...TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Executive Summary …………………………..…………………………………………..… 3 Change: Kotter’s 8 Step Model Applied to Government’s Contracting Out 1. Contracting-Out Defined in Government Agencies……………………………..….. 4 2. Initial Acceptance of Change………… urgency (Step #1)….…..…………………... 4 3. Attempted Resistance of Change. Form a Powerful Coalition (Step #2) …………….…..5 4. Benefits of Government Contracting Out…………………………..…………….…. 5 5. Who benefits from government contracting out?. Create a Vision for Change (Step #3) .. 6 6. What is the method by which contracts are awarded?……………………………..….. 6 a. Competitive Bidding Contracts……… ……………………………………...… 7 b. Sole Sourcing …………………………..…………………………………...…. 7 c. Set aside Government Contracting……………………………...………..……. 7 1. Women-Owned Small Business………………………………………….…. 8 2. Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)………......… 9 3. Veteran –Owned Small Business (VSOB)……………………………….…. 9 4. Small Business (SB)………………………………………………………... 10 5. Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) ………….……….…10 6. Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)…………………………….……........10 7. Small Disadvantaged Business 8(a) Certified [8(a)] Communicate the Vision (Step #4)………………………………………..……….10 7. What additional steps have been taken to encourage Federal agencies' use of WOSB, ...
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