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Clinical Microbiology Lab Final


Submitted By nerdyone
Words 3500
Pages 14
Clinical Microbiology Lab Final

December 13, 2013

Table of content

Gram Stain Technique……………………………………………………………………………………………… page 1

Culture Transfer Technique……………………………………………………………………………………… page 2

Acid-Fast Stain Technique………………………………………………………………………………………… page 3

The importance of the Gram Stain Technique to a physician……………………………………. page 4 The importance of varying shapes/colonies formation of bacteria……………………………. page 5 Spore Stain Technique………………………………………………………………………………………………. page 6

The Importance of incubation/protocol techniques…………………………………………………... page 7

The importance of various types of media for bacterial growth…………………………………. page 7

The importance of biochemical analysis in the microbial process……………………………… page 8 The importance of studying Clinical Microbiology and how the course will assist me in reaching my professional goals……………………….. page 9

Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… page 10

Gram Stain Technique
The Gram Stain is one of the most important differential stains used in bacteriology. (Cappuccino and Sherman, Microbiology A Laboratory Manual) Using the gram stain it is possible to determine purple gram-positive cells (S. aureus) from pink gram-negative cells (E. coli). The results of the Gram Stain make it possible to identify microorganisms by their shape, number and morphology. In a clinical setting these results can help in treatment by identifying the type of microorganism thus determining the type of treatment. When conducting the Gram Stain experiment it is very important to follow all of the procedures and steps to produce the correct results. Technique: Place one drop of sterilized water on the surface of a clean glass slide and spread it evenly over a small area in the center of the glass slide using a sterilized loop. It is important not to use too

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