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Charlie-Personal Narrative

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I’ve found old Charlie lying against the rocky gallery of cave paintings, his eyes are half open and his face is all bloody. In a desperate attempt to bring him back to his senses, I shake his shoulders and repeat his name over and over. Charlie isn’t responding at all, but at least I can see that he’s breathing. Barely. Still breathing, though. The shadows cast by the uneven 60 metre wall make it hard for me to see anything. What happened? I don’t want to believe Steven did this, but he’s completely capable of it.

Frantically, I run and desperately search for any sign of that Messenger. Not here, not there, not anywhere. It’s as if his existence has been completely erased from this place. I’ve wasted about twenty minutes in my angry search …show more content…
I’ve always felt this violent air emanating from him whenever he’s around. I think my suspicions of his true nature were confirmed when he hurt those poor birds. The mere thought of what Steven’s done to him sends sharp shivers down my back.

Charlie’s body is overwhelmingly heavy, and although I lack strength, I’m able to drag him over to the ute. Is this what an adrenaline rush feels like?
I suddenly feel a pang of fear spread throughout my body. Surely, my ute has reached its limit- and it’s his fault!
I have to get Charlie to a hospital, or something, as fast as I can.

I haphazardly drag Charlie into the front seat, buckle him up, and slam the door. The ute starts up, to my disbelief, and I drive, hoping to remember the way back onto the main road.

Peering over my shoulder, I notice that Charlie’s blood is dripping slowly onto the seat. It’s terrible, but at least it will come out of the seat. I hate seeing people suffer, he looks like his condition is worsening. My own blood boils at the thought of Steven. He’s going to pay dearly for this. The dirt road is littered with stray stones and I can tell that all of this bumping isn’t doing old Charlie any good. The constant pounding in my head doesn’t help,

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