Two characteristics of Orientalism would be Sprituality and Diversity. This is also another way
of creating stereotypes against people that are different. Hate crimes tend to come from such
ignorance of stereotyping people because they are of a different culture or race. The perfect example of
this would be the events of 9/11. The reason this is the best example is because Arabs or anyone who
looks like them may be targeted because the way they look is associated with those events.
In my opinion the best way to express tolerance is to model it in front of others, by directly
striking up friendships with a diverse group of people. One thing that the United States government
should think about is using the media more to promote the elements of diverse cultures this will give
audiences a chance to have positive interactions in a relaxed environment. They should also think
about adding something into schools to provide an accurate and positive portrayal of different groups
can also reduce prejudice.
Ghazali, Abdus S. (2008, July 4) American Muslims alarmed at the new profiling policy. OpEdNews. Retrieved August 25, 2008
United States Department of Justice, Wikipedia, Arab Wikipedia, Muslim Orientalism
The simplistic view of the people and history of the Orient with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many cultures.