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Chapter Summary: The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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A View from the Other Side
Interpretive literature is written “to broaden, deepen, and sharpen the reader’s awareness of life.” “The Most Dangerous Game” written by Richard Connell is interpretive in the way Connell makes one think about the relationship of hunter and the hunted. The story is about Sanger Rainsford, a very experienced hunter that was on his way to the deep Amazon to hunt jaguars with his companion Whitney before he had fallen off of a yacht. This will forever change his outlook on life and force him to do things he would never have done. Rainsford has no empathy for animals and thinks they feel no fear while being hunted. This is shown in his conversation with Whitney. This same conversation is foreshadowing the events that will follow. Connell starts off the story with an eeriness mood talking about …show more content…
Did the general fail to see him, or “Rainsford’s second thought was even more terrible. It sent a shudder of cold horror through his whole being. Why had the general smiled? Why had he turned back?” The general leaves him for another day of pleasure at the expense of Rainsford and he is terrified by the skills of the man. Needing to rethink his angle knowing that he cannot just hope to hide and wait out the sadistic hunter he starts to build traps. First a Malay man-catcher which grazes the general’s shoulder causing him to retreat and get his wound dressed. At this point the suspense is apparent to the unsuspecting reader caught by the notion of what could happen next. Rainsford makes his way out further into the jungle to an area of softer ground. The next trap claimed one of the general’s favorite dogs. The general who had no friends lived out on an island in seclusion with a dumb thug of a servant. This is a real hit to him now, with it being only thing the general had for real companionship. Also the general is not playing fair by this point, was he feeling threatened by who he was hunting. “Your strength and stamina

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