Christopher De Vinck Standardized Testing Rhetorical Analysis
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A Failing Grade for the Notion of More Testing Christopher de Vinck has worked in the education field for over forty years, and through his vast experience he has shown that there are many different ways to test a student that will get the same results that a standardized test should be able to achieve (Vinck 2015). With Vinck’s professional background of fifty years, his ethos, clearly shows that he is able to show the audience of teachers and educational politicians that his opinion on standardized testing to be creditable. The logos of Vinck’s article, show the varying statistics of students and the variables that can cause stress to the students. Politicians believe that teachers are to blame for the lack of high test scores for standardized…show more content… There are a few instances of ethos throughout the article, though it is not as evidence as pathos and logos. The first example of a rhetorical appeal that Vinck used in his article was his first line “For the past 50 years we, as a nation, have been pounding children and teachers with standardized tests for the same reasons: to ‘measure school progress’ and to hold teachers accountable” This sentence uses the fallacy of logos, meaning logic, to make it apparent to the reader that Vinck has a vast amount of experience and clearly is able to write a knowledgeable article about the topic of standardized testing. While the author will be able to fully diverge himself into detail during the article on his point of view on the subject of standardized testing, this sentence allows for the audience to get a brief description of his opinion on the subject at…show more content… “The missing link is not found in the village testing but in chaotic families. The missing link is not in our schools, but politicians can't push parents because they will lose votes, and the business community can't push parents because they will lose customers. So let's blame, and even bully, teachers and schools.”
The next example is an example of pathos, meaning emotions. “The idea of improving schools with standardized testing is now such a cliché thought, and is so unoriginal and boring, that politicians ought to be sent to the principal's office for inattention and laziness.” This sentence brings an emotion to light, that is humor. The sentence is meant to be light and humorous, obviously as Vinck mentions sending the politicians to the principal’s