...In the Criminal Justice System there are many tasks that have to be performed. In addition to performing tasks they have to take into account environmental factors that could influence decisions. Technology, Demographic Factors and Political Conditions are three of the many environmental changes that have impacted the criminal system. These three factors play a pivotal role in how the criminal justice structure is maintained. All factors share the impact of how needs are met within the criminal justice organization. The increase in technology has directly and indirectly affected the way the criminal justice system operates. A various range of technologies are utilized in the justice system, including, database management software, computers,...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation December 10, 2012 CJA/394 Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 2 Introduction The criminal justice system is very important to American society. The reason for laws are to defend society from harm, make certain each person is safe as well as to be treated fairly. The criminal justice system labors to defend the guiltless and to discipline the guilty without putting at risk an individual’s rights.This paper will evaluate the future of the criminal justice system as well as the past and present trends in the interface between components of the criminal justice system. Furthermore, it will identify contemporary issues that are affecting the criminal justice system as well as the value of the criminal justice system as society changes. Seeing that society is advancing, the criminal justice system must also change. The need for new laws are apparent in order to continue with advancement and new trends in society. However, new trends and contemporary issues can have an immediate influence on the various operations of the criminal justice system. These include, advancing technology, sentencing, and the death sentence. All of these have huge effects on the criminal justice...
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...There was a time when criminal justice was the responsibility of lords, landowners, and monarchs who had largely inherit roles as government leaders. After the feudal system, as it was known failed to stop bandits from selling wares in an 18th century medieval Europe, Napoleon introduced a military police force of sorts known as gendarme. This method of justice caught on even among Catholics, whose rules were based moral order. The criminal justice field is an ever evolving field. As today’s technology changes so does the way the criminal justice field interacts with technology. As society changes the technology also changes. The barriers that come along can affect how the criminal justice field interprets what to do next. The basis of the criminal justice system is to protect and serve the community as a whole. Keeping up with the changes in society is a vital part of the system. In the past the criminal justice system had to deal with rapes, robberies, murders, fights, and many of the same things today, but on a smaller scale. In the past law enforcement was more involved with the communities due to the fact that officers walked the streets on patrol. Officers talked with the citizens, and got to know the people within the communities. The result was a community that was not fearful, and that was trusting of the justice system. Years ago there was not the forensics to aid in a case, at the same time there was not today’s technology. As for the forensics this was a hindrance...
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...study in criminal justice organizational behavior areas in the workforce. This discussion focuses on the forces of change and the approaches to managing organizational change in criminal justice agencies, including identifying observable aspects of organizational cultures (Robbins & Judge, 2013). What social, political, and organizational behavior can influence change in criminal justice agencies? The criminal justice field is an ever evolving field. As today’s technology changes so does the way the criminal justice field interacts with that technology. As our society changes the technology that we use will also be altered to fit the situation. The barriers that come along can affect how the criminal justice field interprets what to do next. The basis of the criminal justice system is to protect and serve the community as a whole. Keeping up with the changes in society in our social, political, and organizational behavior is a vital part of our criminal justice system. There will be fewer barriers as it relates to females in the criminal justice field as well as minorities in particular roles in the different departments because of the social, organizational, and political behavior changes in the criminal justice system and these barriers are being torn down consistently. Statistically there will be more women and minorities in the criminal justice field by the year 2020 than white males (Schmallager, F., 2011). Currently with the political behavior changes in the criminal...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Anthony Tomlin CJA/394 May 1, 2014 Professor Ken Jones Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The American criminal justice system serves as a means for retribution and rehabilitation for criminals. In the early inception of the criminal justice system juries held the sentencing powers – convicting most criminals to death. Over the years sentencing powers shifted to judges. In this paper we will discuss the problems and changes in the criminal justice processes. The criminal justice system is not perfect but over the years there has been an continued improvement in the process. There are issues with the system that are being addressed such as prison overcrowding, three strikes rule, the disparity in sentencing for certain drug convictions, and the sentencing of minority groups. There are several future trends, such as training and educating law enforcement personnel, rehabilitating criminals, and law enforcement being proactive versus reactive. There are changes in the criminal justice system occurring and changes being lobbied by politicians. The future of criminal justice is constantly evolving with time but the full extent of how the changes will affect the system is not fully known. Some suggest laws of the past have been left behind by society and that change to the criminal justice system requires an overhaul to laws. Understand some of the crimes individuals commit warrant the sentencing received because...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The following essay will discuss the past, present, and future trends connecting societies and the components of the criminal justice system, and reveal how influential these trends can be to the surrounding society. The opinions of this essay will involve an assessment of recent trends, future trends, and contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system, which will be identified and evaluated. The main point of this essay is to prove that the criminal justice system has a value in a high-speed, ever-so-changing, technology driven society. Past, Present, and Future Trends The past, present, and future trends that form the boundaries between the components of the criminal justice system and their connections surrounding the community is truly a genuine relationship formed by the law and society. Trends, whether past, present, or future have an effect on the criminal justice system because trends much like fads change quickly, and the criminal justice system must succeed and put every effort into keeping up with these trends and the innovative crimes that are created. If one were asked to describe and explain the connections that involve the criminal justice system and crime trends, it would be a difficult task because crime does not have consistent trends or patterns, which can result in one thinking it is a crime trend because these trends can begin and end in an instant (Rosenfeld & Goldberger...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Erin Berger CJA/394 Monday, March 5, 2012 University of Phoenix, Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends The criminal justice system is set within our society as a means to protect those individuals that are innocent from those who intend to harm him or her. The purpose of a law is meant to protect a person from a person who could intentionally or potentially harm them. The two, work together to try and meet with the same results, to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. We as a society are full of people whom choose to continuously evolve. We are changing and as we change our perceptions change and as our perceptions change our society changes. This is responsible for the trends that take place in our society and inevitably within our criminal justice system. In this paper we will endeavor to assess previous, current, and imminent trends in the boundary amongst mechanisms of the criminal justice system and criminal justice associations with adjacent society. In our assessment we will also attempt to evaluate and identify recent and future trends and contemporary issues that affect our criminal justice system and try to determine the value of the criminal justice system in a changing society (University of Phoenix Student website, 2010). Many have viewed the criminal justice system as simply presenting a harsh existence. Some have viewed it as being too lax. There are many individuals that could agree that at one...
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...Criminal Justice Trends evaluation Marion Wade CJA/394 Criminal Justice Trends evaluation It is important for us to understand past, current, and future trends throughout the criminal justice system. Trends allow us to identify areas that need to be addressed so we may be equipped to handle them better. Society depends of the criminal justice system in many ways to offer them a sense of justice, safety, and peace of mind. Within this paper I will discuss past, current, and future trends and how it affects and changes our criminal justice system. I will also address recent and future trends and contemporary issues that affect the criminal justice system, as well as the values of the criminal justice system in a changing society. Past Trends Even though to most it may not seem like it, the criminal justice system has come a long way in its dealings with the public. In the past the criminal justice system was viewed as a faceless machine that acted independently of the areas it charged to look after. It seemed that it was better to stay detached from the public in order to remain biased in their judgment and to keep their professional appearance. By studying past trends we not only were able to see trends in criminal behavior as well as having the ability to try and create possible projections on why it could lead but, we were also able to view the interaction between the criminal justice system and those it served. Both the criminal justice system and the general public...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Joann Harris CJA/394 March 19, 2012 Kevin Perry Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation This is a paper on criminal justice trends evaluation. In this paper there will be many things that will be talked about. Some of the things that will be talked about are the past, present and future trends components of criminal justice. The changes from the past to present have had a big change just like the future will have a bigger change than the present. Another thing that will be talked about is the connections between the criminal justice system and society. Throughout the years, the connections between the criminal justice system and society have changed and there is a continuing change. It is important that the criminal justice system, any and all parts, and society to have a connection or a relationship. There will be a couple more things that will be discussed. These things are the recent and future trends and contemporary issues that affect the criminal justice system. The value of the criminal justice system in a changing society is another important topic that will be talked about. So, there will be many things talked about. In society today, we rely on our police to protect us in any and all ways that they can. Citizens want to be able to walk the streets and feel safe doing this. Society wants to feel safe in their homes or where ever they are. Years ago, people did feel safe on the street and in their homes. They felt...
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...Criminal Justice System Assessment Introduction The criminal justice system is a crucial feature of American culture and the foundation of the Bill of Rights within the United States Constitution. The sole intentions of the laws are to safeguard the people from harm, ensure the publics safety, and uniformly treated. The criminal justice system labors to safeguard the guiltless and discipline the responsible without infringing the right of the suspected offender, refraining from any corruption. As society progresses the criminal justice system must advance so it is vital to establish new laws remain current on the advancement and new trends. As contemporary issues and new trends evolve in society, they can endure a precise affect on the various roles of the criminal justice system, for example, sentencing policy, procedures, technologies, and capital punishment, which harbor immense impacts on the criminal justice system. Furthermore, corrections, courts, and the police additionally take part in establishing retribution. Contemporary and future trends are going to and have direct impacts on the duties of the criminal justice system. Recently technology has been influencing the criminal justice system and will remain. In the forever-changing world of technology, the criminal justice system must keep up with recently developed technologies. This essay will explain recent and future trends and contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system and the value of the criminal...
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...CJA 394 WEEK 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation John Doe CJA 394 October 01, 2001 Jane Doedy Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The criminal justice system is forever adjusting to protect and serve a changing society. The paper evaluates, identifies and assesses recent future and current trends affecting the criminal justice system. Lastly, it defines the values of the system in a changing society. Recent trends affecting the criminal justice system are related to gender and racial barriers. According to Roslyn Muraskin and Albert R. Roberts (2009 ), assessments of statuses of women and minorities in police work shows that there are obstacles in official and informal structures of police work organizations related to gender and race. Regardless of assessment studies, which show that women are effective patrol officers, organizational principles of law enforcement has repelled the combination of women into patrol officers for more than 20 years. There are three kinds of organizational resistance to slowing down staffing and preservation of female patrol officers. The first organizational resistance is called Technical Resistance. Technical Resistance comprises of failure to adjust police uniforms, gear, and tools sufficiently for women, and constant issues on physical testing, and firearms during their drills, and preperations. The second organizational resistance is named Political and Cultural Resistance. According to Roslyn Muraskin...
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...The future of the US Criminal Justice System considering current affairs is influenced by various injustices and disparities. The U.S. Criminal Justice System is mainly influenced by the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. The assumption of innocence, due process of law, double jeopardy, mass incarceration, inequity and gun law disparities to name a few are constantly at odds with current affairs. The U.S. Constitution shapes the U.S. Criminal Justice System with rights and due process for all citizens. The US Criminal Justice System is currently faced with challenges of prison overcrowding, mental health, drug offenses, inequity and gun violence. American society keeps asking for changes to be made to each part of the system. Changes and the...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The interface between components of the criminal justice system and criminal justice connections with surrounding society is always changing. For this assignment the writer will evaluate the past, present, and future trends. In addition she will discuss the recent and future trends and contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system, and the value of the criminal justice system in a changing society. For instance there has been a trend in new technology that is used by criminals that the criminal justice system has to comply with and combat. Past Trends In the past the criminal justice system had it easier, sure they dealt with rapes, robberies, murders, fights, and many of the same things they do today but on a much smaller scale. In the past law enforcement which was more involved with the communities due to the fact that officers walked the streets on patrol. They talked with the citizens and got to know the people within their communities. The result of this was a community that was not fearful and that was trusting of their justice system. Years ago there was not the forensics to aid in a case, at the same time there was not the technology that we have today. As for the forensics this was a hindrance because it made figuring out who the criminal actually was much harder. In the same right they did not have the technology of the criminals today, which at times can make it easier for law enforcement agencies to find the criminals...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation John Doe CJA/394 January 21, 2012 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation There is no discrepancy that crime has continued to hinder society. It was at the urging of the Social Commission that the actual number of crimes became a priority so that facts and statistics could be developed. These first statistics were recorded and began nearly sixty years ago. The results show a continuous increase in crime. When the first studies were conducted the crime trends included larceny, physical assaults, and homicide. As time progressed, the studies broadened to include organized crime from street gangs to mafia’s, and trafficking of illegal drugs as well as humans. The only significant difference from the crime of the past and criminal elements society contends with today is that the illegal activity of organized crime groups is not as blatantly obvious as it once was (Economic and Social Council, 2011). The following information will discuss crime trends and the impact they have within the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is an intricate part of society and it is essential that this system remains capable of adequately dealing with the latest crime trends. One large difference between yesteryears crimes and today’s are the involvements of human lives and the World Wide Web. The trafficking of people from all age groups from city to city and even between countries has become easier with the utilization of the internet. Robberies...
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...Criminal Justice Trends Joann Harris CJA/484 September 17, 2012 Robert Metzger Criminal Justice Trends This paper is on criminal justice trends. In this paper, past, present, and future trends in law enforcement will be discussed. Also, the budgetary and managerial will also be discussed. These things are important in all areas of criminal justice. The way that the criminal justice system changes from the past to the present has had a big impact on the way the criminal justice system is. Changes that were in the past had an impact on the present as changes in the present will have an impact on the future. The changes that will be in the future will also have a big impact on the criminal justice system. With changes, no matter how big or how small always has impact to the upcoming years. When it comes to the criminal justice system, it does not matter if it is in law enforcement, (police, detectives, or any other), courts (judges or lawyers), or even corrections, they are all important. They all have a big impact on the criminal justice system and how it is ran. There are different types or jobs of law enforcement. Some of these jobs are: * Uniformed police officers * Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs * State police, also known as state troopers or highway patrol officers. * Detectives Just to name a few. They are all important to the past, present, and future of the criminal justice system. They all had important jobs in the past and they still...
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