I. What Is Worldview
Worldview is our underlying philosophy of life, a clear understanding of our worldviews will help us make sense of the issues we are forced to deal with on a daily basis. Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcy states in “How Now Shall We Live “describes our beliefs that directs our decisions and actions with dealing with ethical and unethical situations. Worldviews also, deals with our heart as wee it’s the fundamental of how we are feeling upon a situation. Basically worldviews is the filter that we can compile everything in and just pick what we want or categorized what event to add each decision or problem in.
II. What Is Believed :
1. The Question of Origin- It has been concluded that matter has always existed and given enough time and chance, of things going on around us. According to “Naturalism”, man is a machine, we have very little control over our existence and when the machine break which is over lifespan as we get of age life is over. Pantheist believes that God and the Universe are the same. But Theism contends that everything exists.
2. The Question of Identity - Naturalism is the idea of understanding the nature of things through the scientific theory. It sets up a paradigm for understanding mankind’s relationship to animals. Pantheists consider all life to be scared or spiritual in nature, pantheism teaches a life cycle of reincarnation, which the Pantheists believe that once you past away you can be reformed into an animal and brought back to life.
3. The Question of Meaning / Purpose- Pantheism states that man purpose is to end the cycle of reincarnation so the soul can achieve the state of Nirvana, in Hinduism life is viewed as an illusion. Theists believe that purpose of mankind is to know God; Christianity interprets the Bible as God trying to reach man. Muslims believe that the bible is corrupt and