...Don't forget to check out the Online Learning Center, www.mhhe.com/forouzan for additional resources! Instructors and students using Data Communications and Networking, Fourth Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan will find a wide variety of resources available at the Online Learning Center, www.mhhe.comlforouzan Instructor Resources Instructors can access the following resources by contacting their McGraw-Hill Representative for a secure password. PowerPoint Slides. Contain figures, tables, highlighted points, and brief descriptions of each section. Complete Solutions Manual. Password-protected solutions to all end-of-chapter problems are provided. a Pageout. A free tool that helps you create your own course website. D Instructor Message Board. Allows you to share ideas with other instructors using the text. a o Student Resources The student resources are available to those students using the book. Once you have accessed the Online Learning Center, click on "Student Resources," then select a chapter from the drop down menu that appears. Each chapter has a wealth of materials to help you review communications and networking concepts. Included are: Chapter Summaries. Bulleted summary points provide an essential review of major ideas and concepts covered in each chapter. a Student Solutions Manual. Contains answers for odd-numbered problems. Glossary. Defines key terms presented in the book. Flashcards. Facilitate learning through practice and review. a Animated Figures...
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