...place their work in the circumstance of a recognized custom and exhibit their mastery of the canons of the genre. Since Neoclassicism is divergent to modernization, its articulacy and creativeness are considered as merits. Neoclassicism in every art implies a specific rule of traditional replica. Other cultures have supplementary rules of classics, and a habitual strain of neoclassicism materializes as the expected appearance of cultures that are positive of their conventional traditions, and feel the need to reclaim anything that has slithered away. Neoclassical architecture is founded on the beliefs of simplicity and regularity seen as virtues of arts in prehistoric Rome and Greek, and they were drawn from 16th century as renaissance classicism. Neoclassicism gained pressure in England and France via a generation of art students educated in Rome and predisposed by writings of...
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...Individual Essay Equality and inequality of education Classism and Education Submission date 29th Nov 2011 There are several forms of inequality that can be found in education field. Learners maybe treated differently because of their "race, gender , social background ,age, religion and class " (Schniedewind & Daivdson, 1998,p.1). If we take a deeper look into what equality actually applies then it's :all learners should be "treated fairly" and "respected despite their diversity" .and most important that all have the same "equal opportunities" (Schniedewind & Daivdson, 1998,p.1) .The question of how this could be applied in the school community leads us to discover how hard it is to assure equality for all learners, considering that most –if not all- types of inequality and social injustice are implied and may happen "unintentionally". For that, I chose to go deeper in one of the unspoken about forms of inequality which is classism. Trying to uncover some of the claims -as I see it-, and presenting what I do agree it is true in Bahrain. Later on, I will go through some of the programs by the ministry of education in cooperation with schools, in order to close the class gap between students . According to what I have read, many poor people are looked up in their position because of the" institutes' policies and lack of opportunities"((Schniedewind & Daivdson, 1998, p.18) .This also happens in schools that "advantage...
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...Anony Mous Ms. Connolly AP Language 5 January 2009 Medea & “Poetics” Euripides’ Medea, a tale of love, sorrow, and revenge, is, by Aristotle’s standards, a tragedy. The play clearly includes each of the three unities and all of the six elements of theatre, as Aristotle discussed in “Poetics.” However, even though Medea can be accurately categorized as a Greek tragedy, the story lacks a tragic hero. Neither of the two main characters, Medea or Jason, possess all the traits that exist in a tragic hero. According to Aristotle, there are three unities of theatre that make plays more pleasurable for the audience. Euripides employs all three. Medea has unity of action, as it only contains one main plot: Medea’s revenge. This makes the story simple for the audience to follow. There is also unity of time, because all of the action involved in the plot occurs in one day. This action unfolds in only one location: Medea’s home. The latter exemplifies unity of place. For example, when Medea’s children bring Jason’s new bride the poison dress and diadem, the setting does not change to the home of Jason and his wife. Rather, a messenger arrives at Medea’s house to report what has happened to the princess. Euripides’ use of the three unities brings the plot together and makes it easy to understand. In addition to the three unities, Medea includes all six of Aristotle’s elements of theatre. The most important element of theatre is the plot. The...
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...The neo-classicism is an architectural moment that was flourished after the American and the French Revolution. In this period explorers study the past and distant civilizations for an understanding of other cultures; to find new ways how to create mechanical devices to facilitated transportations and commerce. Historian got a closer look to the dates in which important architectural events happened and also became aware of the accomplishment of the various western civilizations. Foremost among these were ancient Greece and Rome, architect will travel to this ruins to study and measure; and after published their findings. It was the century of change, colonial expansion, age of enlightenment, and technological revolution. Neo-classicism was a reaction against the Rococo style, this new language of architecture is evocative and picturesque, a recreation of distant and lost civilizations, framed within the Romantic sensibility that later influence modern architecture and took it to a new direction. The neo-Palladian in England was the first movement to study the revival of classic architecture from the past; its leader was Colen Campbell (1676-1729), a Scottish architect and editor of book “Vitruvius Britannicus”. He designs the Mereworth castle (1723) in kent, like a near replica of the Palladio’s design of Villa Rotonda, but in a larger scale. Campbell attached four Ionic porticos to a simple cube and crowned it with a pyramidal roof and dome. Mereworth also has an incorporated...
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...Sharlin Janar K208 With reference to the learning activities in Week 2, discuss the purpose and functions of the youth justice system in England and Wales in terms of your own practice and experience. Introduction In this assignment I am going to discuss the purpose and functions of the Youth Justice System. I will start by exploring the build up to the legislations that underpins the Youth Justice System which is the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. I will also discuss the purpose and functions of Youth Justice System and how my role contributes to their declared objectives. Finally I will conclude by indicating the effectiveness of the Youth Justice System. Discussion In 1996 a report was published by the Audit Commission titled Misspent Youth: Young People and Crime. An investigation was performed as there were concerns about the way the youth justice system was operating; the system was found to be “Inefficient” and “ineffective” in addressing youth crime. To create a solution to the recognised problems brought to light from Misspent Youth, a White Paper titled No More Excuses was proposed in 1997. Following the recommendations submitted by No more Excuses, this paper provided the groundwork for the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 stipulated that ‘It shall be the principle aim of the youth justice system to prevent offending by children and young persons’ Section 37(1). The act brought about a number of provisions, such as...
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...Compare and contrast classicist and positivist criminology. Classical Criminology was developed in late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. One of the finding fathers of this approach was the Italian philosopher Cesare Baccaria. In 1764, Baccaria published his work On Crime and Punishment in which he protested against often cruel and harsh punishments, based upon the infliction of pain and suffering and appears to propose introduction of new legal system which will be reasonably fair and transparent. Classical criminology suggested that all humans are rational beings and their actions can be understood as “freewill” and crime can be regarded as an irrational judgement. Classicism assumes that people weigh up the cost and benefits of their crimes before they commit them. The focus of classical criminology was based only on the offence not on the individual, all people were treated as alike, judging seriousness of a crime was based on the act alone, and not on intentions or other factors which may influence the individual to commit the crime, for example; first-time offenders were treated the same as serial recidivist. Positivism was emerged in the early nineteenth century. However, it is widely assumed that scientific criminology began when Italian physician Cesare Lombroso published his work The Criminal Man in 1876. Lombroso studied the body shapes of executed criminals, he believed that particular bodily differences, for example skull size could identify and predict...
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...Classical and Neoclassical The classical art period is thought of as a time which expressed itself in architecture, art, music and literature. (Miriam-Webster, 2015) The ancient Greek and Roman cultures embraced order and predictability. During the 15th and 16th centuries classicism spread throughout Europe in many forms, depicting rigorous discipline and training. This art period even promoted the formation of schools of art and music. The Neoclassic art movement began in Europe during the late 1700’s and continued until the early 1800’s. This movement’s goal was to revive ancient Greek and Roman or Classic style in European art. The Neoclassical style highlighted tradition, valor, sacrifice and nationalism which mirrors the style of the classic period The Neoclassic art movement spread through most of Europe, but the French and English artists embraced neoclassical art even more. There were several reasons for the inception of neoclassicism. One of the well-known reasons was the discovery at the ruins of Herculaneum and Pompeii. Ancient artifacts of Classical works were located at these locations. It was noted on Arteducation .com (2015) that German art historian Johann J. Winckelmann commented about classic art. He stated that “noble simplicity and calm grandeur” were the most important aspects. And since the current art movement was the extremely ostentatious baroque and rococo art styles, many artists chose to return to the classic style. In...
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...deconstruct, interpret and evaluate different literary works. Literary critics have borrowed concepts from other disciplines, like linguistics, psychology, and anthropology, to analyze imaginative literature more perceptively. Mass media critics, such as newspaper reviewers, usually spend their time evaluating works—telling us which books are worth reading, which movies not to bother seeing. We usually see literary criticism in a book review or critical essay; however, nowadays the Internet has made all forms of criticism readily available in everything from personal blogs to social media. In this discussion, we will take a look at the different Perspectives and Techniques in Literary Criticism and how they influenced literary works. CLASSICISM Classicism is a specific genre of philosophy, expressing itself in literature, architecture, art, and music.Classicism both as an art style and as the first theory of art was defined by the ancient Greeks, emulated by the Romans, and then continued to appear in various...
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...This is a comparison between action-reaction. The movement of Romanticism was during the same time of Neo-Classicism, and eventually overtakes the movement of Neo-Classicism, and from that point on it’s all about individualism. This is an action reaction work. Both have a horizontal format. The theme of David’s is honor and courage based on an grand theme based on an ancient roman story taken from antiquity, while the other one is a exotic story of an historical event that romantic artists loved and it was based on an actual story, which ends up leading romanticism astray. David was able to create space by creating a foreground, middle ground, and a background. He also employs scientific perspective by creating a focal point where all the swords meet. The orthogonal and transversals played a factor in creating the figures in their placement and their measurement; they are in accurate proportions with each other. He also uses Chiaroscuro, they are modeled with highlights and shadows, their drapery are conveyed with changing colors giving a 3-D effect. He was also able to create shadows. While Delacroix displayed no creation of space, all the figures are flat looking and upfront to the picture frame. The light is coming arbitrarily, coming from all directions at once, which don’t give a sense of depth. He did not care about the precision of the neo-classicism; he expressed the freedom of the artist. David’s figures are idealized in their canons of proportions and also well adapted...
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...on to the old idea of classical styles yet wanting to break free by creating something new which ultimately led to a series of predicaments Contradicting the very idea of space and time, St.Maria Novella exists in the High Renaissance era (1480-1520) but stands as an example of an architectural style which was yet to make its mark in the years to come. It stood as an example of the mannerism era (1520-end of sixteenth century) which would be challenging the very idea of the high renaissance era by the breaking the norms and leading to a beautiful mix of contradiction making it one of the biggest predicaments. On approaching the building, one would question the origin of the architectural style which gives an impression of misguided classicism. The façade makes an attempt at classical language with its entrance, consisting of fluted pilasters framed by noble column on dadoes which bring forth the beauty of Roman Pantheon. However the sight of...
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...19th Century Romanticism The movement began in England, Germany and France and later spread at a phenomenal speed. There were three main components to Romanticism: Religion, Nationalism, and Literature. According to Romantic Art, 2003, the two movements that fought their way to the top in the 19th century were Classicism and Thriving all over the globe, Romanticism made its mark on the history of art. Romanticism. The major difference between the two movements is the focus on nature and the reason behind it. Classicism focuses on nature and how to understand it with reason and thought. Romanticism however, focuses on nature and how to understand it spiritually. The Romantic Art movement lasted from about 1815-1848 and more specifically focused on individualism, imagination, irrationalism, emotions and the triumph of emotions over reason and senses over intellect. Some artists’ work even focused on the mysterious, the occult, the diseased and even satanic, which ties into the religious component of romanticism. In most paintings, the artists would portray their religious interest in the form of symbols, such as cathedrals or crosses and created the mood or attitude towards religion by conducting the color scheme to elicit an emotional response from the viewer. In artistic terms, to try and elicit an emotional response by the viewer is called Expressionism, which is a movement within a movement; romanticism. During the romantic era, art was not the only idea stirring in...
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...history. Figure 1: Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet (1872) Entitled The Impressionists, Leroy's opinion on the group's presentation, which was strictly an attempt to denigrate Monet's Impression Sunrise, instantaneously spawned much ridicule from the salons, colleagues and industry patrons, yet the assortment of artists, including Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Degas, Manet, Sisley and Cezanne, ironically were quite fond of the term and implemented it to describe their artistic vision. When Classicism invaded Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries to usher in the Age of Enlightenment its form dominated societal culture until the rise of "The Rejects" as the Impressionists were referred to. Classicism was based upon strict form and a structured focal point. Impressionism rebelled every established convention of all previous art forms. Its focus was based on freedom or a release from prior constraints and depicted what was actually seen versus the most ascetically pleasing vision. While Classicism strictly adhered to lines, contours and muted colors, Impressionism was much more akin to coloring outside the lines, so to speak. The Impressionists used broken brushstrokes, intense hues of color and implemented the interplay of light within the surface of their works. They wanted to impart a sense of how quickly each moment passes by and how swiftly what we see before us can change. Their method of light interplay and the brushstrokes or points of bright colors adjacent to each other were...
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...Elliot Shimonov An Episode from the Life of Publius Cornelius Scipio Giovani Bellini is a widely known painter of Venetian descent whose work is fundamental in the understanding of the Venetian High Renaissance. His works were inspired by social and political elements which was atypical of the Renaissance culture. However, the Venetian Renaissance came later than the Florentine or Roman Renaissance and by the time of its assumption, studies of sciences such as astronomy, dynamism of the universe, and navigation made Venetians question the nature of everything around them, referring to history for answers. Accordingly, artists focused on the nature of color and other observable natural occurrences, whereas the Florentine and Romans focused on the composition and geometry of that which they depict. Bellini’s 1506 painting An Episode from the Life of Publius Cornelius Scipio is no exception to the Venetian trend; it is nature-inspired and though-provoking, depicting the Roman General Publius Cornelius Scipio and his men gathering hostages after a victory in Carthage. The artwork functioned as a work for a private patron who wanted to honor his old ancestor. The Patron was of Roman descent and it is likely he may have been related to Scipio. Furthermore, Venetians were known to adhere to the past in order to further humanist learning, which suggests that the painting might have also functioned to provoke learning. The text to Scipio’s right, translates to: “To exact love is more...
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...CIN105Y: Introduction to Film Study Modercism Lecture Outline 1. the classical film nothing should be ambiguous. Topic: The Art Film formal attributes Date: 13 January 2015 2. classicism (make people easy to understand ) modernism (ironic, b½ ) „a artistic movement, thing belong to M is futurism, so it is an umbrella term; M was characterized by a stridently self-aware artistic practice and a corresponding break with two other artistic movements: realism and Romanticism (definition of M) realism: we can only trust what we can see and hear, things that actually exist. according to Gustave Courbet: the essence of realism is the negation of the ideal. Agenda: 1) The Relationship between Art Cinema and Modernism 2) Distinguishing Art Cinema from Avant-Garde Cinema 3) Defining the Art Film as a Mode of Film Practice The Relationship between Art Cinema and Modernism • Just as classical cinema shares attributes with a broader body of artistic works that are representative of classicism, art cinema can be understood as an example of modernism. • While art cinema is a film-specific term, modernism is a general term describing broad tendencies within art practice that encompasses many movements that prevailed in the first half of the romanticism: in the contrast of realism; intimacy spirituality, color, twentieth century. aspiration towards the infinite, expressed by every means available to the art • Historically, modernism constituted a break with two nineteenth century...
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...Why did European culture reject rationalism in the 19th century in favor of Romanticism? Culture exists inseparably from human life and reflects all the movements, reforms and changes that happen with people. The end of the eighteenth century witnessed many changes in life of European countries, particularly Industrial Revolution and French Revolution. Certainly, trends in European culture altered together with the changes in people’s outlook and way of life. In the very beginning of the nineteenth century, people changed their perception of the reality. This transfer from Classicism to Romanticism was indisputably the continuation of the processes that dominated in the society of that time. People were tired of the inviolable order that reigned in their life. Almost all countries were monarchies. It meant that life of people was limited and subjected to the kings’ rule. People were oppressed and did not have their needs satisfied. These were the main causes of the French Revolution in 1789 and the Industrial Revolution in England. The aim of people to be free in their opportunities and to raise the living standard drove them in their struggle. Thus, all these events show that people wanted to escape from the established order and, perhaps, to abstract from the daily routine and to pay more attention to their feelings and inner world. The Age of Enlightenment that ruled in the eighteenth century was also called the Age of Reason. The reason was considered the basis...
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