Premium Essay

Characterizing Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Pages 2
Anthem by Ayn Rand (Draft) In her classless dystopian novelette Anthem, Ayn rand characterizes Equality 7-2521 as “Selfless”, “Courageous”, and “Devoted” in order to reveal her ideas about identity and human connection. Equality 7-2521 shows how selfless they are by doing all they do for their fellow brothers in society. Like “We would accept our life mandate, and we would work for our brothers”, and “We shall go to the Council and we shall lay before them as our gift, this glass box” also “When the bell rings we arise from our beds” The first sentence shows that Equality 7-2521 would accept anything and would be happy working for their brothers. The next sentence shows that he built a glass box, a gift, a gift for his fellow brothers. The

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