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Christmas Break Research Paper

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Let me tell you why my Christmas break was amazing. My Christmas break was amazing because family came to visit, we did fun activities, and I received new presents. Every year my grandmother comes to visit for Christmas and this year my great aunt came too. Neither of them lives in Texas, instead, they live in New Jersey. My Grandma and great aunt spent the new year and some days before and after with us. My other grandmother from Texas spent Christmas morning and Christmas Eve at my house. Over Christmas break, my family and I went to a place I had not visited in a long time. I also received some new toys and games. My cousin and a friend also slept over. One day my family and I went to an arcade called Alley Cats. It has tons of awesome activities such as bowling, laser tag, and arcade games.Alley Cats is an amazing place and we had so much fun there. On another day they were here we went to the museum of science and history. We watched a video …show more content…
I opened a cube-shaped box, it is a toy called a merge cube. This cube is a virtual reality cube. I have played with it a couple of times.It can turn into a world or the universe or a piranha or a spaceship.I also have a VR kit the is an alien shooting game.I also have a buildable robot that I can program but that broke. One of its gyros broke and I wish I knew how to fix it.It is a shame it will not work since it is amazing.My favourite gift for Christmas is a game that is all about the history of world war 2.It has the famous wars and the places that they took place in.It had a ton of different true events like the spy that betrayed their own side. Normally, I enjoy playing video games, so a new game is always fun for me. For Christmas, I received a ton of these tiny bricks building sets. I now have not one or two but ten.There are so many little pieces all over the floor.They are too miniscule to find on their own.I have only found them by stepping on

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