Premium Essay

Characteristics of Emerging Markets


Submitted By Amnk10
Words 1284
Pages 6
The main characteristics of emerging markets
Ayame Nakagawa

Submission Date: 23rd August 2013



The Main Characteristics of Emerging Markets
It is frequently said that markets are getting bigger and more complicated as globalization is spreading. What are emerging markets? They can be defined as ‘a financial market of a developing country, usually a small market with a short operating history’ (, no date). For example, BRICs, such as Brazil, Russia, China, and India are common thoughts of emerging countries. These countries have improved rapidly in terms of GDP, trade and so on. This essay will introduce the four main characteristics of emerging markets.

To expand the worldwide market
Magnus (2010, cited in Beausang, 2012, p.3) suggests that the GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP), which puts an importance on the related cost of living, is a proper method to explain BRICs’ contribution to the global economy. He implies that when GDP in US dollars is used as comparisons with emerging and advanced countries, it would be invalid because it is included some problematic points like exchange-rate in each country. According to the research by IMF (2001 cited in Beausang, 2012, p.3), GDP in 2001 in terms of PPP, America gave at 22 % of the whole, while BRICs were slightly smaller at 21.4%. However, ten years later, IMF (2011 cited in Beausang, 2012, p.4) showed the GDP in BRICs, at 25 %, had overtaken the GDP in America. It could be said that the BRICs’ contributions have made a large to the world GDP. They might play an important role in keeping the growth of the worldwide GDP.
Why have emerging countries such as BRICs grown? These countries have started to reform their systems, like restrictions on foreign imports, to invite foreign

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