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Cognitive Psychology


Submitted By osnapitsanika
Words 2688
Pages 11
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology studies our mental processes or cognitions. These mental processes that cognitive psychologists focus on include memory, perception, thinking and language. The main concern of cognitive psychology is how information received from our senses is processed by the brain and how this processing directs how we behave.
Strengths of COGNITIVE approach Example from Core Study
1 High levels of control in laboratory conditions Baron-Cohen they were able to select participants with the desired characteristics and maintain a standard procedure. By controlling variables, cause and effect can be established, in this case the effect that autism and AS have on theory on mind skills
2 May be able to help those with cognitive problems and may lead to practical applications for teaching/treatment For example the study by Loftus and palmer offers us an insight into the factors that can affect the reliability of eyewitness testimony, in particular the use of leading questions in interviews which can distort a witness’s memory of an event. This could prove vital for police questioning techniques.
3 Increases our understanding of cognitive abilities For example, Baron-Cohen’s study, he has demonstrated how autistic people are not able to conceive of what other people are feeling as easily as non-autistic people i.e. not capable of ‘mind reading’. This is shown because the autistic/AS participants scored less well on the eye task than the non-autistic sample. This is useful research because it can help people know how best to communicate with and treat autistic children.

Weaknesses of COGNITIVE approach Example from Core Study
1 Laboratory research may have low ecological validity For example in the study by Loftus and Palmer films car crashes were used as it would have been difficult to stage realistic crashes in a laboratory setting. As a

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