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Colin Kaernicke Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages 3
Pro Athlete Colin Kaepernick began refusing to stand for the national anthem. Many felt like Kaepernick could do it at a better time and was taking it too far. Do you think he took it to far by bring politics into patriotism? The pro athlete had not gone to far because people need to think about what he's saying, this was the best way to get what he had to say out, and other athletes have brought politics into patriotism before. People think he’s disrespecting the flag before they think about what he's trying to say. The flag is supposed to represent the people who fought for our freedom and rights. Some African Americans are treated differently and don’t have those rights. He’s trying to tell people he doesn’t feel equal, people ignore that and think he’s disrespecting the flag. According to the author, Tim Wendel, “It is our loss if we refuse to listen”. We only think he’s disrespecting the flag but not what he’s doing. If the flag represents our freedom then the people who treat African Americans are the ones really disrespecting the flag. We need to pay attention to what he’s doing and not what other think he’s doing. …show more content…
Colin Kaepernick noticed news channels were abandoning the topic about race. Not standing for the Star-Spangled Banner got a lot of attention, got his word out, and brought it back in topic. If he did it another way it may not have gotten out. Tim Wendel says, “ important discussion about race, class and violence in this country was almost abandoned by the news media.” Colin was showing he was not ok with what was happening. “The important thing Kaepernick and others have done is keep it in conversation”, sas Gregg Popovich. This was the best way to prove him point and get it out to the

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