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Civil Rights Movement In Kathryn Stockett's The Help

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Have you ever wondered what it was like in the south during the 1960’s from a black woman’s point of view? Kathryn Stockett’s The Help gives people the chance to see the Civil Rights Movement from the eyes of the maids living in the Deep South in the early 1960’s. The Help was about the lives of three different women living in Mississippi during the middle of the Civil Rights Movement. The first woman, Aibileen, was a black maid who had to deal with the struggle of just losing her son due to the unequal treatment in the world as well as take care of a white family who did not respect her as an equal. Another maid, Minny, had the trouble of dealing with an abusive husband and all her children as well as finding a job where she would work well. The last woman in the book, Skeeter, was a white woman who had just come back to town and, when seeing how these maids were being treated along with remembering how much she loved her maid as a child, decided she wanted to do something special to help these maids get recognized for everything they did to help support these families. Therefore, the three put together a book with stories entirely written by black maids that Skeeter eventually was able to publish. …show more content…
The book, The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, gave people a look into the lives of the black women living in the 1960’s, and it showed how through the hard times the women stayed strong, stood up for their rights, and did everything in their power to convince the whites they worked for that they were

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