...Aibhi Biswas M.A English (Final) 4 November 2013 Two need to play this game: ambiguity in Marquez’s the chronicle of a death foretold The chronicle of a death foretold is an ambiguous novella in terms of genre, narration, resolution, aim and in terms of giving agency and power to the reader/ author. The novella can be seen as a parody, a suspense thriller and a detective novel of journalistic trend. The death is the central event but there’s no mystery regarding it rather completely different questions are raised. The aim of this paper is to show that the narrator is distinct from the author but sometimes they intersect. Thus Ronald Barthes statement that the author is dead is not completely true. The authors’ present but it’s not an omnipotent presence, controlling the universal subject (the reader). But this does make the reader all powerful. Barthes implies in his essay Death of the Author. The reader follows the patterns presented by the author but the final impression, overall opinion of the text and the reader’s reaction are not prefigured or controlled by the author. Thus the author and the reader together form the overall value of the text. Raymond Williams explains the formation of the category of Literature, its ever expanding and changing parameters\paradigms are explained in his essay Marxism and Literature. This paper will show the growing value of Latin American Literature, becoming a part of the literary canon, valued as a skillful piece of art. This...
Words: 4090 - Pages: 17
...The feelings I get when reading this story changes over the course of the reading. Happy, sad, and confused all feelings that are explained by the ironic twist ending. Several details in the story led me to change my feelings about the story. Some of the changes led me to figure out the ending before it even happened. {{Thesis statement needed}} During the beginning of the story the reader was led to believe the soldier with the locket had died. With this in mind the reader would be upset that the lovers won’t get to be together in the end. When the author started to foreshadow the ending to the story some people might have gotten confused. If the reader was paying close enough attention and was able to fallow along closely he or she could have figured out the ironic ending....
Words: 346 - Pages: 2
...The Point and View of Dying A short story gives the reader an opportunity to experience a work of literature in a short amount of time. This also leaves the author with less runway to get their key message and points across in their story. There are many different literary concepts or elements that an author may use based on the type of story they are telling. Point of view is one concept that can influence how a story is perceived by the reader based on who is telling the story. First person point of view implies the author is the one narrating the story; while third person point of view implies the narrator is an observer or external narrator (Shakel and Ridl 146-147). This is a high-level explanation of point of view, but gives a base...
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...Bernard MacLaverty called “Secrets”. I will explore on the way the author conveyed loss and suffering as the main themes of the story. “Secrets” helped me to understand how easily life can change instantly : from possession to loss; happiness to suffering. The story “Secrets” is written in a form of a flashback and as it progresses, it introduces the reader to the story’s protagonists: Aunt Mary and ‘the boy’. At the beginning of the story, the author introduces the dying aunt Mary and her nephew she seems distant from. The author then creates a flashback that progressively explains the reason behind the boy’s and aunt’s cold relations. The reader also discovers how the central characters were not always on distant terms, but that they used to share a very close bond. After aunt Mary dies, the boy remembers moments of childhood he shared with aunt Mary, how he betrayed her trust and how aunt Mary never forgave him. Throughout the plot of the tale, the reader is brought in to the themes of loss and suffering. In the beginning of the story, Bernard MacLaverty introduces the reader to the death of aunt Mary. In this the author partially reveals a portion of aunt Mary’s character. “ She lost all the dignity he knew her to have“ This description is provided by aunt Mary’s nephew. ‘She lost’ symbolises loss and ‘dignity’ suggests aunt Mary’s dignified, natural grace she had before her death. This means that during her death, she lost something very important to her as her nature. She was...
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...Everyone comes from a different environment. What influences us in becoming the person we are or meant to be? There are several things that influence our life from utero to birth and then form birth to death. Some are the environment around us while some from the natural aspects like our features which we inherit from our parents. Whatever we do, good or bad, it helps form who we are. Family, education, financial status, are some of the factors that come into play when we think about how an individual is molded into who they are. Or is an individual born with these qualities? Are cold blooded killers naturally born as killers? The environment where you grew in may have a great effect on you. It influences the way you behave and respond to situations. What shapes us and how we...
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...Lessons in Life: What I Gained Reading Tuesdays With Morrie Self-help books seem to be a big seller these days. Everybody in the world today is searching for true happiness, possibly more than ever before. Authors are all too willing to share the secrets of real happiness and how to achieve it, for a modest price of course. In the midst of all these so-called “miracle books,” a Detroit sportswriter named Mitch Albom published a small, unassuming book, Tuesdays With Morrie. For fourteen weeks, and always on a Tuesday, Mitch would sit and talk with his old college professor, Morrie Schwartz. Morrie was an old man, close to death at the hands of ALS. The wisdom that Morrie imparted to Mitch over the course of those fourteen Tuesdays easily outpaces any self-help book, proclaiming to be the cure-all path to happiness. I’ll admit, when I found Tuesdays With Morrie on my reading list for this semester, I didn’t know what to expect. Was this book going to be another “finding true happiness” book like all the...
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...Riley Final Paper Interpretation and Origin of Hamlet Although I enjoyed reading many of the texts throughout the semester during this course, my favorite reading was Hamlet. Only the first part of the book was assigned to read, but I was very interested to hear about the end of the book. I decided that this would be a good opportunity to read the rest of the book and use it for my final paper in the class. Not only did I get to finish the book, I also learned much about the author William Shakespeare and the country of England. I hope to make it clear of my understanding of the text, author, and country in this final paper. Hamlet has not only taught me the importance of family and struggle with fate, but has also given me a better understanding of whom and where the novel originated. The text begins in Denmark where a ghost walks the embankments of Elsinore Castle. The ghost is first discovered by some guards, then by Horatio. Horatio is a close friend and former classmate of Hamlet. The ghost resembles the recently deceased King Hamlet, Hamlet’s father. King Hamlet’s brother, Claudius has inherited the throne and married the king’s widow, Queen Gertrude. Gertrude is Hamlet’s mother. When Horatio and the guards bring Prince Hamlet to see the ghost, it speaks to him. The ghost threateningly states that it is his father’s spirit, and that he was murdered by Claudius. He orders Hamlet to seek revenge on the man who seized his throne and married his wife, and then disappears...
Words: 1402 - Pages: 6
...By this reaction paper I would like to continue our discussion after the presentation of the second chapter of « Crime and American Dream » with Tami Miller, using the reading of the « Crime and American Dream », the first two Chapters. After the reading of the two lasts weeks, of corse between all the reader books, I was mostly influencer by Messner and Rosenfels « Crime and American Dream », not because the authors approach the very popular in US but also worldwide task of the American Dream, which can lead people to achieve their most highly estimated and expected goals but because, I do believe that authors’ statistical data seems to be more real and estimations more correct. Despite of the reading of a new topics, I still have the same question regarding: What is crime and how we can estimate if an act is a...
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...In the short story “The Wilderness” (2013), Elizabeth Tallent argues that opposition is necessary in our lives. Tallent uses the professors life, the professors and students interactions, life and death to support her argument. The authors purpose is to persuade readers to start looking at their own lives in a different way. Tallent’s audience is educated adults. The English professor decided to analyze the way that she interacted with her students and others at school. The professor begins by looking at her herself inwardly. She begins to realize that during her life she made no risks and continued to in a way play it safe. This scenario is seen when the professor is standing completely still in the middle of a roundabout while her students are riding bicycles around her. While she is wearing clothes that are shades of gray, the students are wearing colorful colors. The oppositions between the students and the way that the teacher lived her life is seen here. The professor is still and does not take any risk unlike her students who are carefree and in motion. The professor realized that she just saw her life pass before her eyes and did not have the time to experience life because she spent her time reading and alone. While looking at herself inwardly she begins to realize that she has not changed at all from the time she was a child to now that she is an adult. While she was looking at her life she also analyzed the way that she interacted with the world....
Words: 609 - Pages: 3
...A Dog’s Death Katrina Canter ENG 125- Introduction to Literature Dr. Sarah Bowman July 2, 2012 A Dog’s Death I chose A Dog’s Death to write about because it touched my heart. From the first line, I could tell that it was not going to be a good ending. I have lost animals before and I know what that emptiness feels like. I thought that I could not be whole again without my pet. In the poem, the author takes me through several emotions as well as several images and in the end sadness, sympathy for the owner and then empathy for the actions of the dog before she died (Clugston, 2010). The author uses the reader/response technique so that we can see and feel all the emotions of having a loved one die, whether it is a pet or a human being. The author sets the tone in the first line when he says that the dog must have been kicked or hit by a car (Clugston, 2010). The tone is apprehensive in the beginning because the dog is not acting as rambunctious as a puppy normally would, when the author talks about “her shy malaise” (Clugston, 2010). The tone goes from apprehensive to worry when the owner finds the dog under the bed barely alive. Then when the dog dies in his arms, there is grief and sadness. The last emotion in the poem is sympathy for the dog because even when she was dying, she still tried to please her owner by dragging herself over to the paper because she had diarrhea. When reading this poem, the author uses image to show me how the dog was...
Words: 777 - Pages: 4
... The author sets out to show that newly uncovered risk factors in heart disease may help doctors and patients to recognize those who might be at higher risk of dying from heart incidents, and encourage them to pay close attention to maintaining their hearts healthy. The author’s evidence was supported from a report in the British Medical Journal's Health. The research was conducted by a team of physicians from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center One notable source from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center is a physician named Dr. Elsayed Z. Soliman. The doctor’s input was instrumental in holding my attention and further solidified the article’s authentication. Dr. Elsayed Z. Soliman explained “Identifying specific predictors that separate the risk of sudden cardiac death from that of non-fatal or not immediately fatal heart attacks would be the first step to address this problem, which was the basis for our study” (Time Magazine healthland,2011) He included other useful information such as risk factors that include ethnicity, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and an ECG report. These risk factors could be signals for other unseen factors like lifestyle, access to health care, health insurance and chronic illness. Dr. Elsayed Z. Soliman presented sufficient information to understand the concepts of heart disease risk factors. The author’s position and argument was easily understood and it was a stimulating read. In addition, while there were some areas the author could...
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...It isn’t always words themselves, like with the connection between Hans and Liesel. They bonded on basically a lack of words, because they had an unspoken understanding that she did not want to talk about what happened to her before she lived with them. He also stayed with her to comfort her, even though they did not speak. They later connect when he shows her the beauty of words, as well as reading itself. For Liesel and Ilsa, the connection isn’t their words, but the words of the authors of the books that they both love. Liesel knows that Rosa loves her, despite the not so loving words she uses when she speaks to her, however it is...
Words: 1999 - Pages: 8
...be the one to do so and Richard being her Husband friend would also comfort her also with his presence. This short story is very literary capturing because it’s a story that many people can relate to and have experience some type of close death in the family. Also they with the way it was handle to break the news to her about her husband death; this is something that also many can relate to especially if they are also dealing with health issues their self. What also was literary capturing with this story was the way family members and friends took inconsideration to tell her the news about her husband being passed away. Even though the story that was told was very sorrowing the way it was said it seem as if the author put a lot of thought into the way she went about what was said. The details of the grief she felt was very literary capturing in this story. The author of this story also went into great detail to make the reader feel as if they was there and had experience this sad sorrow themselves. The way the author would build you with the leading details to how the tragedy happens and how much grief Mrs. Mallard was in was also very capturing. You being the reader would think that the author was either talking about herself for experiencing death in such a tragic way, that this short story was written about themselves. To believe that a story could be told in such detail and grieving way being the reader makes it very...
Words: 793 - Pages: 4
...civilizing mission, and the critic values work which furthers that end: promotes tolerance, social justice, sensitivity to individual wishes and talents, etc. 2. Topical/Historical/Biographical - Critics see works as the reflection of an author's life and times (or of the characters' life and times). They believe it is necessary to know about the author and the political, economical, and sociological context of his times in order to truly understand his works. - Poems are placed in their historical context — to explain not only their allusions and particular use of words, but the conventions and expectations of the times. The approach may be evaluative (i.e. the critic may suggest ways of responding to the poem once the perspective is corrected), or may simply use it as historical data. - a poem may be used to illuminate the writer's psychology, or as biographic data. No less than the correspondence, remembered conversations, choice of reading matter, the poem is analyzed for relevance to its author. 3. New Critical Formalist - A formalistic approach to literature, once called New Criticism, involves a close reading of the text. Formalistic critics believe that all information essential to the interpretation of a work must be found within the work itself; there is no need to bring in outside information about the history, politics, or society of the time, or about the author's life. Formalistic critics (presumably) do not view works through the lens of feminism, psychology...
Words: 1514 - Pages: 7
...Reginald Murray Dr. Hall English 132 Death Itself The act of dying; the end of life the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism is the definition of death. I feel like poets devote their time and energy to this subject a lot because it is something that happens in reality that can effect a lot of people. You cannot hide from it because soon as your born you are already dying. They also talk about it because it is rarely talked about. People do not like to talk about death. We benefit the knowledge of it from reading the authors work. It seems scary but it is not. Maybe they had a real close experience with death to be so in depth and write about it. Reading a real creepy death poem at night can send chills down your spine. It could have come from the old days of people not knowing much about death to talk so much about it to eventually writing poems about death. Poetry enables any poet to meditate upon and emotionally and lyrically respond to death, whether the death of a stranger, a loved one, oneself, or just the fact of death itself. Death is a small word that is so powerful and has the ability to change some ones mood. Just the thought of it makes you think of something bad or somebody close to you that died. In the first stanza of "To an Athlete Dying Young" the athlete is prized for winning their town the race. The town people seemed to love him a lot and thought of him as a hero kind of. He seemed to be back in the day to be carried...
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