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Chlh Syllabus


Submitted By soxfan2319
Words 1706
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Community Health 260 - Introduction to Medical Ethics – Spring 2014

Stephen J. Notaro, Ph.D. Julie Kumar Carrie Conlisk
Huff Hall, Room 2005 Huff Hall, Room 95A Office hours by appointment
Office hours by appointment Office hours by appointment

Lecture: Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:00-10:50 AM in 112 Huff Hall

Discussion: Mondays 9:00-9:50 AM in 429 Armory

Tuesdays 9:00-9:50 AM in 1002 Huff Hall Wednesdays 12:00-12:50 PM in 429 Armory

Thursday 1:00-1:50 PM in 1002 Huff Hall

Course Description This course will take a community health perspective in introducing students to a wide range of issues in modern medical ethics. It will address research ethics and ethical issues in clinical practice. This course will inform issues of practical, philosophical importance for all members of our society. The Department of Community Health, which is involved in professional preparation and research in areas of health education, health behavior, health administration, and epidemiology, is uniquely equipped to present these issues from a biopsychosocial perspective. The rapid pace of change in clinical practice, basic and applied research, policy development, health law, and other related fields of medical ethics ensure a constant supply of new subject matter. All of us will participate in medical decision making in our lifetimes, as patients or as family members, so this class has the potential to be enormously influential. It will not be taught from a clinical or professional perspective, but rather from community-based approach. At this level of analysis, which examines personal decision-making, social dynamics, policy constraints, economics, and other factors, ethical issues can be viewed in their fullest biopsychosocial context. The objective of this class will be to empower our students with a basic understanding of the forces that shape the medical decisions that they will encounter in their lives. This course will draw on the resources of the Center for Educational Technologies at the University of Illinois and employ a web-based component. Blackboard is web course design software that provides opportunities for student interaction both with instructors and with other students. Compass facilitates discussion groups, interactive writing assignments, grading procedures, and messaging. Lectures and notes created in PowerPoint and Word are archived on Compass, as are course documents. This technology can be utilized to facilitate communication and streamline course management.

Course Tools
Articles are posted in a Compass folder. Readings should be completed before class. i>clicker Compass
Grades, lecture notes, assignments, and discussion material will be accessible on Compass.

Evaluation Examinations (3 @ 150 points each) 450 i>clicker quizzes & Compass assignments 200 Discussion Activities & Projects 350 Total points 1,000

Final grades will be assigned such that the approximate number of grades for the entire class will be as follows: A+ to A- = 90% and above B+ to B- = 80-89% C+ to C- = 70-79% D+ to F = 69% and lower

Students must report any changes with grades within ONE WEEK of when the assignment/grade is posted or handed back to the class.

Three multiple-choice exams and short answer will test material presented in lectures and discussions. Missed exams will be dropped an entire letter grade.

i>clicker Quizzes and Compass Assignments
Attendance is required. Quizzes and participation points will be taken using the i>clicker. Quizzes will be unannounced with points given for taking the quiz and for providing the correct answer. It is your responsibility to bring your i>clicker to each and every class. i>clicker quizzes cannot be made up. REGISTER i>CLICKER BY JAN. 23rd. Throughout the semester there will be several videos shown in class with an associated Compass assignment. You will be notified of Compass assignments in class and via Compass email. For Compass assignments, Assignment Dropboxes will be used. Assignment content, punctuation and grammar will be taken in account for grading. There may also be additional pre-lecture videos with an associated quiz that must be completed before lecture and will be announced in advance. If a student misses lecture for a supported reason he or she has the option of making up lost clicker points by reading an assigned article and answering associated questions. Students are allowed only two classes to be made up via this alternative.

Discussion Activities & Projects
Discussion activities and projects are outlined below in the Discussion Schedule. Activities and projects will help students develop the skills necessary to construct rational arguments to support or oppose an issue that may be controversial. The purpose of discussion is to enhance lecture material. YOU CANNOT GO TO OTHER DISCUSSIONS unless your assigned TA confirms. You will not get credit for coming to another discussion without confirmation from your TA.

Course Rules
Course Rules exist to maximize learning and class time. Non-adherence to course rules can result in being removed from class.
Classroom Rules
Cell phones off in class and put away.
No laptop computers as slides are posted online.
No text messaging in class.
No mp3 players in class.
No private conversations.
Discussion Rules
Staple your assignments and keep an electronic copy.
Follow the instructions of your TA for your discussion group.
You have 7 days after notification of grades being posted on Compass to bring to our attention any discrepancies you believe exists with your grade.
Emails should have “CHLH 260” in the subject line.
The syllabus is tentative and subject to change with notification.

Academic Integrity and Dishonesty
Student Code 1-401 addresses academic integrity. The URL for student code is: All work you submit in the class is assumed to be your own, original work. Assignments done outside of class should be completed on your own. You should not share your work with others. I will pursue any misrepresentation of work, plagiarism and cheating to the fullest extent allowed by the University.

Additional Help
CHLH 260 tutoring will be offered.
Tutoring hours will be held weekly: Monday and Thursday from 5-6 PM in Room 114 Huff.
You must sign up for tutoring hours on Compass via the discussion thread to ensure an Assistant TA is present to assist.
Tutoring is available for questions and assistance; however, making up an assignment for full credit during tutoring hours is only allowed with appropriate documentation and must be done within a week. No late papers will be accepted for full credit without a note from the dean's office. Other late papers can be accepted within a week but will have an additional 10% taken off of the total grade every day it is late. Late papers can be turned in to tutoring hours or through the compass drop-box.

Tentative Lecture Semester Schedule

Week |Date |Topic |Readings | |1 |Jan. 22 |Introduction | | |2 |27 |Moral Philosophy | | |2 |29 |Moral Philosophy (cont’d) i>clicker registration deadline | | |3 |Feb. 3 |Patient Autonomy |Compass | |3 |5 |Informed Consent |Compass | |4 |10 |Advance Directives |Compass | |4 |12 |Truth Telling |Compass | |5 |17 |Futile Treatments |Compass | |5 |19 |EXAM 1 (on material from 1/27 thru 2/17) | | |6 |24 |Physician Assisted Suicide |Compass | |6 |26 |Abortion/Exposing Fetuses to Risk |Compass | |7 |Mar. 3 |Direct-to-Consumer Ads/Drugs and Clinical Trials |Compass | |7 |5 |Adolescent Decision-making |Compass | |8 |10 |Parental Religion & Refusal of Treatment |Compass | |8 |12 |Sports & Medical Ethics | | |9 |17 |Animal Experimentation |Compass | |9 |19 |EXAM 2 (on material 2/24 thru 3/17) | | |10 |24, 26 |SPRING BREAK | | |11 |31 |Speaker | | |11 |Apr. 2 |Disaster Conditions |Compass | |12 |7 |Military Necessity |Compass | |12 |9 |Organ Donation/Selling Body Parts |Compass | |13 |14 |Limiting Health Care to the Elderly | | |13 |16 |Public Health and Individual Liberties | | |14 |21 |HPV Vaccination | | |14 |23 |Speaker | | |15 |28 |Presentations | | |15 |30 |Presentations | | |16 |May 5 |EXAM 3 (on material 3/31 thru 4/30) | | |16 |May 7 |EXAM 3 (on material 3/31 thru 4/30) | | |17 |9-16 |Finals Week | | |

CHLH 260 Medical Ethics – Discussion Schedule – Spring 2013
Week |Date |Class |Assignment | |1 |Jan 11-23 |Introductions and Class Overview |- | |2 |Jan 27-30 |Theories/principles/concepts (T/P/C) |T/P/C worksheet in discussion (10 pts.) | |3 |Feb 3-6 |Review of theories/principles |Case study in discussion (10 pts.) and finish T/P/C worksheet from week 2 | |4 |Feb 10-13 |Exam 1 Review |Review sheet in discussion (5 pts.) | |5 |Feb 17-20 |Exam 1 - No discussions |- | |6 |Feb 24-27 |Article/Peer Case Study |Medical Ethics Article Assignment Due (60 pts.); Peer Case Study in discussion | |7 |Mar 3-6 |Abortion Viewpoints Activity |Worksheet in discussion (10 pts.); Media Project topic due | |8 |Mar 10-13 |Exam 2 Review |Review sheet in discussion (5 pts.)

Midterm Evaluation (no points.) | |9 |Mar 17-20 |Exam 2 - No discussions |- | |10 |Mar 24-27 |Spring Break |- | |11 |Mar 31- Apr 3 |The Ashley Treatment Assignment |Ashley Treatment Assignment due in discussion (60 pts.) | |12 |Apr 7-10 |Disasters Activity |Worksheet in discussion (10 pts.) | |13 |Apr 14-17 |Discussion of Media Project |Media Project due (100 pts.) | |14 |Apr 21-24 |Public Health Activity |Worksheet in discussion (10 pts.) | |15 |Apr 28-May 1 |Exam 3 Review |Review worksheet in discussion (5 pts.) | |16 |May 5-8 |Exam 3 - No discussions |- | |17 |May 12-15 |Finals week – No discussions |- | |
Total Points for Discussion: 350

Upload picture on Compass
5 points
Post by Friday, Jan. 24 at 10 AM.

Discussing & Completing Activities
110 points
Includes engaging in topic discussions, completing worksheets, and participating in other in class activities
Exam Review Worksheets
3 @ 5 points each = 15 points
Completed individually in discussion.

Medical Ethics Article Assignment (directions and rubric on Compass)
60 points- Due Week 6
The Ashley Treatment Assignment (directions and rubric on Compass)
60 points- Due Week 11
Media Project (directions and rubric on Compass)
100 points- Due Week 13

Missed activities can be completed outside of class for half credit and must be turned in to your TA within the week the activities were presented in your discussion group. There is no extra credit work for this course. All missed discussions must be made up outside of the assigned discussion times.

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