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China's One-Child Policy


Submitted By Bigtrudy
Words 918
Pages 4
Prior to becoming the number one Superpower of the world, China were encouraged to “create manpower”(Clarke) and in consequence lost more than 15 million citizens according to government statistics(Fitzpatrick), during the Great Famine of 1958-1961. Following these man-made disasters and horrible weather conditions, the Chinese population doubled in order to support the demand of an ever changing industry, from farming to steel. Families were encouraged to have children in order to support the demand of China’s fast growing population and to take over the farm once the parents too old to work. In 1979, China put in a One Child-Per-Family Policy (applied only to Han ethnic majority), which meant that couples were restricted to one offspring or heavy fines for any other births following. Many rural families could not afford the large amount, leading to forced abortions, sterilization and thirteen million orphans. Earlier this year, The Chinese Communist ruling Party changed the policy, to now allow families to have two offspring’s and also gave legal status to any baby that violated the policy (orphans).

China is now the world “Superpower”, but at what costs? The 1949 propaganda slogan “The solution is production” (Fitzpatrick) was put in place by the Communist ruling party and this lead to the banning of birth control and banning imports of contraceptives. These turn of events will shape for what was known as the 1958-1961 Great Famine, where many perished only because the Mao Zedong ruling party had implemented “The Great Leap Forward”. A change in the Chinese economy as most farms were transformed into steel factories and this was a problem. Who would feed this doubling and “aging population”(Hayden). Government statistics show that more than 15 million citizens starved to death during this change in the everyday life of the country (Fitzpatrick). Accordingly, to

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