on to discuss how power and polices play into the organizational dynamic. “Innovation, intrapreneurship, and creativity are closely related concepts and each is vital to build a knowlegdge-creating organization” (Jones, pg. 408). There are two types of innovation, quantum and incremental. Quantum innovations allow an organization the opportunity to create new products and ideas. However, it’s the most risky due to cost and the likely hood of it increasing competition. Incremental innovation is updates to already existing products or technology. As a manager, it’s extremely important to know how to promote innovation. However, as a project manager or the person in charge of...
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...Innovation and Change This chapter explores how organizations change and how managers direct the innovation and change process. First we look at the forces driving a need for change in today’s organizations. The next section describes the four types of change technology, product, structure, people—occurring in organizations, and how to manage change successfully. The organization structure and management approach for facilitating each type of change is then discussed. Management techniques for influencing both the creation and implementation of change are also covered. The final section of the chapter looks at barriers to change and implementation techniques managers can use to overcome resistance. The Strategic Role of Change If there is one theme or lesson that emerges from previous chapters, it is that organizations must run fast to keep up with changes taking place all around them. Large organizations must find ways to act like small, flexible organizations. Manufacturing firms need to reach out for new, flexible manufacturing technology and service firms for new information technology (IT). Today’s organizations must keep themselves open to continuous innovation, not only to prosper but merely to survive in a world of disruptive change and increasingly stiff competition. There are three types of change: 1. Episodic change 2. Continuous change 3. Disruptive change Stages of Disruptive Innovation Strategic Types of Innovation and Change Managers can focus on four...
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...Nine Generic Influence Tactics * 1. Rational persuasion. Trying to convince someone with reason, logic, or facts. * 2. Inspirational appeals. Trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others’ emotions, ideals, or values. * 3. Consultation. Getting others to participate in planning, making decisions, and changes. * 4. Ingratiation. Getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request; being friendly, helpful, and using praise or flattery. * 5. Personal appeals. Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request. * 6. Exchange. Making express or implied promises and trading favors. * 7. Coalition tactics. Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone. * 8. Pressure. Demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats. * 9. Legitimating tactics. Basing a request on one’s authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors.6 first five influence tactics—rational persuasion, inspirational appeals, consultation, ingratiation, and personal appeals—soft tactics Exchange, coalition, pressure, and legitimating tactics accordingly are called hard tactics because they involve more overt pressure. 3 Influence Outcomes * 1. Commitment. Your friend enthusiastically agrees and will demonstrate initiative and persistence while completing the assignment. * 2. Compliance. Your friend grudgingly complies and will need prodding to satisfy minimum requirements. * 3...
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...How can a manager build employee trust? A. Provide employees information on industry growth potential from innovation B. Identify and be negative about the change with employees C. Identify only very general job skill changes D. Provide very general change information E. Provide specific job loss and change information A change vision must be developed and clearly conveyed to all members of the firm. What aspect of the change vision should management communicate to employees? Choose 1 answer A. Nonsupportive management views B. How the employees will be affected by the change C. Vague images of the proposed organizational structure D. A summary of major rumors regarding the change What are the four types of strategic change? Choose 1 answer A. Capital, process, cost cutting, cultural B. Cost cutting, process, structural, social C. Structural, cost cutting, process, cultural D. Cost cutting, process, capital, structural What level of political action has broad long-term strategic impact? Choose 1 answer A. Individual B. Network C. Coalition D. Department Surprise and fear of the unknown are reasons people resist change. How might this reaction manifest itself through employee behavior? Choose 1 answer A. They create rumors to fill the void created by lack of official announcements. B. They become increasingly comfortable...
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...) E-Commerce Base Company 2) When we start Ampak We focus only websites. Now we are in all the marketplaces channels like Ebay, Amazon, Sears, Buy.com 3) Ampak 2007 4) Strategy is Provide best customers services competitive prices to our customers. 5) We research market every month and see whats happening going and then we will sort out what we do to for attraction of customers. 6) I am Umair Ahmed Working on Ampak last 6 years as a senior manager of all the marketplaces channels. I Have a 10 years experience of marketplaces. Before ampak i am working on teleware technology. Cell pho 03452314299 Nic : 42201-0321601-5 date of birth 1986-08-19 IMPORTANCE OF JOB SATISFACTION STUDIES The study of job satisfaction is central to organizational behavioral scientists. Companies want to know why their employees are or are not satisfied. If they are not happy, executives look to the behavioral scientists for ways to improve individuals' attitudes and to suggest ways of improving the work environment. This implies that the theorists have to look well beyond the tangible factors influencing job satisfaction, such as pay, benefits, promotional opportunities, and working conditions. They have to study how groups influence the workplace and individuals' expectations. THE DYNAMICS OF GROUP BEHAVIOR Perhaps the most basic issue scholars have addressed in the area of group behavior is the definition of "group." They have agreed that there is no one definition. Therefore, they have looked...
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...Table of Contents Company Background3 Strategic Planning3 Strategic Capacity Plan 5 Portfolio Management Process6 Project Selection Criteria…………………………………………………………………………. Project Management Plan Risk Assessment…………………………………………………………………………………… Change Management Plan…………………………………………………………………… Resource Utilization…………………………………………………………………………… References………………………………………………………………………………………… Company Background VIZIO, Inc. was founded by William Wang in 2002 with the idea that everyone deserves to own the latest technology. Over the years, the company has grown from having three (3) employees at its inception in 2002 to having nearly 200 employees. VIZIO ‘s primary line of business is televisions (TV), and remains the first American brand in over a decade to lead the United States in LCD HDTV sales. While VIZIO excels in LCD sales, the company continues to add new innovative products to their portfolio such as blue ray players, tablets, notebooks, desktop pc’s, home theater sound bars, wireless subwoofers, motorized wall mounts, as well as innovative apps for smart TVs. VIZIO’s uncompromised technology and incredible value has continued to make VIZIO America’s best-seller of LED, LCD, and HDTV and the industry leader in sales growth. Company Vision: “To be the industry leader in consumer electronics by consistently delivering the latest technologies at the most affordable price.” Strategic Planning Company Mission The company mission is where the vision meets value...
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...accomplish common goals. (McShane and Steen, p. 364). ABC Ltd. is a large IT company with divisional organizational design. ABC’s design is organized around products, projects, and markets. Each division includes its own functional specialists typically organized into departments. A company has North American division, exploration division, marketing division, production divisions and others. Divisions are relatively autonomous and consist of products and services and are different from those of other divisions. Divisions executives help determine product-market and financial objectives, manage their own hiring, budgeting and advertising. Using this structure, division heads have decision-making power, which they rely on to respond to changes in their particular markets or areas of responsibility quickly. In addition, one division might compete with another division for resources and market standing, just as...
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...I- Leadership Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of selfstudy, education, training, and experience. This guide will help you through that process. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Before we get started, let’s define leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, etc. gives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power does not make you a leader, it simply makes you the boss. Leadership differs in that it makes the followers want to achieve high goals, rather than simply bossing people around. Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles. This is the Trait Theory. o A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities...
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...Negotiation Skills Lecture (1): Conflicts Management Dr. Ola Elgeuoshy For any organization to perform effectively, interdependent individuals and groups must establish working relationships across organizational boundaries, between individuals, and among groups. Such interdependence may foster either cooperation or conflict. CONFLICT Conflict: “involves incompatible behaviors; one person interfering, disrupting, or in some other way making another’s actions less effective.” Two Faces of Conflict: Competitive conflict • parties pursue directly opposite goals and mistrust and don’t believe each other. (Win-lose) Cooperative conflict • parties pursue cooperative goals and trust and rely on each other. (Win-win) Competitive Versus Cooperative Conflict Source (right figure): Reprinted from Learning to Manage Conflict: Getting People to Work Together Productively by Dean Tjosvold. Copyright © 1993 by Dean Tjosvold. First published by Lexington Books. All rights reserved. All correspondence should be sent to Lexington Books, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, Md. 20706. Conflict Issues Conflict. • A disagreement between people on: • • Substantive issues regarding goals and tasks, allocation of resources, distribution of rewards, policies and procedures, and job assignments. Emotional issues arising from feelings of anger, distrust, dislike, fear, and resentment, as well as personality clashes. • Conflict that is well managed can...
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...Ch.1: Why is shared information so important in a learning organization as compared to an efficient performance organization? Discuss how an organization’s approach to information-sharing might be related to other elements of organization design, such as structure, tasks, strategy, and culture. An efficient performance organization is based on a vertical organizational structure, where all the strategy formulation and decision-making is done by top executives and handed down the vertical hierarchical chain to be completed by workers (Daft, 2010). Based on this type of structure, the upper management has the control over all information needed in order to complete all tasks necessary to obtain the company’s goals. There is a big difference in top-down (vertical) management and horizontal management. Information-sharing is very important in both but the means are different. In a horizontal structure, information can more easily and quickly be disbursed to all employees. This information is important to how the tasks will be completed and the time in which it will take to complete it. Ch. 1: What are some differences one might expect among stakeholder expectations for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit business? Do you think nonprofit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than do business managers? Discuss. A stakeholder can be defined as anyone that has any invested interest or influence on an organization. Stakeholder’s interest can vary from...
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...Running head: Organizational Behavior and Communication Paper Organizational Behavior and Communication Paper Jeffrey Kernag University of Phoenix COM/530 Communications for Accountants July 23, 2013 Organizational Behavior and Communication Paper In this paper I will discuss Google’s values, both espoused and enacted. I will also discuss the role communication plays in perception and organizational culture as well as identifying the role of conflict in group communication and how Google could use conflict to improve communication within and among groups. Google’s espoused values are made up of the “Ten things we know to be true” (Google, n.d.) and their mission statement. The ten things they know to be true are: 1. “Focus on the user and all else will follow. 2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well. 3. Fast is better than slow. 4. Democracy on the web works. 5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. 6. You can make money without doing evil. 7. There’s always more information out there. 8. The need for information crosses all borders. 9. You can be serious without a suit. 10. Great just isn’t good enough.” (Google, n.d.) They use these ten statements as an outline on how to conduct their day to day business for their customers. The other part of their espoused values is their mission statement. The mission statement is defined as “a written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that...
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...strategic postures of successful small businesses are moderated by the needs of customer-led day-to-day activities. Successful small businesses are those that can wisely balance these two perspectives, market orientation and customer-led, the present with the future. A small business’s innovation plans are essentially linked to this present and future balance of customer values [Connor, 1999]. In small businesses the culture resulting from the interaction between the initial founder’s assumptions and theories and those learnt by the group’s from their own experiences are very important (Schein, 1983). The founder will often bring professional managers into the small business to contribute to the overall organizational and functional skills, and as such are welcomed by most of the business’s individuals and groups. An element of mistrust may result, however, when these managers start to question the founding assumptions (Schein, 1983). Owners or founders innovativeness seems to be an essential part of the overall entrepreneurial orientation for innovation within the firm (Verhees and Meulenberg, 2004). This entrepreneurial orientation reflects how these new innovations are processed. But if there is a difference in...
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...approaches, individual behavior is constructed in context, as people act and interact in situations. • Question 5 Meindl referred to the phenomenon whereby people attribute almost magical qualities to leadership as _____________. • Question 6 The __________ that are driving organizations of all types and sizes can be found in organization-environment relationships, the organizational life cycle, and the political nature of organizations. • Question 7 The decision to construct a new overseas plant can be considered to be a(n) __________. • Question 8 Which of the following, refers to altruistic love? • Question 9 __________ is intentional and occurs as a result of specific efforts by a change agent. • Question 10 Another name for incremental change is __________. • Question 11 To begin understanding an organization’s culture, it is often easiest to start with __________. • Question 12 To many researchers and managers, shared common values lie at the heart of organizational __________. • Question 13 The issues concerned with __________ are tasks to be accomplished, methods used to achieve the goals, and methods of coping with success and failure....
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...manager build employee trust? Choose 1 answer | | A. | | Identify only very general job skill changes | B. | | Provide specific job loss and change information | C. | | Provide employees information on industry growth potential from innovation | D. | | Identify and be negative about the change with employees | E. | | Provide very general change information | | 2. | A change vision must be developed and clearly conveyed to all members of the firm. What aspect of the change vision should management communicate to employees? Choose 1 answer | | A. | | Nonsupportive management views | B. | | How the employees will be affected by the change | C. | | A summary of major rumors regarding the change | D. | | Vague images of the proposed organizational structure | | 3. | What are the four types of strategic change? Choose 1 answer | | A. | | Cost cutting, process, structural, social | B. | | Cost cutting, process, capital, structural | C. | | Structural, cost cutting, process, cultural | D. | | Capital, process, cost cutting, cultural | | 4. | What level of political action has broad long-term strategic impact? Choose 1 answer | | A. | | Network | B. | | Department | C. | | Coalition | D. | | Individual | | 5. | Surprise and fear of the unknown are reasons people resist change. How might this reaction manifest itself through employee behavior? Choose 1 answer | | ...
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